PROGRAM subset ! Interactive program for finding best-fitting subsets of variables. ! Author: Alan Miller ! Retired from CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences, Melbourne, Australia ! amiller @ ! ! ! Latest revision - 7 August 2002 ! Thanks to Paul Mather, Nottingham, UK for: ! 1. i0 undefined when form_red_file is called. ! 2. Suggesting that END FILE be replaced with CLOSE. ! 3. Several changes to form_red_file to correctly handle the case in which ! a constant is not being fitted. ! Thanks to Wei-Yin Loh, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA for pointing out an error ! in a call to REORDR in the code for cross-validation. ! Other changes: ! 1. In SUBROUTINE update, the INTENT of xmin, xmax, xmean & sxx has been ! changed to IN OUT (previously OUT). USE lsq USE find_subsets IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN = 40) :: fname_dat, fname_red, fname_rpt CHARACTER (LEN = 1) :: ans, bel = CHAR(7), yesno CHARACTER (LEN = 10) :: string INTEGER :: nvar, nvar_max, first, last, ier, i, nsize, pos, j, & ypos, in, dimc, nv, i0, best_size, line1, nrepl, & search_method, criterion, iostatus, rank_deficit, ndf INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: list(:), seed(:), order_copy(:) LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lindep(:) REAL (dp) :: one = 1.0, fin, fout, total_sumsq, r2, msep, press, & y, e, h REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE :: cormat(:), ycorr(:), beta(:), x(:), xcopy(:) CHARACTER (LEN = 8), ALLOCATABLE :: vname(:) CHARACTER (LEN = 8) :: yname CHARACTER (LEN = 42) :: version = 'Subset version 1.11, date 9 May 2001' CHARACTER (LEN = 32) :: method(4) = (/ 'Stepwise (Efroymson) ', & 'Sequential replacement ', & '2-at-a-time replacement ', & 'Best subsets (exhaustive search)' /) CHARACTER (LEN = 14) :: crit_name(5) = (/ 'AIC (Akaike) ', 'BIC (Bayesian)',& 'Mallows Cp ', 'Hannan-Quinn ',& 'F-ratio = 4.0 ' /) LOGICAL :: fit_const, lsel = .false., OK REAL :: var, Cp, Cp_last, fmax, f1, f5, f10, zero = 0.0 CALL start() ! Read in data and form QR reduction, if necessary WRITE(*, *)'Enter maximum size of subset to be considered: ' READ(*, *) nvar_max IF (nvar_max > nvar) THEN WRITE(*, *)'Sorry, too many. Reset to ', nvar nvar_max = nvar END IF WRITE(11, *)'Max. subset size = ', nvar_max WRITE(*, *)'How many subsets of each size do you want recorded?: ' READ(*, *) nbest WRITE(11, *)'No. of best subsets = ', nbest WRITE(11, 950) (i, vname(i), i=1, nvar) CALL init_subsets(nvar_max, fit_const) IF (fit_const) THEN i0 = 1 total_sumsq = rss(1) ELSE i0 = 0 total_sumsq = rss(1) + d(1)*rhs(1)**2 END IF ! Display subset selection menu and ask for choice. DO WRITE(*, *) WRITE(*, '(30x, a)') 'Subset selection menu' WRITE(*, *) 'C Correlations & partial correlations F Forward selection' WRITE(*, *) 'E Efroymson stepwise regression B Backward elimination' WRITE(*, *) 'R Replacement sequentially X Exhaustive search' WRITE(*, *) '2 Two-at-a-time replacement D Display best found' WRITE(*, *) 'I Force variables IN O Force variables OUT' WRITE(*, *) 'L Least-squares regression coeffs. V Show variable names' WRITE(*, *) 'M Mallows Cp for best subsets P PRESS statistic' WRITE(*, *) 'S Stochastic + replacement of pairs Q Quit this menu' WRITE(*, *) WRITE(*, *) 'N.B. Exhaustive search can be very slow.' WRITE(*, *) 'Use E, F, B, R and/or 2 first to establish good bounds' WRITE(*, *) WRITE(*, *) 'Enter your choice (upper or lower case OK): ' READ(*, *) ans SELECT CASE (ans) CASE ('c', 'C') ! Correlations & partial correlations IF (fit_const) THEN in = 1 ELSE in = 0 END IF nv = 0 WRITE(*, *)'Do you want partial correlations? (Y/N): ' READ(*, *) yesno IF (yesno .EQ. 'y' .OR. yesno .EQ. 'Y') THEN WRITE(*, *)'How many variables are to be forced in?: ' READ(*, *) nv IF (nv > 0) THEN WRITE(*, 950) (i, vname(i), i=1, nvar) ALLOCATE(list(nv)) WRITE(*, *)'Enter numbers of variables to be forced in: ' READ(*, *) list CALL reordr(list, nv, in+1, ier) in = in + nv END IF END IF dimc = (last-in)*(last-in-1)/2 ALLOCATE(cormat(dimc), ycorr(last)) CALL partial_corr(in, cormat, dimc, ycorr, ier) CALL print_correlations() IF (nv > 0) DEALLOCATE(list) DEALLOCATE(cormat, ycorr) CASE ('f', 'F') ! Forward selection CALL forwrd(first, last, ier) WRITE(*, *) 'Forward selection:' WRITE(11, *) 'Forward selection:' IF (fit_const) THEN WRITE(*, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i+1)), rss(i+1), i=0,nvar_max) WRITE(11, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i+1)), rss(i+1), i=0,nvar_max) 900 FORMAT(' Order Variable Resid.sum of sq.'/ & (' ', i3, ' ', a8, ' ', g15.7)) ELSE WRITE(*, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i)), rss(i), i=1,nvar_max) WRITE(11, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i)), rss(i), i=1,nvar_max) END IF CASE ('e', 'E') ! Efroymson stepwise regression WRITE(*, *)'Enter F-to-add value (default = 4.0): ' READ(*, '(a)') string IF (LEN_TRIM(string) .EQ. 0) THEN fin = 4.0 ELSE READ(string, *) fin END IF WRITE(*, *)'Enter F-to-remove value (default = 4.0): ' READ(*, '(a)') string IF (LEN_TRIM(string) .EQ. 0) THEN fout = 4.0 ELSE READ(string, *) fout END IF WRITE(*, 910) fin, fout WRITE(11, 910) fin, fout 910 FORMAT(' Efroymson stepwise regression algorithm'/ & ' F-to-add = ', f8.2, ' F-to-remove = ', f8.2) CALL efroym(first, last, fin, fout, nsize, ier, 11) WRITE(*, *) 'Size =', nsize WRITE(*, 920) vname(vorder(1:nsize)) WRITE(11, 920) vname(vorder(1:nsize)) 920 FORMAT(' Selected variables'/ (' ', 8a9)) WRITE(*, 930) rss(nsize) WRITE(11, 930) rss(nsize) 930 FORMAT(' Residual sum of squares for this model = ', g15.7/) CASE ('b', 'B') ! Backward elimination CALL bakwrd(first, last, ier) WRITE(*, *) 'Backward elimination:' WRITE(11, *) 'Backward elimination:' IF (fit_const) THEN