PROGRAM dsitest ! This program tests the performance of DOUBLE-PRECISION codes which ! calculate the sine-integral special function, defined as ! DPSINT(x) = integral from 0 to x of {sin(t)/t} dt ! The program compares the value of DPSINT(x+h) with the Taylor ! series value about x. The derivatives of DPSINT at x are ! generated by a standard recurrence relation. ! The program assumes the sine-integral is calculated in a ! function with the name DPSINT. Thus users should append their ! Si code at the end of this file and edit the small DPSINT ! function to include the name of their code. ! The program uses Cody's MACHAR subroutine to determine certain ! machine parameters. This can be avoided if values for the following ! parameters are available: EPS, IT, IBETA, MACHEP, XMAX, XMIN. ! Values for certain machine-compiler combinations are given in ! W.J. CODY Algorithm 665: MACHAR: A subroutine to dynamically ! determine machine parameters, ACM Trans. Math. Soft. 14 (1988) 303-311. ! The MACHAR code and a random generator code written by Cody ! are included in this file, though the name has been changed ! to DMACHR. ! To ensure that DMACHR and the argument purification section ! work as intended, this code should be compiled with any ! optimisation switched OFF. ! Users should note that MACHAR tests the machine arithmetic ! at its very limits. Thus it is possible that warning messages ! might appear about underflows and similar events. These DO ! NOT affect the test results. Such warnings can be avoided ! by explicitly declaring the necessary machine parameters. ! MODULES USED: ! This code calls the following modules: ! (a) DSIDER contained in this file ! (b) DPSINT contained in the file DPSINT.F ! (c) DMACHR, DREN and DTERMS contained in the file SICISUBD.F ! AUTHOR: Allan MacLeod ! Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics ! University of Paisley ! Scotland ! (e-mail: IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) INTEGER :: i, ibeta, ipt, it, itest, ndec, nterms, nt1, nt2, numeq, & numla, numsm, tstart(8), tend(8) REAL (dp) :: cider(0:100), ait, al, albeta, au, cix, ciy, delta, div, erloss, & ERR, hint, maxerr, maxpt, relerr, rmserr, sum, temp, x, y, z REAL :: dren, time_taken ! Define constants REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: alow(5) = (/ 0.25_dp, 2.0_dp, 4.0_dp, 8.0_dp, & 13.5_dp /) REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: aup(5) = (/ 0.375_dp, 2.5_dp, 4.5_dp, 8.5_dp, & 14.0_dp /) REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: pt0625 = 0.0625_dp, sixten = 16.0_dp, half = 0.5_dp REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp, eps = EPSILON(one) REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: gamma = 0.57721566490153286061_dp REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: xmin = TINY(one), xmax = HUGE(one) ! IOUT = output channel number ! NPTS = number of test points per interval INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iout = 6, npts = 5000, ntest = 5 INTERFACE FUNCTION dsinint(xvalue) RESULT(fn_val) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14,60) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: xvalue REAL (dp) :: fn_val END FUNCTION dsinint END INTERFACE ! DETERMINE MACHINE PARAMETERS ibeta = RADIX( one ) it = DIGITS( one ) ait = DBLE(it) albeta = LOG(DBLE(ibeta)) ndec = ABS( INT( LOG10( DBLE(ibeta) * eps ) - half ) ) CALL DATE_AND_TIME( VALUES=tstart ) ! START TESTS DO itest = 1 , ntest al = alow(itest) au = aup(itest) hint = ( au - al ) / DBLE(npts) ! DETERMINE HOW