MODULE BoundedLeastSquares ! Summary: ! BVLS solves linear least-squares problems with upper and lower bounds on the ! variables, using an active set strategy. It is documented in the J. of ! Computational Statistics, and can be used iteratively to solve minimum ! l-1, l-2 and l-infinity fitting problems. ! Statement: ! This algorithm may be used freely for non-commercial purposes, and may be ! freely distributed for non-commercial purposes. The authors do not warrant ! the software in any way: use it at your own risk. ! Code converted using TO_F90 by Alan Miller ! Date: 2000-11-23 Time: 23:41:42 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12, 60) CONTAINS !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE bvls(key, m, n, a, b, bl, bu, x, istate, loopa) !======================================================================= ! N.B. Arguments W, ACT & ZZ have been removed. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: key INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: a(m,n) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: b(m) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: bl(n) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: bu(n) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: x(n) INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: istate(n+1) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: loopa !--------------------Bounded Variable Least Squares--------------------- ! Robert L. Parker and Philip B. Stark Version 3/19/90 ! Robert L. Parker Philip B. Stark ! Scripps Institution of Oceanography Department of Statistics ! University of California, San Diego University of California ! La Jolla CA 92093 Berkeley CA 94720-3860 ! ! Copyright of this software is reserved by the authors; however, this ! algorithm and subroutine may be used freely for non-commercial ! purposes, and may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes. ! The authors do not warrant this software in any way: use it at your ! own risk. ! See the article ``Bounded Variable Least Squares: An Algorithm and ! Applications'' by P.B. Stark and R.L. Parker, in the journal: ! Computational Statistics, vol.10(2), (1995) for further description and ! applications to minimum l-1, l-2 and l-infinity fitting problems, as well ! as finding bounds on linear functionals subject to bounds on variables and ! fitting linear data within l-1, l-2 or l-infinity measures of misfit. ! BVLS solves the problem: ! min || a.x - b || such that bl <= x <= bu ! 2 ! where ! x is an unknown n-vector ! a is a given m by n matrix ! b is a given m-vector ! bl is a given n-vector of lower bounds on the components of x. ! bu is a given n-vector of upper bounds on the components of x. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Input parameters: ! m, n, a, b, bl, bu see above. Let mm=min(m,n). ! If key = 0, the subroutine solves the problem from scratch. ! If key > 0 the routine initializes using the user's guess about which ! components of x are `active', i.e. are stricly within their bounds, ! which are at their lower bounds, and which are at their upper bounds. ! This information is supplied through the array istate. istate(n+1) ! should contain the total number of components at their bounds (the ! `bound variables'). The absolute values of the first nbound=istate(n+1) ! entries of istate are the indices of these `bound' components of x. ! The sign of istate(j), j=1,..., nbound, indicates whether x(|istate(j)|) ! is at its upper or lower bound. istate(j) is positive if the component ! is at its upper bound, negative if the component is at its lower bound. ! istate(j), j=nbound+1,...,n contain the indices of the components of x ! that are active (i.e. are expected to lie strictly within their bounds). ! When key > 0, the routine initially sets the active components to the ! averages of their upper and lower bounds: ! x(j)=(bl(j)+bu(j))/2, for j in the active set. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Output parameters: ! x the solution vector. ! w(1) the minimum 2-norm || a.x-b ||. ! istate vector indicating which components of x are active and which are ! at their bounds (see the previous paragraph). ! istate can be supplied to the routine to give it a good starting ! guess for the solution. ! loopA number of iterations taken in the main loop, Loop A. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Working arrays: ! w dimension n. act dimension m*(mm+2). ! zz dimension m. istate dimension n+1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Method: active variable method along the general plan of NNLS by ! Lawson & Hanson, "Solving Least Squares Problems", Prentice-Hall 1974. ! See Algorithm 23.10. Step numbers in comment statements refer to their ! scheme. ! For more details and further uses, see the article ! "Bounded Variable Least Squares: An Algorithm and Applications" ! by Stark and Parker in 1995 Computational Statistics. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A number of measures are taken to enhance numerical reliability: ! 1. As noted by Lawson and Hanson, roundoff errors in the computation of the ! gradient of the misfit may cause a component on the bounds to appear to ! want to become active, yet when the component is added to the active set, ! it moves away from the feasible region. In this case the component is not ! made active, the gradient of the misfit with respect to a change in that ! component is set to zero, and the program returns to the Kuhn-Tucker test. ! Flag ifrom5 is used in this test, which occurs at the end of Step 6. ! 2. When the least-squares minimizer after Step 6 is infeasible, it is used ! in a convex interpolation with the previous solution to obtain a feasible ! vector. The constant in this interpolation is supposed to put at least ! one component of x on a bound. There can be difficulties: ! 2a. Sometimes, due to roundoff, no interpolated component ends up on ! a bound. The code in Step 11 uses the flag jj, computed in Step 8, ! to ensure that at least the component that determined the ! interpolation constant alpha is moved to the appropriate bound. ! This guarantees that what Lawson and Hanson call `Loop B' is finite. ! 2b. The code in Step 11 also incorporates Lawson and Hanson's feature that ! any components remaining infeasible at this stage (which must be due to ! roundoff) are moved to their nearer bound. ! 3. If the columns of a passed to qr are linearly dependent, the new ! potentially active component is not introduced: the gradient of the ! misfit with respect to that component is set to zero, and control ! returns to the Kuhn-Tucker test. ! 4. When some of the columns of a are approximately linearly dependent, ! we have observed cycling of active components: a component just moved ! to a bound desires immediately to become active again; qr allows it ! to become active and a different component is moved to its bound. ! This component immediately wants to become active, which qr allows, and ! the original component is moved back to its bound. We have taken two ! steps to avoid this problem: ! 4a. First, the column of the matrix a corresponding to the new ! potentially active component is passed to qr as the last column of ! its matrix. This ordering tends to make a component recently moved ! to a bound fail the test mentioned in (1), above. ! 4b. Second, we have incorporated a test that prohibits short cycles. ! If the most recent successful change to the active set was to move ! the component x(jj) to a bound, x(jj) is not permitted to reenter ! the solution at this stage. This test occurs just after checking ! the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and uses the flag jj, set in Step 8. ! The flag jj is reset after Step 6 if Step 6 was entered from ! Step 5 indicating that a new component has successfully entered the ! active set. The test for resetting jj uses the flag ifrom5, ! which will not equal zero in case Step 6 was entered from Step 5. ! dimension w(n), act(m,min(m,n)+2), zz(m), istate(n+1) ! Local variables REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: eps = 1.0E-11_dp INTEGER :: i, iact, ifrom5, it, j, jj, k, k1, kk, ks, mm, mm1, & nact, nbound, noldb REAL (dp) :: act(m,m+2), alf, alpha, bad, bdiff, bnorm, bound, & bsq, obj, resq, ri, sj, w(n), worst, zz(m) !----------------------First Executable Statement----------------------- ! Step 1. Initialize everything--active and bound sets, initial values, etc. ! Initialize flags, etc. mm = MIN(m,n) mm1 = mm + 1 jj = 0 ifrom5 = 0 ! Check consistency of given bounds bl, bu. bdiff = 0.0_dp DO j = 1, n bdiff = MAX(bdiff, bu(j)-bl(j)) IF (bl(j) > bu(j)) THEN WRITE(*, *) ' Inconsistent bounds in BVLS. ' STOP END IF END DO IF (bdiff == 0.0_dp) THEN WRITE(*, *) ' No free variables in BVLS--check input bounds.' STOP END IF ! In a fresh initialization (key = 0) bind all variables at their lower bounds. ! If (key != 0), use the supplied istate vector to initialize the variables. ! istate(n+1) contains the number of bound variables. The absolute values of ! the first nbound=istate(n+1) entries of istate are the indices of the ! bound variables. The sign of each entry determines whether the indicated ! variable is at its upper (positive) or lower (negative) bound. IF (key == 0) THEN nbound = n nact = 0 DO j = 1, nbound istate(j) = -j END DO ELSE nbound = istate(n+1) END IF nact = n - nbound IF (nact > mm) THEN WRITE(*, *) ' Too many active variables in BVLS starting solution!' STOP END IF DO k = 1, nbound j = ABS(istate(k)) IF (istate(k) < 0) x(j) = bl(j) IF (istate(k) > 0) x(j) = bu(j) END DO ! In a warm start (key != 0) initialize the active variables to (bl+bu)/2. ! This is needed in case the initial qr results in active variables ! out-of-bounds and Steps 8-11 get executed the first time through. DO k = nbound + 1, n kk = istate(k) x(kk) = (bu(kk)+bl(kk)) / 2 END DO ! Compute bnorm, the norm of the data vector b, for reference. bsq = SUM( b(1:m)**2 ) bnorm = SQRT(bsq) !-----------------------------Main Loop--------------------------------- ! Initialization complete. Begin major loop (Loop A). DO loopa = 1, 3 * n ! Step 2. ! Initialize the negative gradient vector w(*). obj = 0.0_dp w(1:n) = 0.0_dp ! Compute the residual vector b-a.x , the negative gradient vector ! w(*), and the current objective value obj = || a.x - b ||. ! The residual vector is stored in the mm+1'st column of act(*,*). DO i = 1, m ri = b(i) - DOT_PRODUCT( a(i,1:n), x(1:n) ) obj = obj + ri ** 2 w(1:n) = w(1:n) + a(i,1:n) * ri act(i,mm1) = ri END DO ! Converged? Stop if the misfit << || b ||, or if all components are ! active (unless this is the first iteration from a warm start). IF (SQRT(obj) <= bnorm*eps.OR.(loopa > 1.AND.nbound == 0)) THEN istate(n+1) = nbound w(1) = SQRT(obj) RETURN END IF ! Add the contribution of the active components back into the residual. DO k = nbound + 1, n j = istate(k) act(1:m,mm1) = act(1:m,mm1) + a(1:m,j) * x(j) END DO ! The first iteration in a warm start requires immediate qr. IF (loopa == 1 .AND. key /= 0) GO TO 150 ! Steps 3, 4. ! Find the bound element that most wants to be active. 120 worst = 0.0_dp it = 1 DO j = 1, nbound ks = ABS(istate(j)) bad = w(ks) * SIGN(1,istate(j)) IF (bad < worst) THEN it = j worst = bad iact = ks END IF END DO ! Test whether the Kuhn-Tucker condition is met. IF (worst >= 0.0_dp) THEN istate(n+1) = nbound w(1) = SQRT(obj) RETURN END IF ! The component x(iact) is the one that most wants to become active. ! If the last successful change in the active set was to move x(iact) ! to a bound, don't let x(iact) in now: set the derivative of the misfit ! with respect to x(iact) to zero and return to the Kuhn-Tucker test. IF (iact == jj) THEN w(jj) = 0.0_dp GO TO 120 END IF ! Step 5. ! Undo the effect of the new (potentially) active variable on the ! residual vector. IF (istate(it) > 0) bound = bu(iact) IF (istate(it) < 0) bound = bl(iact) act(1:m,mm1) = act(1:m,mm1) + bound * a(1:m,iact) ! Set flag ifrom5, indicating that Step 6 was entered from Step 5. ! This forms the basis of a test for instability: the gradient calculation ! shows that x(iact) wants to join the active set; if qr puts x(iact) beyond ! the bound from which it came, the gradient calculation was in error and ! the variable should not have been introduced. ifrom5 = istate(it) ! Swap the indices (in istate) of the new active variable and the ! rightmost bound variable; `unbind' that location by decrementing nbound. istate(it) = istate(nbound) nbound = nbound - 1 nact = nact + 1 istate(nbound+1) = iact IF (mm < nact) THEN WRITE(*, *) ' Too many free variables in BVLS!' STOP END IF ! Step 6. ! Load array act with the appropriate columns of a for qr. For added ! stability, reverse the column ordering so that the most recent addition to ! the active set is in the last column. Also copy the residual vector from ! act(., mm1) into act(., mm1+1). 150 DO i = 1, m act(i,mm1+1) = act(i,mm1) DO k = nbound + 1, n j = istate(k) act(i, nact+1-k+nbound) = a(i,j) END DO END DO CALL qr(m, nact, act, act(:,mm1+1), zz, resq) ! Test for linear dependence in qr, and for an instability that moves the ! variable just introduced away from the feasible region (rather than into ! the region or all the way through it). ! In either case, remove the latest vector introduced from the active set ! and adjust the residual vector accordingly. ! Set the gradient component (w(iact)) to zero and return to the Kuhn-Tucker ! test. IF (resq < 0.0_dp .OR. (ifrom5 > 0 .AND. zz(nact) > bu(iact)) .OR. & (ifrom5 < 0 .AND. zz(nact) < bl(iact))) THEN nbound = nbound + 1 istate(nbound) = istate(nbound) * SIGN(1.0D0, x(iact)-bu(iact)) nact = nact - 1 act(1:m,mm1) = act(1:m,mm1) - x(iact) * a(1:m,iact) ifrom5 = 0 w(iact) = 0.0_dp GO TO 120 END IF ! If Step 6 was entered from Step 5 and we are here, a new variable ! has been successfully introduced into the active set; the last ! variable that was fixed at a bound is again permitted to become active. IF (ifrom5 /= 0) jj = 0 ifrom5 = 0 ! Step 7. Check for strict feasibility of the new qr solution. DO k = 1, nact k1 = k j = istate(k+nbound) IF (zz(nact+1-k) < bl(j) .OR. zz(nact+1-k) > bu(j)) GO TO 210 END DO DO k = 1, nact j = istate(k+nbound) x(j) = zz(nact+1-k) END DO ! New iterate is feasible; back to the top. CYCLE ! Steps 8, 9. 210 alpha = 2.0_dp alf = alpha DO k = k1, nact j = istate(k+nbound) IF (zz(nact+1-k) > bu(j)) alf = (bu(j)-x(j)) / ( zz(nact+1-k)-x(j)) IF (zz(nact+1-k) < bl(j)) alf = (bl(j)-x(j)) / ( zz(nact+1-k)-x(j)) IF (alf < alpha) THEN alpha = alf jj = j sj = SIGN(1.0_dp, zz(nact+1-k)-bl(j)) END IF END DO ! Step 10 DO k = 1, nact j = istate(k+nbound) x(j) = x(j) + alpha * (zz(nact+1-k)-x(j)) END DO ! Step 11. ! Move the variable that determined alpha to the appropriate bound. ! (jj is its index; sj is + if zz(jj)> bu(jj), - if zz(jj) 0.0_dp)) THEN ! Move x(j) to its upper bound. x(j) = bu(j) istate(k+noldb) = istate(nbound+1) istate(nbound+1) = j nbound = nbound + 1 act(1:m,mm1) = act(1:m,mm1) - bu(j) * a(1:m,j) ELSE IF (x(j)-bl(j) <= 0.0_dp .OR. (j == jj .AND. sj < 0.0_dp)) THEN ! Move x(j) to its lower bound. x(j) = bl(j) istate(k+noldb) = istate(nbound+1) istate(nbound+1) = -j nbound = nbound + 1 act(1:m,mm1) = act(1:m,mm1) - bl(j) * a(1:m,j) END IF END DO nact = n - nbound ! If there are still active variables left repeat the qr; if not, ! go back to the top. IF (nact > 0) GO TO 150 END DO WRITE(*, *) ' BVLS fails to converge! ' STOP END SUBROUTINE bvls !====================================================================== SUBROUTINE qr(m, n, a, b, x, resq) !====================================================================== INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: a(m,n) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: b(m) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: x(n) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: resq !$$$$ calls no other routines ! Relies on FORTRAN77 do-loop conventions! ! Solves over-determined least-squares problem ax ~ b ! where a is an m by n matrix, b is an m-vector. ! resq is the sum of squared residuals of optimal solution. Also used ! to signal error conditions - if -2 , system is underdetermined, if ! -1, system is singular. ! Method - successive Householder rotations. See Lawson & Hanson - ! Solving Least Squares Problems (1974). ! Routine will also work when m=n. !***** CAUTION - a and b are overwritten by this routine. ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: const, total, dot, qv1, sq, u1 INTEGER :: i, j, j1, jj resq = -2.0 IF (m < n) RETURN resq = -1.0 ! Loop ending on 1800 rotates a into upper triangular form. DO j = 1, n ! Find constants for rotation and diagonal entry. sq = SUM( a(j:m,j) ** 2 ) IF (sq == 0.0_dp) RETURN qv1 = -SIGN(SQRT(sq), a(j,j)) u1 = a(j,j) - qv1 a(j,j) = qv1 j1 = j + 1 ! Rotate remaining columns of sub-matrix. DO jj = j1, n dot = u1 * a(j,jj) + DOT_PRODUCT( a(j1:m,jj), a(j1:m,j) ) const = dot / ABS(qv1*u1) a(j1:m,jj) = a(j1:m,jj) - const * a(j1:m,j) a(j,jj) = a(j,jj) - const * u1 END DO ! Rotate b vector. dot = u1 * b(j) + DOT_PRODUCT( a(j1:m,j), b(j1:m) ) const = dot / ABS(qv1*u1) b(j) = b(j) - const * u1 b(j1:m) = b(j1:m) - const * a(j1:m,j) END DO ! Solve triangular system by back-substitution. DO i = n, 1, -1 total = b(i) - DOT_PRODUCT( a(i,i+1:n), x(i+1:n) ) IF (a(i,i) == 0.0_dp) RETURN x(i) = total / a(i,i) END DO ! Find residual in overdetermined case. resq = SUM( b(n+1:m) ** 2 ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE qr !______________________________________________________________________ END MODULE BoundedLeastSquares PROGRAM Test_BVLS USE BoundedLeastSquares IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12, 60) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncases = 100, ncols = 10 REAL (dp) :: a(ncases,ncols), y(ncases), bl(ncols), bu(ncols), & beta(ncols), x(ncols), e INTEGER :: case, istate(ncols+1), j, key, loopa ! Generate artificial data satisfying ! Y = A.beta + noise CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(beta) beta = 4.0*(beta - 0.5) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(a) DO case = 1, ncases CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(e) y(case) = DOT_PRODUCT( a(case, :), beta ) + 0.1*(e - 0.5) END DO key = 0 bl = 0.0_dp bu = 1.0_dp CALL bvls(key, ncases, ncols, a, y, bl, bu, x, istate, loopa) WRITE(*, *) ' Column Original beta Solution' DO j = 1, ncols WRITE(*, '(i5, 2f14.3)') j, beta(j), x(j) END DO WRITE(*, '(a, i4)') ' No. of iterations = ', loopa WRITE(*, *) STOP END PROGRAM Test_BVLS