% Jason R. Blevins - Curriculum Vitae % % Copyright (C) 2004-2024 Jason R. Blevins % https://jblevins.org/ % % You may use use this document as a template to create your own CV % and you may redistribute the source code freely. No attribution is % required in any resulting documents. I do ask that you please leave % this notice and the above URL in the source code if you choose to % redistribute this file. \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper]{article} % Set your name here \def\name{Jason R. Blevins} % Load packages \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{enumitem} % Enumerate with [resume] option \usepackage{fontspec} % Requires XeTeX \usepackage{sectsty} % Custom section fonts % Body \setmainfont{Garamond Premier Pro} % Title \newfontfamily\titleface{Chaparral Pro Subhead} \newcommand{\titlefont}[1]{{\titleface\large\MakeUppercase{#1}}} % Section Headings \newfontfamily\sectionface{Chaparral Pro Subhead} \sectionfont{\sectionface\mdseries\normalsize\uppercase} \subsectionfont{\sectionface\mdseries\normalsize\itshape} % Other possible font commands include: % \ttfamily for teletype, % \sffamily for sans serif, % \bfseries for bold, % \scshape for small caps, % \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE sizes. % The following metadata will show up in the PDF properties \hypersetup{ colorlinks = true, urlcolor = black, pdfauthor = {\name}, pdfkeywords = {economics, econometrics, empirical industrial organization, applied microeconomics}, pdftitle = {\name: Curriculum Vitae}, pdfsubject = {Curriculum Vitae}, pdfpagemode = UseNone } \geometry{ body={6.5in, 9.0in}, left=1.0in, top=1.0in } % Don't indent paragraphs. \setlength\parindent{0em} % Make lists without bullets and compact spacing \renewenvironment{itemize}{ \begin{list}{}{ \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.5em} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.25em} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0.25em} } }{ \end{list} } \setlist[enumerate]{itemsep=0.25em} % Print the month and year \renewcommand{\today}{\ifcase \month \or January\or February\or March\or April\or May% \or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi% \space \number \year} % COVID-19 Cancellations \newcommand{\fncovid}{{\footnotesize ${}^{\dagger}$}} \begin{document} % Place name at left and date at right \titlefont{\name} % Alternatively, print name centered and bold: %\centerline{\titlefont{\name}} % Date \bigskip \today % Contact Information \bigskip \begin{minipage}[t]{0.495\textwidth} Department of Economics \\ The Ohio State University \\ 451 Arps Hall \\ 1945 N High Street \\ Columbus, Ohio 43210 \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.495\textwidth} \href{https://jblevins.org/}{https://jblevins.org/} \\ \href{mailto:blevins.141@osu.edu}{blevins.141@osu.edu} \\ (614) 292-5588 \end{minipage} \section*{Academic Positions} \begin{itemize} \item The Ohio State University, Department of Economics \begin{itemize} \item Associate Professor with tenure, 2017--Present. \item Assistant Professor, 2010--2017. \end{itemize} \item Yale Center for Customer Insights, Melville Blake '80 Visiting Summer Fellow, 2012. \item Duke University, Department of Economics, Research and Teaching Assistant, 2005--2010. \end{itemize} % \subsection*{Duke University, Department of Economics} % % \begin{itemize} % \item Research Assistant, Jacob Vigdor, Summer 2005--Summer 2006. % \item Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Microeconomic Analysis, Thomas Nechyba, Fall 2005. % \item Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Game Theory, Curtis Taylor, Spring 2006. % \item Instructor, Microeconomics Qualifier Camp, Summer 2006. % \item Research Assistant, Han Hong, Fall 2006--Spring 2007. % \item Research Assistant, Aprajit Mahajan and Alessandro Tarozzi, % October--November 2006, March--June 2007. % \item Research Assistant, Shakeeb Khan and Christopher Timmins, % March--June 2007. % \item Teaching Assistant, Ph.D. Econometrics II, Shakeeb Khan, % Spring 2007. % \item Research Assistant, Peter Arcidiacono, Patrick Bayer, % and Paul Ellickson, Fall 2007--Spring 2009. % \item Research Assistant, Shakeeb Khan, Fall 2009--Spring 2010. % \item Research Assistant, Aprajit Mahajan, July--September 2009. % \end{itemize} % \subsection*{North Carolina State University, Department of Mathematics} % % \begin{itemize} % \item Research Assistant, Moody Chu and Robert Funderlic, % Spring 2003--Fall 2004. % \item Mathematics Tutor, Academic Support Program for Student Athletes, % Summer 2001. % \end{itemize} % \subsection*{Colorado