MODULE find_subsets ! A module of routines for finding and recording best-fitting subsets of ! regression variables ! Version 1.10, 17 February 2004 ! Author: Alan Miller ! formerly of CSIRO Division of Mathematical & Information Sciences ! Phone: (+61) 3 9592-5085 ! e-mail: amiller @ ! WWW-page: ! 17 Feb 2004 Correction to subroutine EFROYM for the case in which all the ! variables are selected. Thanks to David Jones. ! 12 Nov 1999 Made changes to routines exadd1 & add2 to prevent the calculation ! of negative residual sums of squares which could occur in cases ! in which the true RSS is zero. Routine seq2 changed to avoid ! cycling. ! 24 May 2000 Changed lsq_kind to dp (cosmetic change only) ! 4 June 2000 Added routine random_pick which picks a random set of variables. ! 29 Aug 2002 Set value of size in subroutine EFROYM when IER /= 0. USE lsq IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, SAVE :: max_size, nbest, lopt_dim1 REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: bound(:), ress(:,:) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: lopt(:,:) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_subsets(nvar_max, fit_const, nvar) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nvar_max LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: fit_const INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: nvar ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, ier REAL (dp) :: eps = 1.E-14 LOGICAL :: lindep(ncol) ! The LSQ module has probably already been initialized, but just in case .. IF (.NOT. initialized) THEN IF (PRESENT(nvar)) CALL startup(nvar, fit_const) END IF IF (fit_const) THEN max_size = nvar_max + 1 ELSE max_size = nvar_max END IF lopt_dim1 = max_size * (max_size + 1) / 2 IF (ALLOCATED(bound)) DEALLOCATE(bound, ress, lopt) ALLOCATE (bound(max_size), ress(max_size,nbest), lopt(lopt_dim1,nbest)) bound = HUGE(eps) ress = HUGE(eps) lopt = 0 CALL tolset(eps) CALL sing(lindep, ier) CALL ss() DO i = 1, max_size CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE init_subsets SUBROUTINE add1(first, last, ss, smax, jmax, ier) ! Calculate the reduction in residual sum of squares when one variable, ! selected from those in positions FIRST .. LAST, is added in position FIRST, ! given that the variables in positions 1 .. FIRST-1 (if any) are already ! included. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: jmax, ier REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: ss(:), smax ! Local variables INTEGER :: j, inc, pos, row, col REAL (dp) :: zero = 0.0_dp, diag, dy, ssqx, sxx(ncol), sxy(ncol) ! Check call arguments jmax = 0 smax = zero ier = 0 IF (first > ncol) ier = 1 IF (last < first) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0) RETURN ! Accumulate sums of squares & products from row FIRST sxx(first:last) = zero sxy(first:last) = zero inc = ncol - last pos = row_ptr(first) DO row = first, last diag = d(row) dy = diag * rhs(row) sxx(row) = sxx(row) + diag sxy(row) = sxy(row) + dy DO col = row+1, last sxx(col) = sxx(col) + diag * r(pos)**2 sxy(col) = sxy(col) + dy * r(pos) pos = pos + 1 END DO pos = pos + inc END DO ! Incremental sum of squares for a variable = SXY * SXY / SXX. ! Calculate whenever sqrt(SXX) > TOL for that variable. DO j = first, last ssqx = sxx(j) IF (SQRT(ssqx) > tol(j)) THEN ss(j) = sxy(j)**2 / sxx(j) IF (ss(j) > smax) THEN smax = ss(j) jmax = j END IF ELSE ss(j) = zero END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE add1 SUBROUTINE add2(first, last, smax, j1, j2, ier) ! Calculate the maximum reduction in residual sum of squares when 2 ! variables, selected from those in positions FIRST .. LAST, are ! added, given that the variables in positions 1 .. FIRST-1 (if ! any) are already included. J1, J2 are the positions of the two ! best variables. N.B. J2 < J1. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: j1, j2, ier REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: smax ! Local variables INTEGER :: start, i1, i2, row, pos1, pos2, inc REAL (dp) :: zero = 0.0_dp, temp, det, two = 2.0, sxx(ncol), sxy(ncol), sx1x2 ! Check call arguments smax = zero j1 = 0 j2 = 0 ier = 0 IF (first > ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= first) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0) RETURN start = row_ptr(first) ! Cycle through all pairs of variables from those between FIRST & LAST. DO i1 = first, last sxx(i1) = d(i1) sxy(i1) = d(i1) * rhs(i1) pos1 = start + i1 - first - 1 DO row = first, i1-1 temp = d(row) * r(pos1) sxx(i1) = sxx(i1) + temp*r(pos1) sxy(i1) = sxy(i1) + temp*rhs(row) pos1 = pos1 + ncol - row - 1 END DO DO i2 = first, i1-1 pos1 = start + i1 - first - 1 pos2 = start + i2 - first - 1 sx1x2 = zero DO row = first, i2-1 sx1x2 = sx1x2 + d(row)*r(pos1)*r(pos2) inc = ncol - row - 1 pos1 = pos1 + inc pos2 = pos2 + inc END DO sx1x2 = sx1x2 + d(i2)*r(pos1) ! Calculate reduction in RSS for pair I1, I2. ! The sum of squares & cross-products are in: ! ( SXX(I1) SX1X2 ) ( SXY(I1) ) ! ( SX1X2 SXX(I2) ) ( SXY(I2) ) det = MAX( (sxx(i1) * sxx(i2) - sx1x2**2), zero) temp = SQRT(det) IF (temp < tol(i1)*SQRT(sxx(i2)) .OR. & temp < tol(i2)*SQRT(sxx(i1))) CYCLE temp = ((sxx(i2)*sxy(i1) - two*sx1x2*sxy(i2))*sxy(i1) + sxx(i1)*sxy(i2)**2) & / det IF (temp > smax) THEN smax = temp j1 = i1 j2 = i2 END IF END DO ! i2 = first, i1-1 END DO ! i1 = first, last RETURN END SUBROUTINE add2 SUBROUTINE bakwrd(first, last, ier) ! Backward elimination from variables in positions FIRST .. LAST. ! If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are forced in. ! If LAST < ncol, variables in positions after this are forced out. ! On exit, the array VORDER contains the numbers of the variables ! in the order in which they were deleted. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables INTEGER :: pos, jmin, i REAL (dp) :: ss(last), smin ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0) RETURN ! For POS = LAST, ..., FIRST+1 call DROP1 to find best variable to ! find which variable to drop next. DO pos = last, first+1, -1 CALL drop1(first, pos, ss, smin, jmin, ier) CALL exdrop1(first, pos, ss, smin, jmin) IF (jmin > 0 .AND. jmin < pos) THEN CALL vmove(jmin, pos, ier) IF (nbest > 0) THEN DO i = jmin, pos-1 CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO END IF END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE bakwrd SUBROUTINE drop1(first, last, ss, smin, jmin, ier) ! Calculate the increase in the residual sum of squares when the variable in ! position J is dropped from the model (i.e. moved to position LAST), ! for J = FIRST, ..., LAST-1. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: jmin, ier REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: ss(:), smin ! Local variables INTEGER :: j, pos1, inc, pos, row, col, i REAL (dp) :: large = HUGE(1.0_dp), zero = 0.0_dp, d1, rhs1, d2, x, wk(last), & vsmall = TINY(1.0_dp) ! Check call arguments jmin = 0 smin = large ier = 0 IF (first > ncol) ier = 1 IF (last < first) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0) RETURN ! POS1 = position of first element of row FIRST in r. pos1 = row_ptr(first) inc = ncol - last ! Start of outer cycle for the variable to be dropped. DO j = first, last d1 = d(j) IF (SQRT(d1) < tol(j)) THEN ss(j) = zero smin = zero jmin = j GO TO 50 END IF rhs1 = rhs(j) IF (j == last) GO TO 40 ! Copy row J of R into WK. pos = pos1 DO i = j+1, last wk(i) = r(pos) pos = pos + 1 END DO pos = pos + inc ! Lower the variable past each row. DO row = j+1, last x = wk(row) d2 = d(row) IF (ABS(x) * SQRT(d1) < tol(row) .OR. d2 < vsmall) THEN pos = pos + ncol - row