WRITE(*, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i+1)), rss(i+1), i=0,nvar) WRITE(11, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i+1)), rss(i+1), i=0,nvar) ELSE WRITE(*, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i)), rss(i), i=1,nvar) WRITE(11, 900) (i, vname(vorder(i)), rss(i), i=1,nvar) END IF CASE ('r', 'R') ! Replacement sequentially CALL seqrep(first, last, ier) WRITE(*, *) 'Sequential replacement:' WRITE(11, *) 'Sequential replacement:' WRITE(*, 920) vname(vorder(1:max_size)) WRITE(11, 920) vname(vorder(1:max_size)) WRITE(*, 930) rss(max_size) WRITE(11, 930) rss(max_size) CASE ('x', 'X') ! Exhaustive search CALL xhaust(first, last, ier) WRITE(*, *) 'Exhaustive search:' WRITE(11, *) 'Exhaustive search:' j = max_size*(max_size-1)/2 + 1 WRITE(*, 920) vname(lopt(j:j+max_size-1, 1)) WRITE(11, 920) vname(lopt(j:j+max_size-1, 1)) WRITE(*, 930) ress(max_size,1) WRITE(11, 930) ress(max_size,1) CASE ('2') ! Two-at-a-time replacement CALL seq2(first, last, ier) WRITE(*, *) 'Two-at-a-time sequential replacement:' WRITE(11, *) 'Two-at-a-time sequential replacement:' WRITE(*, 920) vname(vorder(1:max_size)) WRITE(11, 920) vname(vorder(1:max_size)) WRITE(*, 930) rss(max_size) WRITE(11, 930) rss(max_size) CASE ('s', 'S') ! Stochastic + replacement of pairs WRITE(*, *) 'Random start, two-at-a-time replacement:' WRITE(11, *) 'Random start, two-at-a-time replacement:' CALL set_seed() WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' How many variables in subset? ' READ(*, *) nv WRITE(11, *) 'No. of variables (excl. constant) = ', nv WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' How many replications? ' READ(*, *) nrepl WRITE(11, *) 'No. of replicates = ', nrepl DO i = 1, nrepl IF (i == 1) THEN WRITE(*, '(" ", a, i6)') 'Replicate number ', i ELSE WRITE(*, '("+", a, i6, a, g14.6)') & 'Replicate number ', i, ' last RSS =', rss(nv+i0) END IF CALL random_pick(first, last, nv+i0) CALL replace2(first, last, nv+i0) WRITE(11, '(a, i4, a, g14.6)') & 'Replicate ', nrepl, ' RSS = ', rss(nv+i0) END DO CASE ('d', 'D') ! Display best found DO i = first, max_size WRITE(*, '(" ", a, i3, a)') 'Best subsets found of', i-i0, ' variables' WRITE(11, '(" ", a, i3, a)') 'Best subsets found of', i-i0, ' variables' WRITE(*, *) ' R.S.S. Variable numbers' WRITE(11, *) ' R.S.S. Variable numbers' pos = (i-1)*i/2 + 1 DO j = 1, nbest WRITE(*, 940) ress(i,j), lopt(pos:pos+i-1, j) WRITE(11, 940) ress(i,j), lopt(pos:pos+i-1, j) 940 FORMAT(' ', g13.5, ' ', 15i4: (/ 16(' '), 15i4)) END DO END DO CASE ('i', 'I') ! Force variables IN CALL current_status() ALLOCATE( list(nvar) ) CALL get_numbers(list, nv) ier = 0 IF (nv > 0) THEN ! Check that none of the variables to be forced IN ! is amongst any currently forced OUT. DO i = last+1, ncol IF (ANY(list(1:nv) == vorder(i))) THEN WRITE(*, '(a, i4, a)') ' Variable ', vorder(i), & ' is currently forced OUT' nv = 0 EXIT END IF END DO IF (fit_const) THEN CALL reordr(list, nv, 2, ier) ELSE CALL reordr(list, nv, 1, ier) END IF END IF IF (ier > 0 .AND. ier /= 4) THEN WRITE(*, *)'** Error in list of variable numbers **' WRITE(*, *)'** Variable not found or on list twice **' ELSE first = nv + 1 IF (fit_const) first = nv + 2 WRITE(11, *) WRITE(11, '(75a1)') ('-', i=1,75) WRITE(11, '(a, i4)') 'No. of variables to be forced in = ', nv IF (nv > 0) THEN WRITE(11, *) 'Variables:' WRITE(11, '(5(i4, 1x, a8, 2x))') (list(i), vname(list(i)), i=1,nv) END IF CALL init_subsets(nvar_max, fit_const) END IF DEALLOCATE( list ) CASE ('o', 'O') ! Force variables OUT CALL current_status() ALLOCATE( list(nvar) ) CALL get_numbers(list, nv) ier = 0 IF (nv > 0) THEN ! Check that none of the variables to be forced OUT ! is amongst any currently forced IN. DO i = 1, first-1 IF (ANY(list(1:nv) == vorder(i))) THEN WRITE(*, '(a, i4, a)') ' Variable ', vorder(i), & ' is currently forced IN' nv = 0 EXIT END IF END DO DO i = 1, nv ! Lower variable to end positions DO j = first, ncol-i IF (vorder(j) == list(i)) THEN CALL vmove(j, ncol+1-i, ier) EXIT END IF END DO END DO END IF IF (ier > 0 .AND. ier /= 4) THEN WRITE(*, *)'** Error in list of variable numbers **' WRITE(*, *)'** Variable not found or on list twice **' ELSE last = ncol - nv WRITE(11, *) WRITE(11, '(75a1)') ('-', i=1,75) WRITE(11, '(a, i4)') 'No. of variables to be forced out = ', nv IF (nv > 0) THEN WRITE(11, *) 'Variables:' WRITE(11, '(5(i4, 1x, a8, 2x))') (list(i), vname(list(i)), i=1,nv) END IF CALL init_subsets(nvar_max, fit_const) END IF DEALLOCATE( list ) CASE ('l', 'L') ! Least-squares regression coeffs. and R^2 WRITE(*, *)'WARNING: These estimates may be seriously biassed' WRITE(11, *)'WARNING: These estimates may be seriously biassed' CALL current_status() ALLOCATE( list(nvar) ) CALL get_numbers(list, nv) IF (nv > 0) THEN ! If variables are being forced in and/or out, ! this could move them out of position. ! Protect against this by copying the list of ! variables and restoring at the end. ALLOCATE( order_copy(ncol) ) order_copy = vorder CALL reordr(list, nv, i0+1, ier) IF (ier == 0) THEN IF (fit_const) THEN ALLOCATE( beta(0:nv) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( beta(1:nv) ) END IF CALL regcf(beta, nv+i0, ier) IF (ier == 0) THEN WRITE(*, *)'LS regression coefficients' WRITE(11, *)'LS regression coefficients' WRITE(*, '(3(1x, a8, 1x, g13.5, " | "))') & (vname(vorder(i+i0)), beta(i), i=1-i0, nv) WRITE(11, '(3(a8, 1x, g13.5, " | "))') & (vname(vorder(i+i0)), beta(i), i=1-i0, nv) r2 = one - rss(nv+i0) / total_sumsq WRITE(*, '(1x, a, f8.4)') 'R^2 for this model = ', r2 WRITE(11, '(1x, a, f8.4)') 'R^2 for this model = ', r2 END IF DEALLOCATE( beta ) END IF IF (first > i0+1) CALL reordr(order_copy, first-1, 1, ier) IF (last < ncol) CALL reordr(order_copy, last, 1, ier) DEALLOCATE( order_copy ) END IF DEALLOCATE( list ) CASE ('v', 'V') ! Show variable names WRITE(*, 950) (i, vname(i), i=1, nvar) 950 FORMAT(6(' ', i3, ' ', a8)) CASE ('m', 'M') ! Mallows Cp for best subsets IF (ncol >= nobs) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'No degrees of freedom available for residual variance' CYCLE END IF var = sserr / (nobs - ncol) best_size = 1 WRITE(*, *) 'Mallows Cp - with Gilmours correction' WRITE(11, *) 'Mallows Cp - with Gilmours correction' IF (fit_const) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'N.B. The no. of variables INCLUDES the constant term' WRITE(11, *) 'N.B. The no. of variables INCLUDES the constant term' END IF DO i = first, max_size Cp = ress(i,1)/var - nobs + 2*i - 2*(ncol-1)/DBLE(nobs-ncol-2) WRITE(*, '(" ", i6, " ", f10.2)') i, Cp WRITE(11, '(i6, " ", f10.2)') i, Cp IF (i > first) THEN fmax = Cp_last - Cp + 2*(nobs-ncol-1)/DBLE(nobs-ncol-2) IF (fmax > zero) THEN CALL f1max(nobs-ncol, ncol+1-i, f1, f5, f10, ier) IF (fmax > f1) THEN WRITE(*, '(20x, a)') 'Reduction significant at the 1% level' WRITE(11, '(20x, a)') 'Reduction significant at the 1% level' best_size = i ELSE IF (fmax > f5) THEN WRITE(*, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction significant at the 5% level' WRITE(11, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction significant at the 5% level' best_size = i ELSE IF (fmax > f10) THEN WRITE(*, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction significant at the 10% level' WRITE(11, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction significant at the 10% level' ELSE WRITE(*, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction is not significant' WRITE(11, '(20(" "), a)') 'Reduction is not significant' END IF END IF END IF Cp_last = Cp END DO pos = best_size * (best_size - 1) / 2 WRITE(*, *) 'A good subset for prediction appears to be:' WRITE(*, '(5(1x, i3, 1x, a8, " |"))') & (lopt(pos+i,1), vname(lopt(pos+i,1)), i=1, best_size) WRITE(11, *) 'A good subset for prediction appears to be:' WRITE(11, '(5(1x, i3, 1x, a8, " |"))') & (lopt(pos+i,1), vname(lopt(pos+i,1)), i=1, best_size) WRITE(11, *) CASE ('p', 'P') ! Calculate the PRESS statistic for best subsets WRITE(*, *) 'PRESS statistic for best-fitting subsets' WRITE(11, *) 'PRESS statistic for best-fitting subsets' WRITE(*, *) 'Size PRESS statistic Mean sq. error Variable nos.' WRITE(11, *) 'Size PRESS statistic Mean sq. error Variable nos.' INQUIRE(10, OPENED=OK) IF (.NOT. OK) OPEN(10, FILE=fname_dat, STATUS='OLD') ALLOCATE( x(0:nvar), beta(ncol), xcopy(ncol) ) x(0) = one DO i = first, max_size pos = i*(i-1)/2 + 1 CALL reordr(lopt(pos:,1), i, 1, ier) CALL regcf(beta, i, ier) REWIND (10) DO j = 1, line1-1 ! Skip to line1 in data file READ(10, *) END DO press = zero DO IF (ypos > nvar) THEN READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:nvar), y ELSE IF (ypos .EQ. 1) THEN READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) y, x(1:nvar) ELSE READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:ypos-1), y, x(ypos:nvar) END IF IF (iostatus > 0) CYCLE ! Error in data IF (iostatus < 0) EXIT ! End of file e = y DO j = 1, i xcopy(j) = x(vorder(j)) e = e - beta(j) * xcopy(j) END DO CALL hdiag(xcopy, i, h, ier) press = press + (e/(one - h))**2 END DO WRITE(*, '(i4, 4x, 2g14.6, 2x, 10i4/ (38x, 10i4))') & i-i0, press, press/nobs, vorder(1:i) WRITE(11, '(i4, 4x, 2g14.6, 2x, 10i4/ (38x, 10i4))') & i-i0, press, press/nobs, vorder(1:i) END DO DEALLOCATE( x, beta, xcopy ) CASE ('q', 'Q') ! Quit this menu EXIT CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*, *) bel, '** Unknown option - ', ans, ' Try again! **' END SELECT END DO WRITE(*, *) 'Do you want to use cross-validation? (Y/N): ' READ(*, '(a)') ans IF (ans == 'Y' .OR. ans == 'y') THEN DO WRITE(*, *) 'Choose search method' WRITE(*, *) '1. Stepwise (Efroymson) 2. Sequential replacement' WRITE(*, *) '3. 2-at-a-time replacement 4. Best subsets (exhaustive search)' WRITE(*, *) 'Enter number of your choice: ' READ(*, *) search_method IF (search_method < 1 .OR. search_method > 4) THEN CYCLE ELSE EXIT END IF END DO IF (search_method > 1) THEN DO WRITE(*, *) 'Choose criterion for deciding size of subset' WRITE(*, *) '1. AIC (Akaike) 2. BIC (Bayesian)' WRITE(*, *) '3. Mallows Cp 4. Hannan-Quinn' WRITE(*, *) '5. F-ratio = 4.0' WRITE(*, *) 'Enter number of your choice: ' READ(*, *) criterion IF (criterion < 1 .OR. criterion > 5) THEN CYCLE ELSE EXIT END IF END DO ELSE criterion = 5 END IF WRITE(*, *) 'How many complete sets of 10 x 10% cross-validations: ' READ(*, *) nrepl CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=i) WRITE(*, '(1x, a, i4, a)') 'Enter ', i, ' integers as random number seed(s): ' ALLOCATE( seed(i) ) READ(*, *) seed INQUIRE(10, OPENED=OK) IF (.NOT. OK) OPEN(10, FILE=fname_dat, STATUS='OLD') WRITE(11, '(/ a)') 'Using 10% cross-validation' WRITE(11, '("Search method ", a, " Stopping criterion ", a/)') & method(search_method), crit_name(criterion) WRITE(11, *) 'Random number seeds: ', seed CALL cross_validation(10, line1, ypos, fit_const, nvar, first, last, & search_method, criterion, nrepl, seed, 11, msep, ier) END IF ! Want cross-validation? STOP CONTAINS SUBROUTINE start() ! This is the starting routine for the SUBSETS package of programs. ! If a QR reduction has not been formed, then it forms the ! upper-triangular Banachiewicz factorization of the input data. ! Free-format input is assumed, i.e. with data fields separated by ! spaces, CR's, tabs or commas. N.B. Some Fortran compilers will ! not accept tabs and/or commas as delimiters. ! Latest revision - 10 May 2001 CHARACTER (LEN=20) :: response REAL (dp) :: eps REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: pt0001 = 0.0001 INTEGER :: i ! Does the user already have a QR factorization? WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Do you want to use an existing QR-factorization? (Y/N): ' READ(*, '(a)') ans DO SELECT CASE (ans) CASE ('y', 'Y') ! Use existing .red file CALL get_file_name(fname_red, fname_red, 'red') OPEN(9, FILE=fname_red, STATUS='OLD', ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', & FORM='UNFORMATTED') CALL read_red_file() EXIT CASE ('n', 'N') CALL get_file_name(fname_dat, fname_dat, 'dat') CALL form_red_file() EXIT CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*, *) bel, '** You must enter Y or N **' CYCLE END SELECT END DO ! Set tolerances and test for singularities eps = EPSILON(pt0001) ** 0.667 WRITE(*, '(a, g12.3)') ' Default tolerance for singularity test = ', eps WRITE(*, *) 'This may be too small' WRITE(*, *) 'e.g. if data recorded to say 5 significant decimals, use 1.E-5' WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') & ' Enter tolerance or press RETURN to accept default: ' READ(*, '(a)') response IF (LEN_TRIM(response) /= 0) THEN READ(response, '(f20.0)') eps eps = MAX( ABS(eps), 1.E-14) eps = MIN( eps, pt0001) WRITE(11, '(a, e12.3)') 'Tolerance used in singularity testing = ', eps END IF CALL tolset(eps) IF (ALLOCATED(lindep)) DEALLOCATE(lindep) IF (fit_const) THEN ALLOCATE ( lindep(0:nvar) ) ELSE ALLOCATE ( lindep(1:nvar) ) END IF CALL sing(lindep, ier) rank_deficit = -ier IF (ANY(lindep)) THEN WRITE(*, '(i5, a)') -ier, ' singularities detected in predictor variables' WRITE(*, *) 'These variables are linearly related to earlier ones:' WRITE(11, '(i5, a)') -ier, ' singularities detected in predictor variables' WRITE(11, *) 'These variables are linearly related to earlier ones:' DO i = 1, nvar IF (lindep(i)) THEN WRITE(*, *) vname(i) WRITE(11, *) vname(i) END IF END DO WRITE(*, *) WRITE(11, *) END IF ! Write brief data summary to the screen and to the report file. WRITE(*, *) 'QR-factorization is in file: ', fname_red WRITE(11, *) 'QR-factorization is in file: ', fname_red WRITE(*, '(" Dependent variable is: ", a8)') yname WRITE(11, '(" Dependent variable is: ", a8)') yname WRITE(*, 900) nvar, nobs, sserr WRITE(11, 900) nvar, nobs, sserr 900 FORMAT(' No. of variables = ', i4, ' No. of observations = ', i5, & / ' Residual sum of squares = ', g13.5) IF (fit_const) THEN WRITE(*, *)'All models include a constant (intercept) term' WRITE(11, *)'All models include a constant (intercept) term' WRITE(*, 960) vname(0:nvar) WRITE(11, 960) vname(0:nvar) 960 FORMAT(' Variable names: '/ (8(' ', a8))) ELSE WRITE(*, *)'Note: Models do not include an intercept' WRITE(11, *)'Note: Models do not include an intercept' WRITE(*, 960) vname(1:nvar) WRITE(11, 960) vname(1:nvar) END IF IF (nobs > ncol) THEN ndf = nobs - ncol + rank_deficit WRITE(*, 910) sserr / ndf, ndf WRITE(11, 910) sserr / ndf, ndf 910 FORMAT(' Residual variance estimate = ', g13.5, ' with ', i5, & ' deg. of freedom'/) END IF ! Set default values for first & last ! first = first variable which may an be omitted from subsets ! last = last variable which may be included in subsets IF (fit_const) THEN first = 2 ELSE first = 1 END IF last = ncol RETURN END SUBROUTINE start SUBROUTINE get_file_name(fname1, fname2, extn) ! Ask for details of the file name. Add extension, if needed. CHARACTER (LEN = 40), INTENT(OUT) :: fname1, fname2 CHARACTER (LEN = 3), INTENT(IN) :: extn ! Local variables INTEGER :: ipos, int_value(8) LOGICAL :: ok CHARACTER (LEN = 3) :: month(12) = (/'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', & 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/) DO WRITE(*, 900) 900 FORMAT(' Name of data file = ? ') READ(*, *) fname1 fname2 = fname1 ! Add extension if none has been entered, ! detected by the lack of a '.' IF (INDEX(fname1, '.') .EQ. 0) THEN ipos = INDEX(fname1, ' ') fname2 = fname1(1:ipos-1) // '.' // extn END IF ! Check that file exists. INQUIRE(FILE=fname2, EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT. ok) THEN WRITE(*, 910) bel, fname2 910 FORMAT(' ', a, ' ** File not found - ', a, ' **') CYCLE ELSE EXIT END IF END DO ! Open report file and write time and date ipos = INDEX(fname2, '.') fname_rpt = fname2(1:ipos) // 'rpt' INQUIRE(FILE=fname_rpt, EXIST=ok) IF (.NOT. ok) THEN OPEN(11, FILE=fname_rpt) ELSE DO WRITE(*, *) bel, 'File: ', fname_rpt, ' already exists' WRITE(*, *) 'Append (A) or overwrite (O)?: ' READ(*, '(a)') ans SELECT CASE (ans) CASE ('a', 'A') ! Append OPEN(11, FILE=fname_rpt, POSITION='APPEND') WRITE(11, '(//)') EXIT CASE ('o', 'O') ! Overwrite OPEN(11, FILE=fname_rpt, STATUS='REPLACE') EXIT CASE DEFAULT WRITE(*, *) bel, 'Answer must be A or O -- try again!' END SELECT END DO END IF WRITE(11, '(a)') version CALL DATE_AND_TIME(values = int_value) WRITE(11, 950) int_value(5), int_value(6), int_value(7), int_value(3), & month(int_value(2)), int_value(1) 950 FORMAT('Time ', i2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ' Date ', i2, ' ', a3, & ' ', i4) RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_file_name SUBROUTINE form_red_file() ! Read in data from an ASCII file and form the QR-factorization REAL (dp) :: weight = 1.0_dp, y REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE :: x(:) CHARACTER (LEN = 79) :: text INTEGER :: ipos, i, iostatus, ier LOGICAL :: ok REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: xmin(:), xmax(:), xmean(:), xstdev(:) REAL :: ymin, ymax, ymean, ystdev ! Display first part of file. OPEN(10, FILE=fname_dat, STATUS='OLD') WRITE(*, *)'Start of your data file follows' DO i = 1, 12 READ(10, '(a)') text WRITE(*, '(" ", a)') text END DO REWIND (10) WRITE(*, 920, ADVANCE='NO') 920 FORMAT(' How many X-variables ? ') READ(*, *) nvar WRITE(*, 930, ADVANCE='NO') 930 FORMAT(' Do you want a constant in the model ? ') READ(*, *) ans fit_const = (ans .EQ. 'y' .OR. ans .EQ. 