School of Mines, % Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences} % % \begin{itemize} % \item Research Assistant, Willy Hereman, Summer 2002. % \end{itemize} \section*{Education} \begin{itemize} \item Ph.D. Economics, Duke University, 2010. % Received May 16, 2010 \begin{itemize} \item Dissertation Title: ``Essays in Industrial Organization and Econometrics''. \item Committee: Han Hong (co-chair), Shakeeb Khan (co-chair), Paul Ellickson, Andrew Sweeting. \end{itemize} \item A.M. Economics, Duke University, 2006. % Received May 14, 2006 \item B.S. Applied Mathematics, \textit{Summa Cum Laude}, North Carolina State University, 2004. % Received May 14, 2004 \begin{itemize} \item Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, Fall 2002. \item Minors in Economics and Computer Programming. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \section*{Research Interests} Structural Microeconometrics, Empirical Industrial Organization, Applied Microeconomics \section*{Working Papers} \begin{enumerate}[resume] \item Blevins, J.~R. \href{https://jblevins.org/research/ctgames}{Identification and Estimation of Continuous Time Dynamic Discrete Choice Games}. Revise and resubmit at \emph{Quantitative Economics} (second round). \item Blevins, J.~R. \href{https://jblevins.org/research/ctcomp}{Leveraging Uniformization and Sparsity for Computation of Continuous Time Dynamic Discrete Choice Games}. \item Blevins, J.~R. and M. Kim. \href{https://jblevins.org/research/am_2007}{Nested Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Games: A Replication and Retrospective}. \item Blevins, J.~R. \href{https://jblevins.org/research/panel}{Partial Identification and Inference in Binary Choice and Duration Panel Data Models}. \end{enumerate} \section*{Peer-Reviewed Publications} \begin{enumerate}[resume] \item Dearing, A. and J.~R. Blevins (2025). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/epl}{Efficient and Convergent Sequential Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games}. Forthcoming at \emph{Review of Economic Studies}. \item Blevins, J.~R. and M. Kim (2024). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/ctnpl}{Nested Pseudo Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-Time Dynamic Discrete Games}. \emph{Journal of Econometrics} 238. \item Blevins, J.~R., W. Shi., D.~R. Haurin, and S. Moulton (2020). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/ddc-hecm}{A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior}. \textit{International Economic Review} 61, 1437--1477. \item Blevins, J.~R. and G.~T. Senney (2019). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/dcs}{Dynamic Selection and Distributional Bounds on Search Costs in Dynamic Unit-Demand Models}. \textit{Quantitative Economics} 10, 891--929. \item Blevins, J.~R., A. Khwaja, and N. Yang (2018). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/bky}{Firm Expansion, Size Spillovers and Market Dominance in Retail Chain Dynamics}. \textit{Management Science} 64, 3971--4470. \item Blevins, J.~R. (2017). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/sde}{Identifying Restrictions for Finite Parameter Continuous Time Models with Discrete Time Data}. \textit{Econometric Theory} 33, 739--754. \item Blevins, J.~R. (2016). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/smcdmm}{Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Estimating Dynamic Microeconomic Models}. \textit{Journal of Applied Econometrics} 31, 773--804. \item Arcidiacono, P., P.~Bayer, J.~R. Blevins, P.~B. Ellickson (2016). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/abbe}{Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models in Continuous Time with an Application to Retail Competition}. \textit{Review of Economic Studies} 83, 889--931. \item Blevins, J.~R. (2015). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/cuberoot}{Non-Standard Rates of Convergence of Criterion-Function-Based Set Estimators for Binary Response Models}. \textit{Econometrics Journal} 18, 172--199. \item Blevins, J.~R. (2015). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/seqgame}{Structural Estimation of Sequential Games of Complete Information}. \textit{Economic Inquiry} 53, 791--811. \item Blevins, J.~R. (2014). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/dcident}{Nonparametric Identification of Dynamic Decision Processes with Discrete and Continuous Choices}. \textit{Quantitative Economics} 5, 531--554. \item Blevins, J.~R. and S.~Khan (2013). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/dfbr/}{Distribution-Free Estimation of Heteroskedastic Binary Response Models in Stata}. \textit{Stata Journal} 13, 588--602. \item Blevins, J.~R. and S.~Khan (2013). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/lnlls}{Local NLLS Estimation of Semiparametric Binary Choice Models}. \textit{Econometrics Journal} 16, 135--160. \end{enumerate} \section*{Other Publications} \begin{enumerate}[resume] \item Blevins, J.~R. (2009). \href{https://jblevins.org/research/generic-list}{A Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95}. \textit{ACM Fortran Forum} 28(3), 2--7. \end{enumerate} \section*{Scientific Software} \begin{itemize} \item \href{https://jblevins.org/research/am_2007}{Annotated MATLAB Translation of the Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007) Replication Code}, with Minhae Kim (2019). \item \href{https://jblevins.org/research/dfbr}{DFBR}, A Stata program for distribution-free estimation of heteroskedastic binary response models, with Shakeeb Khan (2009). \item \href{https://jblevins.org/research/pdest}{PDESolutionTester}, A Mathematica program for the symbolic verification of exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations, with Jeff Heath and Willy Hereman (2002). \end{itemize} \section*{Grants and Sponsored Projects} \begin{itemize} \item Blevins, J.~R. and Dearing, A. (co-PIs). Demand estimation and analysis for products. Undisclosed corporate sponsor. \$58,434. \item Moulton, S. (PI), Seligman, J.~S., Haurin, D.~R., Loibl, C., Blevins, J.~R. (Co-PIs). Aging in Place: Managing the Use of Reverse Mortgages to Enable Housing Stability, 2013--2016. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). \$555,004. \end{itemize} \section*{Honors \& Awards} \begin{itemize} \item \textit{Economic Inquiry} Award for Outstanding Review Service, 2018. \item Summer Research Fellowship, Duke University, 2007, 2008. \item Institute on Computational Economics Fellow, University of Chicago, 2006. \item Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Duke University, 2006. \item Undergraduate Research Award, North Carolina State University, 2004. \item Phi Beta Kappa, Zeta of North Carolina, 2003. \item NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Colorado School of Mines, 2002. % \item Omicron Delta Epsilon, International Economics Honor Society, 2004. % \item Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honor Society, 2003. % \item Phi Kappa Phi, 2002. % \item Golden Key International Honour Society, 2002. % \item Dean's List, North Carolina State University, 2000--2004. \end{itemize} \section*{Editorial Service} \begin{itemize} \item Associate Editor, \textit{Economic Inquiry}, 2018--Present. \item Referee for \textit{American Economic Review}, % 1 \textit{Econometrica}, % 4 \textit{Econometric Reviews}, % 4 \textit{Econometric Theory}, % 3 \textit{Economic Inquiry}, % 19 \textit{Economics Letters}, % 1 \textit{International Economic Review}, % 2 \textit{Journal of Applied Econometrics}, % 3 \textit{Journal of Business and Economic Statistics}, % 5 \textit{Journal of Computational Finance}, % 1 \textit{Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control}, % 1 \textit{Journal of Economic Literature}, % 1 \textit{Journal of Econometric Methods}, % 1 \textit{Journal of Econometrics}, % 22 \textit{Journal of Labor Economics}, % 1 \textit{Management Science}, % 1 \textit{Marketing Science}, % 1 \textit{Operations Research}, % 1 \textit{RAND Journal of Economics}, % 1 \textit{Review of Economic Studies}, % 3 \textit{Review of Economics and Statistics}, % 2 \textit{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics}, % 1 \textit{Stata Journal}, % 1 \textit{Pakistan Journal of Statistics}, % 1 \textit{Quantitative Economics}, % 5 Cambridge University Press, % 1 National Science Foundation, % 2 Ohio Supercomputer Center, % 1 Polish National Science Centre % 2 \end{itemize} \section*{Invited Seminars} \begin{description}[font=\mdseries] \item[2022] Indiana University \item[2020] Michigan State University,\fncovid Boston College,\fncovid University of Notre Dame. \item[2019] Texas A\&M University, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, University of Toronto. \item[2018] University of Montreal, Pennsylvania State University. \item[2017] Indiana University, University of Maryland, University of Texas at Austin, University of Western Ontario, University of Pittsburgh. \item[2016] Ohio State University (Glenn College of Public Affairs), University of Arizona. \item[2015] University of British Columbia. \item[2014] Columbia University, University of Iowa, University of