CYCLE END IF d1 = d1 * d2 / (d2 + d1 * x**2) DO col = row+1, last wk(col) = wk(col) - x * r(pos) pos = pos + 1 END DO rhs1 = rhs1 - x * rhs(row) pos = pos + inc END DO 40 ss(j) = rhs1 * d1 * rhs1 IF (ss(j) < smin) THEN jmin = j smin = ss(j) END IF ! Update position of first element in row of r. 50 IF (j < last) pos1 = pos1 + ncol - j END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE drop1 SUBROUTINE efroym(first, last, fin, fout, size, ier, lout) ! Efroymson's stepwise regression from variables in positions FIRST, ! ..., LAST. If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are ! forced in. If LAST < ncol, variables in positions after this are ! forced out. ! A report is written to unit LOUT if LOUT >= 0. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last, lout INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: size, ier REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: fin, fout ! Local variables INTEGER :: jmax, jmin, i REAL (dp) :: one = 1.0, eps, zero = 0.0, ss(last), smax, base, var, f, smin ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (fin < fout .OR. fin <= zero) ier = ier + 256 IF (nobs <= ncol) ier = ier + 512 IF (ier /= 0) THEN size = 0 RETURN END IF ! EPS approximates the smallest quantity such that the calculated value of ! (1 + EPS) is > 1. It is used to test for a perfect fit (RSS = 0). eps = EPSILON(one) ! SIZE = number of variables in the current subset size = first - 1 ! Find the best variable to add next 20 CALL add1(size+1, last, ss, smax, jmax, ier) IF (nbest > 0) CALL exadd1(size+1, smax, jmax, ss, last) ! Calculate 'F-to-enter' value IF (size > 0) THEN base = rss(size) ELSE base = rss(1) + ss(1) END IF var = (base - smax) / (nobs - size - 1) IF (var < eps*base) THEN ier = -1 f = zero ELSE f = smax / var END IF IF (lout >= 0) WRITE(lout, 900) vorder(jmax), f 900 FORMAT(' Best variable to add: ', i4, ' F-to-enter = ', f10.2) ! Exit if F < FIN or IER < 0 (perfect fit) IF (f < fin .OR. ier < 0) RETURN ! Add the variable to the subset (in position FIRST). IF (lout >= 0) WRITE(lout, '(50x, "Variable added")') size = size + 1 IF (jmax > first) CALL vmove(jmax, first, ier) DO i = first, MIN(jmax-1, max_size) CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO ! See whether a variable entered earlier can be deleted now. 30 IF (size <= first) GO TO 20 CALL drop1(first+1, size, ss, smin, jmin, ier) CALL exdrop1(first+1, size, ss, smin, jmin) var = rss(size) / (nobs - size) f = smin / var IF (lout >= 0) WRITE(lout, 910) vorder(jmin), f 910 FORMAT(' Best variable to drop: ', i4, ' F-to-drop = ', f10.2) IF (f < fout) THEN IF (lout >= 0) WRITE(lout, '(50x, "Variable dropped")') CALL vmove(jmin, size, ier) IF (nbest > 0) THEN DO i = jmin, size-1 CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO END IF size = size - 1 GO TO 30 END IF IF (size >= last) RETURN GO TO 20 END SUBROUTINE efroym SUBROUTINE exadd1(ivar, smax, jmax, ss, last) ! Update the NBEST subsets of IVAR variables found from a call ! to subroutine ADD1. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ivar, jmax, last REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: smax, ss(:) ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: zero = 0.0_dp, ssbase, sm, temp, wk(last) INTEGER :: i, j, ltemp, jm IF (jmax == 0) RETURN IF (ivar <= 0) RETURN IF (ivar > max_size) RETURN ltemp = vorder(ivar) jm = jmax sm = smax IF (ivar > 1) ssbase = rss(ivar-1) IF (ivar == 1) ssbase = rss(ivar) + ss(1) wk(ivar:last) = ss(ivar:last) DO i = 1, nbest temp = MAX(ssbase - sm, zero) IF (temp >= bound(ivar)) EXIT vorder(ivar) = vorder(jm) IF (jm == ivar) vorder(ivar) = ltemp CALL report(ivar, temp) IF (i >= nbest) EXIT wk(jm) = zero sm = zero jm = 0 DO j = ivar, last IF (wk(j) <= sm) CYCLE jm = j sm = wk(j) END DO IF (jm == 0) EXIT END DO ! Restore VORDER(IVAR) vorder(ivar) = ltemp RETURN END SUBROUTINE exadd1 SUBROUTINE exdrop1(first, last, ss, smin, jmin) ! Record any new subsets of (LAST-1) variables found from a call to DROP1 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last, jmin REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: ss(:), smin ! Local variables INTEGER :: list(1:last), i REAL (dp) :: rss_last, ssq IF (jmin == 0 .OR. last < 1 .OR. last-1 > max_size) RETURN rss_last = rss(last) IF (rss_last + smin > bound(last-1)) RETURN list = vorder(1:last) DO i = first, last-1 vorder(i:last-1) = list(i+1:last) ssq = rss_last + ss(i) CALL report(last-1, ssq) vorder(i) = list(i) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE exdrop1 SUBROUTINE forwrd(first, last, ier) ! Forward selection from variables in positions FIRST .. LAST. ! If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are forced in. ! If LAST < ncol, variables in positions after this are forced out. ! On exit, the array VORDER contains the numbers of the variables ! in the order in which they were added. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables INTEGER :: pos, jmax REAL (dp) :: ss(last), smax ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0) RETURN ! For POS = FIRST .. max_size, call ADD1 to find best variable to put ! into position POS. DO pos = first, max_size CALL add1(pos, last, ss, smax, jmax, ier) IF (nbest > 0) CALL exadd1(pos, smax, jmax, ss, last) ! Move the best variable to position POS. IF (jmax > pos) CALL vmove(jmax, pos, ier) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE forwrd SUBROUTINE report(nv, ssq) ! Update record of the best NBEST subsets of NV variables, if ! necessary, using SSQ. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nv REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: ssq ! Local variables INTEGER :: rank, pos1, j, list(nv) REAL (dp) :: under1 = 0.99999_dp, above1 = 1.00001_dp ! If residual sum of squares (SSQ) for the new subset > the ! appropriate bound, return. IF(nv > max_size) RETURN IF(ssq >= bound(nv)) RETURN pos1 = (nv*(nv-1))/2 + 1 ! Find rank of the new subset DO rank = 1, nbest IF(ssq < ress(nv,rank)*above1) THEN list = vorder(1:nv) CALL shell(list, nv) ! Check list of variables if ssq is almost equal to ress(nv,rank) - ! to avoid including the same subset twice. IF (ssq > ress(nv,rank)*under1) THEN IF (same_vars(list, lopt(pos1:,rank), nv)) RETURN END IF ! Record the new subset, and move the others down one place. DO j = nbest-1, rank, -1 ress(nv,j+1) = ress(nv,j) lopt(pos1:pos1+nv-1, j+1) = lopt(pos1:pos1+nv-1, j) END DO ress(nv,rank) = ssq lopt(pos1:pos1+nv-1, rank) = list(1:nv) bound(nv) = ress(nv,nbest) RETURN END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE report SUBROUTINE shell(l, n) ! Perform a SHELL-sort on integer array L, sorting into increasing order. ! Latest revision - 5 July 1995 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: l(:) ! Local variables INTEGER :: start, finish, temp, new, i1, i2, incr, it incr = n DO incr = incr/3 IF (incr == 2*(incr/2)) incr = incr + 1 DO start = 1, incr finish = n ! TEMP contains the element being compared; IT holds its current ! location. It is compared with the elements in locations ! IT+INCR, IT+2.INCR, ... until a larger element is found. All ! smaller elements move INCR locations towards the start. After ! each time through the sequence, the FINISH is decreased by INCR ! until FINISH <= INCR. 20 i1 = start temp = l(i1) it = i1 ! I2 = location of element new to be compared with TEMP. ! Test I2 <= FINISH. DO i2 = i1 + incr IF (i2 > finish) THEN IF (i1 > it) l(i1) = temp finish = finish - incr EXIT END IF new = l(i2) ! If TEMP > NEW, move NEW to lower-numbered position. IF (temp > new) THEN l(i1) = new