'Y') IF (fit_const) THEN i0 = 1 ELSE i0 = 0 END IF ! Allocate memory for arrays X and VNAME. IF (fit_const) THEN ALLOCATE ( x(0:nvar), vname(0:nvar) ) ELSE ALLOCATE ( x(nvar), vname(nvar) ) END IF ! Get position of dependant variable. WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Is dependant variable at end ? (Y/N): ' READ(*, *) ans IF (ans == 'Y' .OR. ans == 'y') THEN ypos = nvar + 1 ELSE WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Enter no. of position of dependant variable: ' READ(*, *) ypos IF (ypos < 1) ypos = 1 IF (ypos > nvar) ypos = nvar + 1 END IF ! Enter variable names, read them from file, or set defaults. IF (fit_const) vname(0) = 'Constant' WRITE(*, *)'Are variable names in data file ? (Y/N): ' READ(*, *) ans IF (ans == 'Y' .OR. ans == 'y') THEN WRITE(*, *)'Which line do names start on ? ' READ(*, *) line1 IF (line1 > 1) THEN DO i = 1, line1-1 READ(10, *) END DO END IF IF (ypos > nvar) THEN READ(10, *) vname(1:nvar), yname ELSE IF (ypos == 1) THEN READ(10, *) yname, vname(1:nvar) ELSE READ(10, *) vname(1:ypos-1), yname, vname(ypos:nvar) END IF REWIND (10) ELSE WRITE(*, *)'Do you want to name variables ? (Y/N): ' READ(*, '(a)') ans IF (ans == 'Y' .OR. ans == 'y') THEN WRITE(*, *)'Variable names may contain up to 8 characters' WRITE(*, *)'Name for dependant (Y) variable = ? ' READ(*, '(a)') yname DO i = 1, nvar WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Name for variable', i, ' = ? ' READ(*, '(a)') vname(i) END DO ELSE DO i = 1, nvar IF (i < 10) THEN WRITE(vname(i), '("X(", i1, ") ")') i ELSE IF (i < 100) THEN WRITE(vname(i), '("X(", i2, ") ")') i ELSE IF (i < 1000) THEN WRITE(vname(i), '("X(", i3, ") ")') i ELSE WRITE(vname(i), '("X(", i4, ") ")') i END IF END DO yname = 'Dept.var' END IF END IF WRITE(*, '(a)', ADVANCE='NO') ' Which line does the data start on ? ' READ(*, *) line1 IF (line1 > 1) THEN DO i = 1, line1-1 READ(10, *) END DO END IF CALL startup(nvar, fit_const) ! From LSQ module ! Allocate arrays for storing descriptive statistics ALLOCATE( xmin(nvar), xmax(nvar), xmean(nvar), xstdev(nvar) ) ! Read in data and form the upper-triangular factorization. IF (fit_const) x(0) = one ! Case is skipped if spurious characters are found (e.g. for missing values). DO IF (ypos > nvar) THEN READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:nvar), y ELSE IF (ypos == 1) THEN READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) y, x(1:nvar) ELSE READ(10, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:ypos-1), y, x(ypos:nvar) END IF IF (iostatus > 0) CYCLE ! Error in data IF (iostatus < 0) EXIT ! End of file ! Update descriptive statistics DO i = 1, nvar CALL update(REAL(x(i)), nobs+1, xmin(i), xmax(i), xmean(i), xstdev(i)) END DO CALL update(REAL(y), nobs+1, ymin, ymax, ymean, ystdev) CALL includ(weight, x, y) END DO ! Output descriptive statistics WRITE(11, '("Variable MinVal MaxVal Mean Std.devn. Range/stdev")') xstdev = SQRT(xstdev/(nobs-1)) ystdev = SQRT(ystdev/(nobs-1)) DO i = 1, nvar WRITE(11, '(a8, 2x, 4d13.4, f9.1)') vname(i), xmin(i), xmax(i), xmean(i), & xstdev(i), (xmax(i) - xmin(i))/xstdev(i) END DO WRITE(11, '(a8, 2x, 4d13.4, f9.1)') yname, ymin, ymax, ymean, ystdev, & (ymax - ymin)/ystdev WRITE(11, *) ! Test for singularities & form initial array (rss) of sums of squares ! of residuals ALLOCATE ( lindep(ncol) ) CALL sing(lindep, ier) IF (ier .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*, *)'** Rank deficiency in data = ', -ier, ' **' WRITE(11, *)'** Rank deficiency in data = ', -ier, ' **' DO i = i0+1, ncol IF (lindep(i)) THEN WRITE(*, '(1x, a, a8, a)') 'Variable', vname(vorder(i)-i0), & ' is linearly dependent on previous variables or is constant' END IF END DO END IF CALL ss() ! Change extension to .red for output file. ipos = INDEX(fname_dat, '.') IF (ipos == 0) ipos = LEN_TRIM(fname_dat) + 1 fname_red = fname_dat(1:ipos) // 'red' ! Find if a file with this name already exists INQUIRE(FILE=fname_red, EXIST=ok) IF (ok) THEN WRITE(*, *)'File: ', fname_red, ' already exists. Overwrite? (Y/N): ' READ(*, *) ans ok = (ans == 'Y' .OR. ans == 'y') ELSE ok = .true. END IF ! Write R, EL, RHS & the residual sum of squares (sserr) to disk. IF (ok) THEN OPEN(9, FILE=fname_red, ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', FORM='UNFORMATTED') WRITE(9) fname_dat, ypos, line1 WRITE(9) nvar, ncol, nobs, r_dim, lsel IF (.NOT. fit_const) THEN WRITE(9) yname, vname(1:nvar) ELSE WRITE(9) yname, vname(0:nvar) END IF WRITE(9) r, d, rhs, rss, sserr CLOSE(9) END IF DEALLOCATE ( x, lindep, xmin, xmax, xmean, xstdev ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE form_red_file SUBROUTINE read_red_file() ! Read R, EL, RHS & the residual sum of squares (sserr) from disk. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ncases OPEN(9, FILE=fname_red, STATUS='OLD', ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', FORM='UNFORMATTED') REWIND (9) READ(9) fname_dat, ypos, line1 READ(9) nvar, ncol, ncases, r_dim, lsel fit_const = (ncol > nvar) CALL startup(nvar, fit_const) ! From LSQ module nobs = ncases ! Allocate memory for array VNAME. ALLOCATE ( vname(0:nvar) ) IF (.NOT. fit_const) THEN READ(9) yname, vname(1:nvar) ELSE READ(9) yname, vname(0:nvar) END IF READ(9) r, d, rhs, rss, sserr CLOSE (9) WRITE(*, *)'File: ', fname_red, ' successfully read' RETURN END SUBROUTINE read_red_file SUBROUTINE print_correlations() ! Local variables INTEGER :: i1, i2, row, pos1, pos2 CHARACTER (LEN = 80) :: text WRITE(*, *)'Do you want correlations amongst the predictor variables? (Y/N): ' READ(*, *) yesno IF (yesno == 'y' .OR. yesno == 'Y') THEN IF (nv == 0) THEN WRITE(*, *)'Correlations amongst predictors' WRITE(11, *)'Correlations amongst predictors' ELSE WRITE(*, *)'Partial correlations amongst predictors' WRITE(*, '(1x, a/ (1x, 8a9))')'Variables forced in: ', vname(list) WRITE(11, *)'Partial correlations amongst predictors' WRITE(11, '(1x, a/ (1x, 8a9))')'Variables forced in: ', vname(list) END IF ! i1 & i2 are the first & last column numbers i2 = in + 1 DO i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = MIN(i2 + 7, last) WRITE(*, '(11x, 7a9)') vname(vorder(i1:i2)) WRITE(11, '(11x, 7a9)') vname(vorder(i1:i2)) DO row = in+1, i2-1 text = ' ' ! Find position in CORMAT of 1st off-diagonal