Kentucky. \item[2013] University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Michigan. \item[2012] Yale University (School of Management), Washington University (Olin Business School), University of Virginia. \item[2011] Pennsylvania State University, University of Toronto, University of Texas at Austin, Vanderbilt University, University of Rochester (Simon Graduate School of Business), Ohio State University (AEDE). \item[2010] Ohio State University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Western Ontario, University of Pittsburgh. \end{description} \section*{Conference Presentations} \begin{description}[font=\mdseries] \item[2024] Empirical Methods in Game Theory (Stony Brook University) (presenter and discussant). \item[2023] International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE 2023, Oslo). \item[2021] North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society (University of Montreal). \item[2020] ASSA Annual Meeting (San Diego, Society for Computational Economics session), International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC, Philadelphia),\fncovid Econometric Society World Congress (Milan). \item[2019] International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE 2019, Cyprus), University of Calgary Empirical Microeconomics Workshop (Banff). \item[2017] ASSA Annual Meeting (Chicago, discussant), Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG 2017, Texas A\&M). \item[2016] University of Calgary Empirical Microeconomics Workshop (Banff). \item[2015] Econometric Society World Congress (Montr\'{e}al), Stata Conference (Columbus), Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG 2015, St. Louis Fed). \item[2014] University of Calgary Empirical Microeconomics Workshop (Banff), International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC, Chicago, presenter and discussant), Midwest Economics Association (Evanston, IL, presenter and discussant). \item[2013] Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG 2013, Indiana University). \item[2011] Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG 2011, Chicago, Booth). \item[2010] Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG 2010, Washington University), Triangle Econometrics Conference, ERID Conference on Identification Issues in Economics (Duke). \end{description} \section*{Service to Profession, University, \& Department} \begin{itemize} \item Conference Organization \begin{itemize} \item Program Committee of the 9th Annual Conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE), Kings College, London, June 21--24, 2022. \item Scientific Committee of the 8th Annual Conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE), Rotterdam, June 22--25, 2021. \item Scientific Committee of the 7th Annual Conference of the International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE), London, June 30--July 3, 2020.\fncovid \item Local Organizer, \href{https://jblevins.org/pub/meg-2019.pdf}{29th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group (MEG)}, Ohio State University, October 11--12, 2019. \end{itemize} \item The Ohio State University, Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences \begin{itemize} \item Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee, SBS Panel (2017--18, 2018--19, 2019--20) \item Ad Hoc Online Course Assurance Review, SBS Curriculum Committee (Summer 2020, Fall 2020) \end{itemize} \item The Ohio State University, Department of Economics \begin{itemize} \item Director of Graduate Studies (2022--23, 2023--24, 2024--25) \item Director of Graduate Placement (2018--19, 2019--20, 2020--21, 2021--22) \item Advisory Committee to the Chair (2017--19, 2021--23) \item Academic Review Committee (2018--19, 2019--20) \item Faculty Recruiting Committee (2010--11, 2011--12, 2014--15, 2016--17, 2017--18, 2019--20, 2021--22, 2022--23, 2024--25) \item Graduate Studies Committee (2012--13, 2018--19, 2019--20, 2020--21, 2021--22, 2022--23, 2023--24, 2024--25) \item Undergraduate Studies Committee (2014--15) \item Promotion and Tenure Reading Committee (2018--19, 2020--21, 2022--23) \item Ad-Hoc Graduate Program Review Committee (2013--14) \item Econometrics Seminar Organizer (Autumn 2016, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Autumn 2019, Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Spring 2024, Spring 2025) \item General Education Curriculum Data Science Theme Representative (2019--20) \item G.S. Maddala Prize Committee (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) \item Tom Kniesner and Debbie Freund Award Committee (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \section*{Professional