MANY DERIVATIVES ARE NEEDED CALL dterms(ABS(al), eps, nt1) CALL dterms(ABS(au), eps, nt2) nterms = nt1 IF ( nt2 > nt1 ) nterms = nt2 ! SET UP STATISTICS COLLECTION maxerr = zero rmserr = zero maxpt = zero numsm = 0 numla = 0 delta = pt0625 IF ( itest == 2 .OR. itest == 3 ) delta = -pt0625 DO ipt = 1 , npts x = al + hint * dren(nren) ! PURIFY ARGUMENT SO THAT ( X + DELTA ) IS EXACT z = sixten * x temp = z + x x = temp - z y = x + delta ! CALCULATE SI(Y) AND SI(X+DELTA) siy = dsinint(y) six = dsinint(x) CALL dsider(x, nterms, ndec, sder) sum = sder(nterms) div = DBLE(nterms) + one DO i = 0 , nterms-1 sum = sum * delta / div + sder(nterms-1-i) div = div - one END DO sum = delta * sum ! DETERMINE ERROR AND UPDATE STATS ERR = ( siy - six ) - sum IF ( ERR < zero ) numsm = numsm + 1 IF ( ERR > zero ) numla = numla + 1 relerr = ABS(ERR/siy) rmserr = rmserr + relerr * relerr IF ( relerr > maxerr ) THEN maxerr = relerr maxpt = x END IF al = al + hint END DO ! OUTPUT RESULTS FOR EACH TEST INTERVAL rmserr = SQRT(rmserr/DBLE(npts)) WRITE(iout, 1000) WRITE(iout, 1010) alow(itest), aup(itest), npts erloss = ait + LOG(rmserr) / albeta IF(erloss < zero) erloss = zero WRITE(iout, 1020) rmserr, erloss WRITE(iout, 1030) maxerr, maxpt erloss = ait + LOG(maxerr) / albeta IF(erloss < zero) erloss = zero WRITE(iout, 1040) erloss numeq = npts - ( numsm + numla ) WRITE(iout, 1050) numsm, numeq, numla END DO ! TEST SI(X) + SI(-X) = 0.0 WRITE(iout, 1100) WRITE(iout, 1110) DO i = 1 , 20 x = dren(nren) + DBLE(i-1) y = dsinint(x) + dsinint(-x) WRITE(iout, 1120) x, y END DO ! PRINT VALUES OF SI(XMAX) = PI/2 AND SI(XMIN) = XMIN WRITE(iout, 1200) y = dsinint(xmax) WRITE(iout, 1210) y WRITE(iout, 1220) xmin y = dsinint(xmin) WRITE(iout, 1230) y CALL DATE_AND_TIME( VALUES=tend ) time_taken = 3600.*(tend(5) - tstart(5)) + 60.*(tend(6) - tstart(6)) + & (tend(7) - tstart(7)) + 0.001*(tend(8) - tstart(8)) WRITE(iout, 1240) time_taken STOP ! FORMAT STATEMENTS 1000 FORMAT(/////t11, 'TEST OF SI(X+DELTA) AGAINST TAYLOR SERIES') 1010 FORMAT(/t11, 'TEST CARRIED OUT ON ', f9.4, ' TO ', f9.4, ' WITH ', & i5, ' ARGUMENTS') 1020 FORMAT(//t11, 'RMS ERROR = ', e15.6, ' IS A LOSS OF', & f8.3, ' SIGNIFICANT DIGITS') 1030 FORMAT(//t11, 'MAX ERROR = ', e15.6, ' OCCURRED AT X = ', f10.4) 1040 FORMAT(/t11, 'THIS IS A LOSS OF ', f8.3, ' SIGNIFICANT DIGITS') 1050 FORMAT(///t11, i6, ' ARGUMENTS GAVE POSITIVE ERROR', / & t11, i6, ' ARGUMENTS GAVE NO ERROR', / & t11, i6, ' ARGUMENTS GAVE NEGATIVE ERROR') 1100 FORMAT(/////t11, 'SPECIAL TESTS') 1110 FORMAT(///t11, 'TEST OF SI(X) + SI(-X) = 0.0', // & t11, 'VALUE OF X', t31, 'VALUE OF SI(X)+SI(-X)') 1120 FORMAT(/t11, f10.4, t36, d16.5) 1200 FORMAT(/////t11, 'CALCULATE SI(XMAX) - SHOULD RETURN PI/2') 1210 FORMAT(/t11, 'VALUE OF SI(XMAX) = ', e15.5) 1220 FORMAT(///t11, 'CALCULATE SI(XMIN) - SHOULD RETURN XMIN =', e15.5) 1230 FORMAT(/t11, 'VALUE OF SI(XMIN) = ', e15.5) 1240 FORMAT(/t11, 'Time taken = ', f8.2, 'sec.') CONTAINS SUBROUTINE dterms(x, eps, mval) ! This subroutine determines how many derivatives of Si or Ci ! are needed at the point X, so that the Taylor series with this no. ! of terms has a truncation error less than EPS in the ! relative sense. The no. of terms needed is stored in MVAL. ! INPUT PARAMETERS: ! X - DOUBLE PRECISION - The value at which the derivative is wanted. ! EPS - DOUBLE PRECISION - The relative error wanted in the Taylor series. ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! MVAL - INTEGER - The required no. of terms ! AUTHOR: Allan MacLeod ! Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics ! University of Paisley ! High St. ! Paisley ! SCOTLAND ! PA1 2BE ! (e-mail: REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: eps INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: mval REAL (dp) :: con1, con2, fmid, four, lower, & mid, one, sixten, tol, two, upper, zero DATA zero, tol, one/0.0D0, 0.1D0, 1.0D0/ DATA two, four, sixten/2.0D0, 4.0D0, 16.0D0/ con1 = LOG ( four * EXP(x) / eps ) con2 = LOG ( sixten * x ) upper = con1 / con2 IF ( upper <= one ) THEN mval = 1 RETURN END IF lower = one 100 mid = ( upper + lower ) / two IF ( ABS(mid-lower) < tol ) THEN mval = INT(mid) + 1 GO TO 200 END IF fmid = LOG(mid) + mid * con2 - con1 IF ( fmid >= zero ) THEN upper = mid ELSE lower = mid END IF GO TO 100 200 RETURN END SUBROUTINE dterms SUBROUTINE dsider(x, nmax, ndigs, sder) ! This subroutine calculates the necessary number of derivatives ! of Si by using the recurrence relation code of Gautschi and Klein ! from Comm. ACM., vol. 13 1970 pp53-54. ! INPUT PARAMETERS: ! X - DOUBLE PRECISION - Value of argument ! NMAX - INTEGER - Max. no of derivatives ! NDIGS - INTEGER - No. of decimal digits of accuracy wanted ! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ! SDER - DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY - The values of the derivatives ! MODULES CALLED: ! This subroutine calls the function DTLNTI which is contained ! in the file SICISUBD.FOR ! AUTHOR: Allan MacLeod ! Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics ! University of Paisley ! Scotland ! (e-mail: REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmax INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: ndigs REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: sder(0:nmax) INTEGER :: n, nlim, nu, n0 REAL (dp) :: dtlnti, d1, expone, one, sigma(4), s1, ten, two, x1, zero DATA zero, one, two, ten/0.0D0, 1.0D0, 2.0D0, 10.0D0/ ! SET UP INITIAL PARAMETERS FOR RECURRENCE x1 = ABS(x) sigma(1) = COS(x) sigma(2) = -SIN(x) sigma(3) = -sigma(1) sigma(4) = -sigma(2) n0 = INT(x1) IF ( x /= zero ) THEN sder(0) = sigma(4) / x ELSE sder(0) = one END IF IF ( n0 <= nmax ) THEN nlim = n0 ELSE nlim = nmax END IF ! USE FORWARD RECURRENCE UP TO A CERTAIN VALUE DO n = 1 , nlim sder(n) = ( sigma(n-4*((n-1)/4)) - DBLE(n) * sder(n-1)) / x END DO ! USE BACKWARD RECURRENCE FOR REMAINDER IF ( n0 < nmax ) THEN expone = EXP(one) s1 = zero d1 = DBLE(ndigs) * LOG(ten) + LOG(two) IF ( nmax <= INT(expone*x1) ) THEN nu = 1 + INT ( expone * x1 * dtlnti(d1/(expone*x1)) ) ELSE nu = 1 + INT ( DBLE(nmax) * dtlnti(d1/DBLE(nmax)) ) END IF DO n = nu , n0+2 , -1 s1 = ( sigma(n-4*((n-1)/4)) - x * s1 ) / DBLE(n) IF ( n <= (nmax+1) ) sder(n-1) = s1 END DO END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE dsider FUNCTION dtlnti(y) RESULT(fn_val) ! This function solves the equation ! y = t ln(t) ! for a given value of y. It is not intended to be very accurate. ! INPUT PARAMETER: ! Y - DOUBLE PRECISION - Given value of y. ! AUTHOR: Allan MacLeod ! Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics ! University of Paisley ! High St. ! Paisley ! SCOTLAND ! PA1 2BE ! (e-mail: REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: y REAL (dp) :: fn_val ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: f0, fd, t0, t1 REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: one = 1.0_dp, tol = 0.05_dp t0 = ( y + y ) / ( one + LOG(y) ) DO f0 = t0 * LOG(t0) - y fd = one + LOG(t0) t1 = t0 - f0 / fd IF ( ABS(t0-t1) > tol ) THEN t0 = t1 ELSE EXIT END IF END DO fn_val = t1 RETURN END FUNCTION dtlnti END PROGRAM dsitest