correlation ! in current row. pos = (row-in-1)*(last-in) - (row-in)*(row-in-1)/2 + 1 pos2 = pos + i2 - row - 1 WRITE(text, '(1x, a8)') vname(vorder(row)) IF (row .GE. i1) THEN j = 20 + 9*(row-i1) pos1 = pos ELSE j = 11 pos1 = pos + i1 - row - 1 END IF WRITE(text(j:), '(7f9.4)') cormat(pos1:pos2) WRITE(*, '(a)') text WRITE(11, '(a)') text END DO IF (i2 .GE. last) EXIT END DO END IF IF (nv == 0) THEN WRITE(*, *)'Correlations with ', yname WRITE(11, *)'Correlations with ', yname ELSE WRITE(*, *)'Partial correlations with ', yname WRITE(*, '(1x, a/ (1x, 8a9))')'Variables forced in: ', vname(list) WRITE(11, *)'Partial correlations with ', yname WRITE(11, '(1x, a/ (1x, 8a9))')'Variables forced in: ', vname(list) END IF i2 = in DO i1 = i2 + 1 i2 = MIN(i2 + 8, last) WRITE(*, '(2x, 8a9)') vname(vorder(i1:i2)) WRITE(*, '(1x, 8f9.4)') ycorr(i1:i2) WRITE(11, '(2x, 8a9)') vname(vorder(i1:i2)) WRITE(11, '(1x, 8f9.4)') ycorr(i1:i2) IF (i2 .GE. last) EXIT END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE print_correlations SUBROUTINE current_status() ! Print variable names & numbers and variables currently being forced ! in or out (if any). ! Local variables CHARACTER (LEN=79) :: text INTEGER :: i WRITE(*, 950) (i, vname(i), i=1, nvar) 950 FORMAT(6(' ', i3, ' ', a8)) text = 'Variables currently forced IN: ' IF (first == i0+1) THEN text(33:36) = 'None' ELSE DO i = i0+1, first-1 WRITE(text(4*(i-i0)+29:4*(i-i0)+32), '(i4)') vorder(i) END DO END IF WRITE(*, '(" ", a)') text text = 'Variables currently forced OUT: ' IF (last == ncol) THEN text(33:36) = 'None' ELSE DO i = last+1, ncol WRITE(text(4*(i-last)+29:4*(i-last)+32), '(i4)') vorder(i) END DO END IF WRITE(*, '(1x, a)') text RETURN END SUBROUTINE current_status SUBROUTINE f1max(ndf, nf, f1, f5, f10, ier) ! Calculates approximations to the 1%, 5% & 10% points of the distribution ! of the maximum of NF values of an F-ratio with 1 d.f. for the numerator ! and NDF d.f. for the denominator. ! An approximation is used to the values given in table 2 of: ! Gilmour, S.G. (1996) `The interpretation of Mallows's Cp-statistic', ! The Statistician, vol.45, pp.49-56 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndf, nf REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: f1, f5, f10 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier ! Local variables REAL :: a1(6) = (/ 1.67649, 6.94330, 1.22627, 0.25319, 0.06136, -2.41097 /) REAL :: a5(6) = (/ 1.28152, 4.93268, -0.29583, 0.28518, -0.23566, -1.60581 /) REAL :: a10(6) = (/1.06642, 3.96276, -0.62483, 0.30228, -0.52843, -1.04499 /) REAL :: log_nf, one = 1.0 IF (ndf < 4 .OR. nf < 1) THEN ier = 1 RETURN END IF ier = 0 log_nf = LOG(DBLE(nf)) f1 = one + EXP(a1(1) + (a1(3)/ndf + a1(2))/ndf + a1(4)*log_nf & + (a1(6)/ndf + a1(5))/nf) f5 = one + EXP(a5(1) + (a5(3)/ndf + a5(2))/ndf + a5(4)*log_nf & + (a5(6)/ndf + a5(5))/nf) f10 = one + EXP(a10(1) + (a10(3)/ndf + a10(2))/ndf + a10(4)*log_nf & + (a10(6)/ndf + a10(5))/nf) RETURN END SUBROUTINE f1max SUBROUTINE update(x, n, xmin, xmax, xmean, sxx) ! Update statistics for x ! n = observation number ( = 1 for the first call) ! (sxx is the sum of squares of deviations from the mean) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: xmin, xmax, xmean, sxx ! Local variables REAL :: dev IF (n == 1) THEN xmin = x xmax = x xmean = x sxx = 0.0 RETURN END IF IF (x < xmin) THEN xmin = x ELSE IF (x > xmax) THEN xmax = x END IF dev = x - xmean xmean = xmean + dev/n sxx = sxx + dev * (x - xmean) RETURN END SUBROUTINE update SUBROUTINE calc_residuals(unit_data, unit_resid, fname_dat, nvar, vname, & ypos, nreq, beta, list, stdev, autoc1) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit_data, unit_resid, nvar, ypos, nreq, & list(:) CHARACTER (LEN = 40), INTENT(IN) :: fname_dat CHARACTER (LEN = 8), INTENT(IN) :: vname(0:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: beta(:), stdev REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: autoc1 ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, ier, iostatus REAL (dp) :: fit, lsq_resid, h, std_resid, last_resid = 0.0, x(0:nvar), & y, xrow(nreq), one = 1.0, zero = 0.0, sumsq WRITE(unit_resid) 'Data file name: ', fname_dat WRITE(unit_resid, 900) (list(i), vname(list(i)), i=1,nreq) 900 FORMAT('Variables in model:' / (5(i3, ' ', a8, ' | '))) WRITE(unit_resid, 910) beta(1:nreq) 910 FORMAT('Regression coefficients used:' / (5g15.6)) WRITE(unit_resid) 'Actual Y Fitted Y LS-residual Std-residual Leverage' x(0) = one last_resid = zero autoc1 = zero sumsq = zero DO READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:ypos-1), y, x(ypos:nvar) IF (iostatus > 0) THEN CYCLE ELSE IF (iostatus < 0) THEN EXIT END IF fit = zero DO i = 1, nreq xrow(i) = x(list(i)) fit = fit + beta(i) * xrow(i) END DO lsq_resid = y - fit CALL hdiag(xrow, nreq, h, ier) std_resid = lsq_resid / (stdev * SQRT(one - h)) WRITE(unit_resid, 920) y, fit, lsq_resid, std_resid, h 920 FORMAT(3g12.4, f9.2, f10.3) sumsq = sumsq + lsq_resid**2 autoc1 = autoc1 + lsq_resid * last_resid last_resid = lsq_resid END DO autoc1 = autoc1 / sumsq WRITE(*, '(a, f9.3)') 'Lag 1 auto-correlation of residuals = ', autoc1 WRITE(unit_resid, '(a, f9.3)') 'Lag 1 auto-correlation of residuals = ', autoc1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE calc_residuals SUBROUTINE cross_validation(unit_data, line1, ypos, fit_const, nvar, first, & last, search_method, criterion, nrepl, seed, & unit_rpt, msep, ier) ! Cross-validation routine excluding 10% at a time ! Search_method ! 1 Efroymson stepwise (F-to-enter = F-to-delete = 4.0) ! 2 Sequential replacement ! 3 Two-at-a-time sequential replacement ! 4 Best subsets (exhaustive search with branch-and-bound) ! Criterion (set to 5 for Efroymson search) ! 1 AIC ! 2 BIC ! 3 Mallows Cp ! 4 Hannan-Quinn ! 