Memberships} \begin{itemize} \item Econometric Society (2006--Present) \item American Economic Association (2010--Present) \item American Statistical Association (2011--Present) \item International Association for Applied Econometrics (2019--Present) \end{itemize} \section*{Advising} \subsection*{Ph.D. Students, as Primary Advisor (Initial Placement in Parentheses)} \begin{itemize} \item \href{https://chaoma2014.weebly.com}{Chao Ma} (2015, Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, WISE, co-advisor with Donald Haurin) \item \href{https://garrettsenney.weebly.com}{Garrett T. Senney} (2016, Financial Economist, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) \item \href{https://junqiushi-ren.weebly.com}{Junqiushi Ren} (2017, Assistant Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, RIEM) % Research Institute of Economics and Management \item \href{https://minhaekim.org}{Minhae Kim} (2022, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University) \item \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-lopez-gomez}{Daniel Lopez Gomez} (2022, Data Scientist, Figma) \item \href{https://sites.google.com/view/leibillwang/}{Bill Wang} \item \href{https://yjaejeong.github.io}{Youngjae Jeong} \end{itemize} \subsection*{Ph.D. Students, as Committee Member (Initial Placement in Parentheses)} \begin{itemize} % Seonghoon Kim; candidacy exam, 2011 % Fei Jin; candidacy exam, 2011 % Xi Qu; candidacy exam, 2012 \item Chih-Sheng Hsieh (2013, Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong) \item Chao Yang (2015, Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) \item Xingbai Xu (2016, Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, WISE) \item Xiang Hui (2016, Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT Sloan) \item Wei Shi (2016, Assistant Professor, Jinan University Institute for Economic and Social Research) \item Kai Yang (2016, Assistant Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) \item Jongwook Park (2017, Economist, Bank of Korea) \item Bosung Jang (2017, Economist, Bank of Korea) \item Neslihan Sakarya (2017, Assistant Professor, University of Essex) \item Tuo Liu (2017, Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, WISE) \item Joseph Rossetti (2018, Associate, Matrix Economics) \item Hongyu Chen (2018, Quantitative Analyst, Freddie Mac) \item Hyewon Kim (2018, Senior Quantitative Analyst, Gartner) \item Yun Pu (2018, Assistant Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Public Finance and Taxation) \item Jon Michel (2019, Data Scientist, Google) \item Hanbat Jeong (2019, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ohio State; Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University) \item Yang Yang (2022, Assistant Professor, Tianjin University) \item Yichun Song (2023, Assistant Professor, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Institute for Advanced Economic Research) \item Nayul Kim (2024, Research Fellow, Korean Institute of Finance) \item Yanli Lin (2024, Lecturer, University of Western Australia) \item Zheyu Ni (2024, Economist, Digonex) \item Robert Daniel \item Minhee Lee \item Pingchuan Ma \item Shi Ryoung Chang \item Sunmin Kim \item Shivam Agrawal \item Mingrui Ma \item Jhongyi Huang \end{itemize} \subsection*{Undergraduate Honors Students} \begin{itemize} \item Erik Lauritzen (2011, co-advisor with Jennifer Suchland) \item Rachel Williams (2019, committee member) \end{itemize} \section*{Teaching} \subsection*{The Ohio State University} \begin{itemize} \item Advanced Econometrics I (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s19/}{Spring 2019}, % 12 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830f19/}{Autumn 2019}, % 9 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s21/}{Spring 2021}, % 7 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s22/}{Spring 2022}, % 13 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s23/}{Spring 2023}, % 9 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s24/}{Spring 2024}, % 8 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8830s25/}{Spring 2025}. % ? students, 3 semester credit hours \item Topics in Microeconometrics (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ843f11/}{Autumn 2011}, % 5 students, 5 quarter credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8833f12/}{Autumn 2012}, % 11 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8833f14/}{Autumn 2014}, % 12 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8833f15/}{Autumn 2015}, % 7 students, 3 semester credit hours \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ8833f16/}{Autumn 