i1 = i2 CYCLE END IF ! TEMP <= NEW so do not swap. ! Use NEW as the next TEMP. IF (i1 > it) l(i1) = temp i1 = i2 temp = new it = i1 ! Repeat until FINISH <= INCR. END DO IF (finish > incr) GO TO 20 END DO ! Repeat until INCR = 1. IF (incr <= 1) RETURN END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE shell FUNCTION same_vars(list1, list2, n) RESULT(same) LOGICAL :: same INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, list1(:), list2(:) same = ALL(list1(1:n) == list2(1:n)) RETURN END FUNCTION same_vars SUBROUTINE seq2(first, last, ier) ! Sequential replacement algorithm applied to the variables in positions ! FIRST, ..., LAST. 2 variables at a time are added or replaced. ! If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are forced in. ! If LAST < NP, variables in positions after this are left out. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables INTEGER :: nv, nsize ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0 .OR. nbest <= 0) RETURN nv = MIN(max_size, last-1) ! Outer loop; SIZE = current size of subset being considered. DO nsize = first+1, nv CALL replace2(first, last, nsize) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE seq2 SUBROUTINE replace2(first, last, nsize) ! Replace 2 variables at a time from those in positions first, ..., nsize ! with 2 from positions nsize, .., last - if they reduce the RSS. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last, nsize ! Local variables INTEGER :: ier, j1, j2, pos1, pos2, best(2), i, iwk(last) REAL (dp) :: smax, rssnew, rssmin, save_rss REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp 10 best(1) = 0 best(2) = 0 rssmin = rss(nsize) ! Two loops to place all pairs of variables in positions nsize-1 and nsize. ! POS1 = destination for variable from position nsize. ! POS2 = destination for variable from position nsize-1. DO pos1 = first, nsize DO pos2 = pos1, nsize-1 CALL add2(nsize-1, last, smax, j1, j2, ier) IF (j1+j2 > nsize + nsize - 1) THEN rssnew = MAX(rss(nsize-2) - smax, zero) IF (rssnew < rssmin) THEN best(1) = vorder(j1) best(2) = vorder(j2) iwk(1:nsize-2) = vorder(1:nsize-2) rssmin = rssnew END IF END IF CALL vmove(nsize-1, pos2, ier) END DO CALL vmove(nsize, pos1, ier) DO i = pos1, nsize CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO END DO ! If any replacement reduces the RSS, make the best one. IF (best(1) + best(2) > 0) THEN iwk(nsize-1) = best(2) iwk(nsize) = best(1) save_rss = rss(nsize) CALL reordr(iwk, nsize, 1, ier) DO i = first, nsize CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO ! The calculated value of rssmin above is only a rough approximation to ! the real residual sum of squares, thiugh usually good enough. ! The new value of rss(nsize) is more accurate. It is used below ! to avoid cycling when several subsets give the same RSS. IF (rss(nsize) < save_rss) GO TO 10 END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE replace2 SUBROUTINE seqrep(first, last, ier) ! Sequential replacement algorithm applied to the variables in ! positions FIRST, ..., LAST. ! If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are forced in. ! If LAST < ncol, variables in positions after this are forced out. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables INTEGER :: nv, size, start, best, from, i, jmax, count, j REAL (dp) :: zero = 0.0_dp, ssred, ss(last), smax ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0 .OR. nbest <= 0) RETURN nv = MIN(max_size, last-1) ! Outer loop; SIZE = current size of subset being considered. DO size = first, nv count = 0 start = first 10 ssred = zero best = 0 from = 0 ! Find the best variable from those in positions SIZE+1, ..., LAST ! to replace the one in position SIZE. Then rotate variables in ! positions START, ..., SIZE. DO i = start, size CALL add1(size, last, ss, smax, jmax, ier) IF (jmax > size) THEN CALL exadd1(size, smax, jmax, ss, last) IF (smax > ssred) THEN ssred = smax best = jmax IF (i < size) THEN from = size + start - i - 1 ELSE from = size END IF END IF END IF IF (i < size) CALL vmove(size, start, ier) DO j = start, size-1 CALL report(j, rss(j)) END DO END DO ! i = start, size ! If any replacement reduces the RSS, make the best one. ! Move variable from position FROM to SIZE. ! Move variable from position BEST to FIRST. IF (best > size) THEN IF (from < size) CALL vmove(from, size, ier) CALL vmove(best, first, ier) DO j = first, best-1 CALL report(j, rss(j)) END DO count = 0 start = first + 1 ELSE count = count + 1 END IF ! Repeat until COUNT = SIZE - START + 1 IF (count <= size - start) GO TO 10 END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE seqrep SUBROUTINE xhaust(first, last, ier) ! Exhaustive search algorithm, using leaps and bounds, applied to ! the variables in positions FIRST, ..., LAST. ! If FIRST > 1, variables in positions prior to this are forced in. ! If LAST < ncol, variables in positions after this are forced out. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables INTEGER :: row, i, jmax, ipt, newpos, iwk(max_size) REAL (dp) :: ss(last), smax, temp ! Check call arguments ier = 0 IF (first >= ncol) ier = 1 IF (last <= 1) ier = ier + 2 IF (first < 1) ier = ier + 4 IF (last > ncol) ier = ier + 8 IF (ier /= 0 .OR. nbest <= 0) RETURN ! Record subsets contained in the initial ordering, including check ! for variables which are linearly related to earlier variables. ! This should be redundant if the user has first called SING and ! init_subsets. DO row = first, max_size IF (d(row) <= tol(row)) THEN ier = -999 RETURN END IF CALL report(row, rss(row)) END DO ! IWK(I) contains the upper limit for the I-th simulated DO-loop for ! I = FIRST, ..., max_size-1. ! IPT points to the current DO loop. iwk(first:max_size) = last ! Innermost loop. ! Find best possible variable for position max_size from those in ! positions max_size, .., IWK(max_size). 30 CALL add1(max_size, iwk(max_size), ss, smax, jmax, ier) CALL exadd1(max_size, smax, jmax, ss, iwk(max_size)) ! Move to next lower numbered loop which has not been exhausted. ipt = max_size - 1 40 IF (ipt >= iwk(ipt)) THEN ipt = ipt - 1 IF (ipt >= first) GO TO 40 RETURN END IF ! Lower variable from position IPT to position IWK(IPT). ! Record any good new subsets found by the move. newpos = iwk(ipt) CALL vmove(ipt, newpos, ier) DO i = ipt, MIN(max_size, newpos-1) CALL report(i, rss(i)) END DO ! Reset all ends of loops for I >= IPT. iwk(ipt:max_size) = newpos - 1 ! If residual sum of squares for all variables above position NEWPOS ! is greater than BOUND(I), no better subsets of size I can be found ! inside the current loop. temp = rss(newpos-1) DO i = ipt, max_size IF (temp > bound(i)) GO TO 80 END DO IF (iwk(max_size) > max_size) GO TO 30 ipt = max_size - 1 GO TO 40 80 ipt = i - 1 IF (ipt < first) RETURN GO TO 40 END SUBROUTINE xhaust SUBROUTINE random_pick(first, last, npick) ! Pick npick variables at random from those in positions first, ..., last ! and move them to occupy positions starting from first. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last, npick ! Local variables INTEGER :: first2, i, ilist(1:last), j, k, navail REAL :: r navail = last + 1 - first IF (npick >= navail .OR. npick <= 0) RETURN DO i = first, last ilist(i) = vorder(i) END DO first2 = first DO i = 1, npick CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(r) k = first2 + r*navail IF (k > first2) THEN j = ilist(first2) ilist(first2) = ilist(k) ilist(k) = j END IF first2 = first2 + 1 navail = navail - 1 END DO CALL reordr(ilist(first:), npick, first, i) RETURN END SUBROUTINE random_pick END MODULE find_subsets