5 F-ratio = 4.0 ! Other arguments: ! unit_data Unit number from which to read the data ! line1 Number of the first line of data in the input file (in case file ! contains variable names & other header information) ! ypos Position of the dependent variable in each line of data ! fit_const .true. if a constant is to be included in the model ! nvar Number of predictor variables, excluding any constant ! first Position of the first variable available for selection. Any ! variables in earlier positions are to be forced into all subsets. ! last Position of the last variable available for selection. Variables ! to be forced out of subsets (if any) should be after position last. ! nrepl Number of complete replications of 10 subsets of 10% of the data ! seed() Array of random number seeds (dimension depends upon compiler) ! unit_rpt Unit number for output of report ! msep Average mean squared error of the predictions ! ier Error indicator ! = 0 if no error detected ! This version - 15 August 2002 INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit_data, line1, ypos, nvar, first, last, & search_method, nrepl, seed(:), unit_rpt INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: criterion LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: fit_const INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ier REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: msep ! Local variables INTEGER :: replicate, i, nobs_full, percentile, i1, i2, case, & iostatus, num_seeds, nvar_max, nsize, ipos, lout = 6, j INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: order(:), seeds(:), list(:), vorder_cpy(:), & init_vorder(:) REAL (dp) :: sumsq_ls, total_LS, zero = 0.0_dp, minus1 = -1.0_dp, y, & weight, fin = 4.0_dp, fout = 4.0_dp, variance, one = 1.0_dp, & fit_LS, penalty, crit_val, min_crit_val REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE :: x(:), beta_LS(:) IF (search_method == 1) criterion = 5 ALLOCATE( order(nobs), x(0:nvar), init_vorder(ncol) ) nobs_full = nobs msep = zero init_vorder = vorder ALLOCATE( list(1:nvar) ) DO i = 1, nvar list(i) = i END DO CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=num_seeds) ALLOCATE( seeds(num_seeds) ) seeds = seed(1:num_seeds) CALL RANDOM_SEED(put=seeds) ! Return the QR factorization back to the order of variables in the data set. DO i = 1, nvar CALL reordr(list, i, 2, ier) END DO DO replicate = 1, nrepl ! Choose a random permutation of the integers 1, 2, ..., nobs DO i = 1, nobs_full order(i) = i END DO CALL ranord(order, nobs_full) total_LS = zero ! ------------------- Cycle through subsets of the data ---------------- ! Delete 10% of the observations using array `order' DO percentile = 1, 10 IF (percentile == 1) THEN i1 = 1 i2 = 0.1 * REAL(nobs_full) + 0.5 ELSE i1 = i2 + 1 IF (percentile == 10) THEN i2 = nobs_full ELSE i2 = 0.1 * REAL(nobs_full) * percentile + 0.5 END IF END IF WRITE(*, '(a, i4, a, i4)')' Replicate: ', replicate, & ' Percentile: ', percentile sumsq_LS = zero REWIND(unit_data) IF (line1 > 1) THEN DO i = 1, line1-1 READ(unit_data, *) END DO END IF case = 1 weight = minus1 x(0) = one DO IF (ypos > nvar) THEN READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:nvar), y ELSE IF (ypos == 1) THEN READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) y, x(1:nvar) ELSE READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:ypos-1), y, x(ypos:nvar) END IF IF (iostatus > 0) CYCLE ! Error in data IF (iostatus < 0) EXIT ! End of file IF(ANY(case == order(i1:i2))) THEN ! Delete case if in this 10% CALL includ(weight, x, y) END IF case = case + 1 END DO ! N.B. Subroutine INCLUD increases nobs even when weights are negative. ! Calculate correct value for the present nobs. nobs = nobs_full - (i2 + 1 - i1) ! Find subsets which fit well IF (fit_const) THEN nvar_max = max_size - 1 ELSE nvar_max = max_size END IF CALL init_subsets(nvar_max, fit_const) ! Re-order the QR-factorization if variables are ! to be forced in or out. IF (first > 1) THEN CALL reordr(init_vorder, first-1, 1, ier) END IF IF (last < ncol) THEN CALL reordr(init_vorder, last, 1, ier) END IF SELECT CASE(search_method) CASE(1) CALL efroym(first, last, fin, fout, nsize, ier, lout) CASE(2) CALL seqrep(first, last, ier) CASE(3) CALL seq2(first, last, ier) CASE(4) CALL seq2(first, last, ier) CALL xhaust(first, last, ier) END SELECT ! Pick best subset min_crit_val = HUGE(one) IF (search_method > 1) THEN IF (criterion == 3) variance = sserr / (nobs - ncol) nsize = 0 DO i = first, max_size IF (criterion /= 3) variance = ress(i,1) / (nobs - i) CALL calc_penalty(i, first, variance, criterion, penalty) crit_val = ress(i,1) + penalty IF (nsize == 0 .OR. crit_val < min_crit_val) THEN min_crit_val = crit_val nsize = i END IF END DO END IF ipos = ((nsize-1)*nsize)/2 + 1 CALL reordr(lopt(ipos:,1), nsize, 1, ier) ! Estimate the regression coefficients using the LS-projections ALLOCATE( beta_LS(1:nsize), vorder_cpy(1:nsize) ) vorder_cpy = vorder(1:nsize) CALL shell(vorder_cpy, nsize) ! Shell sort from find_sub WRITE(unit_rpt, 970) percentile, vorder_cpy(1:nsize) 970 FORMAT('Percentile no.', i3, ' Selected variables:'/(' ', 15i5)) CALL regcf(beta_LS, nsize, ier) ! WRITE(unit_rpt, 980) beta_LS ! 