2016}. % 9 students, 3 semester credit hours \item Econometrics II (Ph.D.): Spring 2020, % 33 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2021, % 34 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2022, % 22 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2023, % 29 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2024, % 25 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2025. % ? students, 3 semester credit hours \item Econometrics I (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ741s11/}{Spring 2011}. % 47 students, 5 quarter credit hours \item Econometrics II: Spring 2012, % 60 students, 5 quarter credit hours Autumn 2012, % 24 students, 3 semester credit hours Autumn 2016, % 55 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2017, % 90 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2018, % 80 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2019, % 32 students, 3 semester credit hours Autumn 2019, % 56 students, 3 semester credit hours Autumn 2020. % 60 students, 3 semester credit hours \item Introductory Econometrics: \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ444w11/}{Winter 2011}, % 57 students, 5 quarter credit hours Spring 2014, % 60 students, 3 semester credit hours Autumn 2014, % 87 students, 3 semester credit hours Spring 2015. % 110 students, 3 semester credit hours \item Econometrics seminar organizer: Autumn 2016, Spring 2018, Spring 2019. \end{itemize} \subsection*{Duke University} \begin{itemize} \item Microeconomics Qualifier Camp (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/qualcamp06/}{Summer 2006}. \item Econometrics II (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ342s07/}{Spring 2007}, teaching assistant for Shakeeb Khan. \item Microeconomic Analysis II (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ302s06/}{Spring 2006}, teaching assistant for Curtis Taylor. \item Microeconomic Analysis I (Ph.D.): \href{https://jblevins.org/courses/econ301f05/}{Fall 2005}, teaching assistant for Thomas Nechyba. \end{itemize} % \section*{Conference Participation} % \begin{itemize} % \item University of Calgary Empirical Microeconomics Workshop, % Banff, Canada, September 20--21, 2014. % \item 12th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), % Chicago, IL, April 11-13, 2014. % \item Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting, % March 21--23, 2014. % \item 23rd Annual Meeting of the Midwest Econometrics Group, % Indiana University, Department of Economics, % October 25--26, 2013. % \item NBER/NSF/CEME Conference on the Econometrics of Dynamic Games, % New York University, Stern School of Business, % August 10--11, 2012. % \item 2012 China India Insights Conference, % Yale University School of Management, % August 2--3, 2012. % \item AEA/ASSA Annual Meetings, % Chicago, IL, January 5--8, 2012. % \item 2011 Meetings of the Midwest Econometrics Group, % University of Chicago Booth School of Business, % October 6-7, 2011. % \item North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, % Washington University, % June 9--12, 2011. % \item AEA/ASSA Annual Meetings, % Denver, CO, January 6--10, 2011. % \item 20th Annual Meetings of the Midwest Econometrics Group, % Washington University, % October 1--2, 2010. % \item AEA/ASSA Annual Meetings, % Atlanta, GA, January 3--5, 2010. % \item Triangle Econometrics Conference, % Research Triangle Park, NC, % December 4, 2009. % \item Cowles Foundation Conference, Applications of Structural Microeconomics, % Yale University, % June 24--25, 2009. % \item ERID Conference on Identification, % Duke University, % October 3--4, 2008. % \item North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, % Duke University, % June 21--24, 2007. % \item Institute on Computational Economics, % Argonne National Laboratory, % July 17--21, 2006. % \item SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, % The College of William \& Mary, % July 15--19, 2003. % \end{itemize} \section*{Miscellaneous} \begin{itemize} \item Google Open Source Programs Office sponsorship of Markdown Mode for Emacs, June 2015, \$250. \item \textit{Programming Languages:} Fortran, Matlab, \LaTeX, Emacs Lisp, Perl, Python, Stata, Mata, SQL, Swift, C, C++. \item \textit{Security Clearance:} Special Sworn Status, U.S. Census Bureau (2009). \item Den Leader, Cub Scout Pack 365 (2020--2022). \end{itemize} \vfill {\footnotesize \fncovid Canceled due to COVID-19.} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% coding: utf-8 %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-engine: xetex %%% End: