SUBROUTINE q_erf(x, erf, erfc) ! Calculate the error function & its complement in quadruple precision. ! 0 <= x <= 1 uses series 7.1.5 from Abramowitz & Stegun ! 1 < x < 4 uses Chebyshev series ! 4 <= x uses a continued fraction ! ! If x < 0 then erfc(x) = 1 + erf(|x|) and erf(x) = - erf(|x|) ! ! WARNING: x must NOT occupy the same locations as any of ! the other arguments if x < 0. ! ! Programmer: Alan Miller Alan.Miller @ ! FAX: (+61) 3-9545-8080 ! Latest revision - (Fortran 77 version) 11 May 1988 ! Latest revision - 4 February 1998 USE quadruple_precision IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (quad), INTENT(IN) :: x TYPE (quad), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: erf, erfc ! Chebyshev coefficients TYPE (quad), PARAMETER :: coeff(40) = (/ quad(0.4888515056984716D+00, -.1253349490474187D-15), & quad(-.1358986289159460D+00, 0.1828677302762691D-16), & quad(0.3563511414853497D-01, -.1026978994630672D-17), & quad(-.8884098618222492D-02, 0.1869288268188562D-17), & quad(0.2118423997553177D-02, 0.1709987556862464D-18), & quad(-.4853987640800370D-03, -.6960364726525852D-19), & quad(0.1072737545377177D-03, 0.1534550435363124D-19), & quad(-.2293663448190487D-04, 0.6928883131080608D-20), & quad(0.4756874691575556D-05, -.1627977086918653D-20), & quad(-.9589944832662770D-06, -.2249363452839194D-22), & quad(0.1882900688295897D-06, -.1968876883111176D-22), & quad(-.3606320662143092D-07, 0.7483138202418590D-23), & quad(0.6747602051937456D-08, -.1005646109123554D-23), & quad(-.1234907042333986D-08, -.8553919151789978D-25), & quad(0.2213150119337267D-09, -.8378636504284192D-27), & quad(-.3887955444797815D-10, 0.4599438293044550D-27), & quad(0.6701388253274512D-11, -.4533239266031100D-27), & quad(-.1134237426103359D-11, -.2592968654684961D-27), & quad(0.1886555920176928D-12, -.9535048043067878D-29), & quad(-.3085780489354876D-13, 0.7801557018723816D-29), & quad(0.4966710292058390D-14, -.1626370800837245D-29), & quad(-.7871154824211008D-15, 0.8389350837750800D-31), & quad(0.1228887884514987D-15, -.5265492467954702D-31), & quad(-.1891087633190591D-16, -.2388153131040173D-32), & quad(0.2869742042877464D-17, 0.7703719777548944D-34), & quad(-.4296338289538412D-18, 0.9629649721936182D-35), & quad(0.6348319360536490D-19, -.7222237291452136D-35), & quad(-.9261746469308854D-20, -.1805559322863034D-35), & quad(0.1334626827242897D-20, 0.2633107345841924D-36), & quad(-.1900244302571750D-21, 0.3761581922631320D-37), & quad(0.2674133030089899D-22, -.4701977403289150D-38), & quad(-.3720610299437181D-23, -.2938735877055719D-39), & quad(0.5119522849758822D-24, -.1578156674465586D-56), & quad(-.6968654298053806D-25, -.2295887403949780D-41), & quad(0.9386117844916958D-26, -.2008901478456058D-41), & quad(-.1251273661158375D-26, 0.5022253696140144D-42), & quad(0.1651286941713772D-27, -.3587324068671532D-43), & quad(-.2157623168556909D-28, -.5605193857299268D-45), & quad(0.2771990968956549D-29, -.3503246160812043D-45), & quad(-.3468792422835851D-30, 0.7006492321624086D-46) /) ! Local variables TYPE (quad) :: d, dd, term, arg, y2, sv, xx, y, temp, erff, erfcc REAL (dp) :: a INTEGER :: m, j LOGICAL :: small TYPE (quad), PARAMETER :: qone = quad(1._dp, 0._dp), qzero = quad(0._dp, 0._dp) IF (x%hi < 0.d0) THEN arg = -x ELSE arg = x END IF IF (arg%hi > 1._dp) GO TO 20 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 2x x^2 x^4 x^6 ! erf(x) = --------.