980 FORMAT('LS regression coefficients:'/(' ', 6g13.5)) vorder_cpy = vorder(1:nsize) ! Return the order of variables to the original order, as in the data set DO i = 1, nvar CALL reordr(list, i, 2, ier) END DO ! Estimate the 10% omitted, and re-instate the deleted cases REWIND(unit_data) IF (line1 > 1) THEN DO i = 1, line1-1 READ(unit_data, *) END DO END IF case = 1 weight = one x(0) = one DO IF (ypos > nvar) THEN READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:nvar), y ELSE IF (ypos == 1) THEN READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) y, x(1:nvar) ELSE READ(unit_data, *, IOSTAT=iostatus) x(1:ypos-1), y, x(ypos:nvar) END IF IF (iostatus > 0) CYCLE ! Error in data IF (iostatus < 0) EXIT ! End of file IF(ANY(case == order(i1:i2))) THEN ! Restore case if in this 10% fit_LS = zero DO i = 1, nsize j = vorder_cpy(i) fit_LS = fit_LS + beta_LS(i) * x(j) END DO sumsq_LS = sumsq_LS + (y - fit_LS)**2 CALL includ(weight, x, y) ! INCLUD destroys x END IF case = case + 1 END DO WRITE(unit_rpt,1000) sumsq_LS 1000 FORMAT('Sums of sq. (LS) = ', g12.4) total_LS = total_LS + sumsq_LS ! CALL print_QR DEALLOCATE( beta_LS, vorder_cpy ) END DO ! percentile = 1, 10 WRITE(unit_rpt, 1030) total_LS WRITE(*, 1030) total_LS 1030 FORMAT(/' Total sum of squares (LS) = ', g13.5) WRITE(unit_rpt, '(/)') msep = msep + total_LS END DO ! replicate = 1, nrepl msep = msep / (nrepl * nobs_full) WRITE(*, 900) msep WRITE(unit_rpt, 900) msep 900 FORMAT(' Overall mean squared error of prediction = ', g13.5) WRITE(*, 910) SQRT(msep) WRITE(unit_rpt, 910) SQRT(msep) 910 FORMAT(' RMS (prediction error) = ', g13.5) DEALLOCATE( order, x, list, seeds ) STOP END SUBROUTINE cross_validation SUBROUTINE ranord(order, n) ! Generate a random ordering of the integers 1 ... n. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: order(:) ! Local variables REAL :: wk(n) INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, n order(i) = i END DO CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(wk) CALL sqsort(wk, n, order) RETURN END SUBROUTINE ranord SUBROUTINE sqsort(a, n, t) ! NON-RECURSIVE STACK VERSION OF QUICKSORT FROM N.WIRTH'S PASCAL ! BOOK, 'ALGORITHMS + DATA STRUCTURES = PROGRAMS'. ! SINGLE PRECISION, ALSO CHANGES THE ORDER OF THE ASSOCIATED ARRAY T. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: t(:) REAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: a(:) ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, j, k, l, r, s, stackl(15), stackr(15), ww REAL :: w, x s = 1 stackl(1) = 1 ! KEEP TAKING THE TOP REQUEST FROM THE STACK UNTIL S = 0. stackr(1) = n 10 l = stackl(s) r = stackr(s) ! KEEP SPLITTING A(L), ... , A(R) UNTIL L>=R. s = s - 1 20 i = l j = r k = (l + r)/2 ! REPEAT UNTIL I > J. x = a(k) 30 IF(a(i) >= x) GO TO 40 i = i + 1 GO TO 30 40 IF(x >= a(j)) GO TO 50 j = j - 1 GO TO 40 50 IF(i > j) GO TO 60 w = a(i) ww = t(i) a(i) = a(j) t(i) = t(j) a(j) = w t(j) = ww i = i + 1 j = j - 1 IF(i <= j) GO TO 30 60 IF(j - l < r - i) GO TO 75 IF(l >= j) GO TO 65 s = s + 1 stackl(s) = l stackr(s) = j 65 l = i GO TO 90 75 IF(i >= r) GO TO 80 s = s + 1 stackl(s) = i stackr(s) = r 80 r = j 90 IF(l < r) GO TO 20 IF(s /= 0) GO TO 10 RETURN END SUBROUTINE sqsort SUBROUTINE calc_penalty(size1, size2, var, penalty_num, penalty_val) ! Calculate value of penalty for size of subset. ! Currently the penalties available are: ! Number Name ! 1 AIC ! 2 BIC ! 3 Mallows' Cp ! 4 Hannan-Quinn ! 5 Efroymson (F-to-delete = F-to-add = 4.0) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: size1, size2, penalty_num REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT) :: penalty_val ! Local variables REAL(dp) :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp, two = 2.0_dp, four = 4.0_dp IF (size1 == size2) THEN penalty_val = zero RETURN END IF IF (penalty_num < 1 .OR. penalty_num > 5) THEN penalty_val = zero RETURN END IF SELECT CASE(penalty_num) CASE(1) penalty_val = rss(size1) * (one - exp(two * (size2 - size1) / nobs)) CASE(2) penalty_val = rss(size1) * & (one - exp((size2 - size1) * LOG(REAL(nobs)) / nobs)) CASE(3) penalty_val = two * var * (size1 - size2) CASE(4) penalty_val = rss(size1) * & (one - exp(two * (size2 - size1) * LOG(LOG(REAL(nobs))) / nobs)) CASE(5) penalty_val = four * var * (size1 - size2) END SELECT RETURN END SUBROUTINE calc_penalty SUBROUTINE get_numbers(list, n) ! Read in a list of numbers which may be separated by commas, blanks ! or either `..' or `-'. INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: list INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: n ! Local variables CHARACTER (LEN=4) :: delimiters = ' ,-.' CHARACTER (LEN=100) :: text INTEGER :: nmax, length, i1, i2, iostatus, i, number LOGICAL :: sequence nmax = SIZE(list) start: DO WRITE(*, *) 'Enter variable numbers on one line' WRITE(*, *) 'e.g. 1-5 8 11 .. 15 use commas or blanks as separators' WRITE(*, *) ': ' READ(*, '(a)') text text = ADJUSTL(text) length = LEN_TRIM(text) IF (length == 0) THEN n = 0 RETURN END IF n = 1 i1 = 1 sequence = .FALSE. DO i2 = SCAN( text(i1:), delimiters ) IF (i2 == 0) THEN i2 = length ELSE i2 = i2 + i1 - 2 END IF READ(text(i1:i2), *, IOSTAT=iostatus) number IF (iostatus /= 0) THEN WRITE(*, *) '** Error: numeric data expected **' WRITE(*, '(1x, a)') text(1:length) text = ' ' DO i = i1, i2 text(i:i) = '^' END DO WRITE(*, '(1x, a)') text(1:i2) CYCLE start END IF IF (sequence) THEN IF (number <= list(n-1)) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'Variable numbers not increasing' WRITE(*, '(1x, a)') text(1:length) text = ' ' DO i = i1, i2 text(i:i) = '^' END DO WRITE(*, '(1x, a)') text(1:i2) CYCLE start END IF DO list(n) = list(n-1) + 1 IF (list(n) >= number) EXIT n = n + 1 END DO ELSE list(n) = number END IF IF (i2 == length) RETURN i1 = i2 + 1 sequence = .FALSE. ! Find end of delimiters DO IF ( SCAN( text(i1:i1), delimiters ) > 0) THEN IF (text(i1:i1) == '-' .OR. text(i1:i1+1) == '..') sequence = .TRUE. i1 = i1 + 1 ELSE EXIT END IF END DO n = n + 1 IF (n > nmax) THEN WRITE(*, *) '** Too many numbers entered - list truncated **' n = nmax RETURN END IF END DO END DO start RETURN END SUBROUTINE get_numbers SUBROUTINE set_seed() INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: seed(:) INTEGER :: k ! Set the random number seed. CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=k) ALLOCATE (seed(k)) CALL RANDOM_SEED(get=seed) WRITE(*, *)'Old random number seeds: ', seed WRITE(*, '(1x, a, i4, a)') 'Enter ', k, ' integers as random number seeds: ' READ(*, *) seed WRITE(11, '(a/ 10(" ", i10))') 'New random number seeds:', seed CALL RANDOM_SEED(put=seed) RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_seed END PROGRAM subset