(1 - --- + ---- - ---- + .. ) ! sqrt(pi) 1.3 2!.5 3!.7 ! ! small = .false. term = two_on_rtpi * arg erff = term xx = arg * arg m = 1 DO IF (small) THEN term%hi = - term%hi * xx%hi / m temp%hi = term%hi / (2*m + 1) temp%lo = 0._dp ELSE term = - term * xx SELECT CASE (m) CASE (1) term = term CASE (2) term = SCALE(term, -1) CASE (4) term = SCALE(term, -2) CASE (8) term = SCALE(term, -3) CASE DEFAULT term = term / DBLE(m) END SELECT temp = term / DBLE(2*m+1) END IF erff = erff + temp m = m + 1 IF (.NOT. small .AND. ABS(temp%hi) < erff%hi * 1.d-16) small = .true. IF (ABS(temp%hi) < erff%hi * 1.d-30) EXIT END DO erfcc = qone - erff GO TO 60 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Use Chebyshev series for 1 < x < 4. ! Adapted from the routine CHEBEV from 'Numerical Recipes' by Press, ! Flannery, Teukolsky & Vetterling, Cambridge Uni Press, 1986. ! 20 IF (arg%hi >= 4._dp) GO TO 40 d = qzero dd = qzero y = (arg - 2.5_dp) / 1.5_dp y2 = SCALE(y, 1) DO j = 40, 2, -1 sv = d d = y2 * d - dd + coeff(j) dd = sv END DO term = y * d - dd + SCALE(coeff(1), -1) ! Finally multiply by exp(-x^2) erfcc = term * EXP(-x*x) erff = qone - erfcc GO TO 60 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Use a continued fraction for x >= 4.0 40 a = 0.5D0 * INT(230._dp/arg%hi) + 2._dp erfcc = qzero DO erfcc = erfcc + arg erfcc = quad(a, 0._dp) / erfcc a = a - 0.5D0 IF (a < 0.1D0) EXIT END DO erfcc = erfcc + arg erfcc = qone / erfcc ! Multiply result by exp(-x**2) / sqrt(pi) erfcc = erfcc * EXP(-x*x) / sqrtpi erff = qone - erfcc ! Replace erf & erfc if argument was negative. 60 IF (x%hi < 0._dp) THEN erfcc = qone + erff erff = -erff END IF IF (PRESENT(erf)) erf = erff IF (PRESENT(erfc)) erfc = erfcc RETURN END SUBROUTINE q_erf PROGRAM test_q_erf ! Test quadruple-precision erf function by approximating its first derivative ! using divided differences. ! f'(x) = [f(x-2h) - 8.f(x-h) + 8.f(x+h) - f(x-2h)] / (12.h) approx. USE quadruple_precision IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (quad) :: x, h, arg, erf_2, erf_1, erf1, erf2, erfc, av_erfc, & d_est, deriv, error TYPE (quad), PARAMETER :: qone = quad(1._dp, 0._dp) INTERFACE SUBROUTINE q_erf(x, erf, erfc) USE quadruple_precision IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (quad), INTENT(IN) :: x TYPE (quad), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: erf, erfc END SUBROUTINE q_erf END INTERFACE DO WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Enter x: ' READ(*, *) x%hi x%lo = 0._dp h = SCALE(qone, -24) IF (ABS(x%hi) < 0.477_dp) THEN ! Use erf if erf(x) > 0.5 arg = x - 2._dp * h CALL q_erf(arg, erf_2, av_erfc) arg = x - h CALL q_erf(arg, erf_1, erfc) av_erfc = av_erfc + erfc arg = x + h CALL q_erf(arg, erf1, erfc) av_erfc = av_erfc + erfc arg = x + 2._dp * h CALL q_erf(arg, erf2, erfc) av_erfc = (av_erfc + erfc) / 4._dp d_est = (erf_2 - erf2 + SCALE( erf1 - erf_1, 3)) / (12._dp * h) ELSE ! Else use erfc(x) arg = x - 2._dp * h CALL q_erf(arg, erfc=av_erfc) erf_2 = av_erfc arg = x - h CALL q_erf(arg, erfc=erf_1) av_erfc = av_erfc + erf_1 arg = x + h CALL q_erf(arg, erfc=erf1) av_erfc = av_erfc + erf1 arg = x + 2._dp * h CALL q_erf(arg, erfc=erf2) av_erfc = (av_erfc + erf2) / 4._dp d_est = (erf2 - erf_2 + SCALE( erf_1 - erf1, 3)) / (12._dp * h) END IF deriv = two_on_rtpi * EXP(-x*x) error = d_est - deriv WRITE(*, '(a)') ' Estimate Derivative Error erfc' WRITE(*, '(2f20.16, g12.4, f20.16)') d_est%hi, deriv%hi, error%hi, av_erfc%hi END DO STOP END PROGRAM test_q_erf