MODULE cobyla2 ! The Fortran 77 version of this code was by Michael Powell ! (M.J.D.Powell @ ! This Fortran 90 version by Alan Miller ! This version is in a subset of F90 and is compatible with version 3.0a ! of Lahey's free ELF90 compiler. ! Alan.Miller @ ! Latest revision - 28 June 2000 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER, PUBLIC :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE cobyla (n, m, x, rhobeg, rhoend, iprint, maxfun) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: rhobeg REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: rhoend INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iprint INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: maxfun ! This subroutine minimizes an objective function F(X) subject to M ! inequality constraints on X, where X is a vector of variables that has ! N components. The algorithm employs linear approximations to the ! objective and constraint functions, the approximations being formed by ! linear interpolation at N+1 points in the space of the variables. ! We regard these interpolation points as vertices of a simplex. The ! parameter RHO controls the size of the simplex and it is reduced ! automatically from RHOBEG to RHOEND. For each RHO the subroutine tries ! to achieve a good vector of variables for the current size, and then ! RHO is reduced until the value RHOEND is reached. Therefore RHOBEG and ! RHOEND should be set to reasonable initial changes to and the required ! accuracy in the variables respectively, but this accuracy should be ! viewed as a subject for experimentation because it is not guaranteed. ! The subroutine has an advantage over many of its competitors, however, ! which is that it treats each constraint individually when calculating ! a change to the variables, instead of lumping the constraints together ! into a single penalty function. The name of the subroutine is derived ! from the phrase Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations. ! The user must set the values of N, M, RHOBEG and RHOEND, and must ! provide an initial vector of variables in X. Further, the value of ! IPRINT should be set to 0, 1, 2 or 3, which controls the amount of ! printing during the calculation. Specifically, there is no output if ! IPRINT=0 and there is output only at the end of the calculation if ! IPRINT=1. Otherwise each new value of RHO and SIGMA is printed. ! Further, the vector of variables and some function information are ! given either when RHO is reduced or when each new value of F(X) is ! computed in the cases IPRINT=2 or IPRINT=3 respectively. Here SIGMA ! is a penalty parameter, it being assumed that a change to X is an ! improvement if it reduces the merit function ! F(X)+SIGMA*MAX(0.0, - C1(X), - C2(X),..., - CM(X)), ! where C1,C2,...,CM denote the constraint functions that should become ! nonnegative eventually, at least to the precision of RHOEND. In the ! printed output the displayed term that is multiplied by SIGMA is ! called MAXCV, which stands for 'MAXimum Constraint Violation'. The ! argument MAXFUN is an integer variable that must be set by the user to a ! limit on the number of calls of CALCFC, the purpose of this routine being ! given below. The value of MAXFUN will be altered to the number of calls ! of CALCFC that are made. ! In order to define the objective and constraint functions, we require ! a subroutine that has the name and arguments ! SUBROUTINE CALCFC (N,M,X,F,CON) ! DIMENSION X(:),CON(:) . ! The values of N and M are fixed and have been defined already, while ! X is now the current vector of variables. The subroutine should return ! the objective and constraint functions at X in F and CON(1),CON(2), ! ...,CON(M). Note that we are trying to adjust X so that F(X) is as ! small as possible subject to the constraint functions being nonnegative. ! N.B. If the starting value for any x(i) is set to zero, that value will ! not be changed. This can be a useful feature in comparing ! nested models. If all the x(i)'s are set to zero, an error message ! will result. ! Local variable INTEGER :: mpp mpp = m + 2 CALL cobylb (n, m, mpp, x, rhobeg, rhoend, iprint, maxfun) RETURN END SUBROUTINE cobyla !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE cobylb (n, m, mpp, x, rhobeg, rhoend, iprint, maxfun) ! N.B. Arguments CON, SIM, SIMI, DATMAT, A, VSIG, VETA, SIGBAR, DX, W & IACT ! have been removed. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mpp REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: rhobeg REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: rhoend INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iprint INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: maxfun INTERFACE SUBROUTINE calcfc (n, m, x, f, con) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, m REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: f REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: con(:) END SUBROUTINE calcfc END INTERFACE ! Set the initial values of some parameters. The last column of SIM holds ! the optimal vertex of the current simplex, and the preceding N columns ! hold the displacements from the optimal vertex to the other vertices. ! Further, SIMI holds the inverse of the matrix that is contained in the ! first N columns of SIM. ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: con(mpp), sim(n,n+1), simi(n,n), datmat(mpp,n+1), a(n,m+1), & vsig(n), veta(n), sigbar(n), dx(n), w(n) REAL (dp) :: alpha, barmu, beta, cmin, cmax, cvmaxm, cvmaxp, delta, denom, & dxsign, edgmax, error, f, gamma, pareta, parmu, parsig, phi, & phimin, prerec, prerem, ratio, resmax, resnew, rho, temp, tempa, & total, trured, vmnew, vmold, weta, wsig INTEGER :: i, ibrnch, iflag, ifull, iptem, iptemp, j, jdrop, k, l, mp, & nbest, nfvals, np iptem = MIN(n,5) iptemp = iptem + 1 np = n + 1 mp = m + 1 alpha = 0.25_dp beta = 2.1_dp gamma = 0.5_dp delta = 1.1_dp rho = rhobeg parmu = 0.0_dp IF (iprint >= 2) WRITE(*, 10) rho 10 FORMAT (/' The initial value of RHO is', G13.6, & ' and PARMU is set to zero.') nfvals = 0 temp = 1.0_dp/rho DO i=1,n sim(i,np) = x(i) DO j=1,n sim(i,j) = 0.0_dp simi(i,j) = 0.0_dp END DO sim(i,i) = rho simi(i,i) = temp END DO jdrop = np ibrnch = 0 ! Make the next call of the user-supplied subroutine CALCFC. These ! instructions are also used for calling CALCFC during the iterations of ! the algorithm. 40 IF (nfvals >= maxfun .AND. nfvals > 0) THEN IF (iprint >= 1) WRITE(*, 50) 50 FORMAT (/' Return from subroutine COBYLA because the ', & 'MAXFUN limit has been reached.') GO TO 600 END IF nfvals = nfvals + 1 CALL calcfc (n, m, x, f, con) resmax = 0.0_dp IF (m > 0) THEN DO k=1,m resmax = MAX(resmax, - con(k)) END DO END IF IF (nfvals == iprint-1 .OR. iprint == 3) THEN WRITE(*, 70) nfvals, f, resmax, x(1:iptem) 70 FORMAT (/' NFVALS = ', i5, ' F = ', G13.6, ' MAXCV = ', & G13.6/ (' X = ', 5G14.6)) IF (iptem < n) WRITE(*, 80) x(iptemp:n) 80 FORMAT (G19.6, G15.6) END IF con(mp) = f con(mpp) = resmax IF (ibrnch == 1) GO TO 440 ! Set the recently calculated function values in a column of DATMAT. This ! array has a column for each vertex of the current simplex, the entries of ! each column being the values of the constraint functions (if any) ! followed by the objective function and the greatest constraint violation ! at the vertex. DO k=1,mpp datmat(k,jdrop) = con(k) END DO IF (nfvals > np) GO TO 130 ! Exchange the new vertex of the initial simplex with the optimal vertex if ! necessary. Then, if the initial simplex is not complete, pick its next ! vertex and calculate the function values there. IF (jdrop <= n) THEN IF (datmat(mp,np) <= f) THEN x(jdrop) = sim(jdrop,np) ELSE sim(jdrop,np) = x(jdrop) DO k=1,mpp datmat(k,jdrop) = datmat(k,np) datmat(k,np) = con(k) END DO DO k=1,jdrop sim(jdrop,k) = -rho temp = -SUM( simi(k:jdrop, k) ) simi(jdrop,k) = temp END DO END IF END IF IF (nfvals <= n) THEN jdrop = nfvals x(jdrop) = x(jdrop) + rho GO TO 40 END IF 130 ibrnch = 1 ! Identify the optimal vertex of the current simplex. 140 phimin = datmat(mp,np) + parmu*datmat(mpp,np) nbest = np DO j=1,n temp = datmat(mp,j) + parmu*datmat(mpp,j) IF (temp < phimin) THEN nbest = j phimin = temp ELSE IF (temp == phimin .AND. parmu == 0.0_dp) THEN IF (datmat(mpp,j) < datmat(mpp,nbest)) nbest = j END IF END DO ! Switch the best vertex into pole position if it is not there already, ! and also update SIM, SIMI and DATMAT. IF (nbest <= n) THEN DO i=1,mpp temp = datmat(i,np) datmat(i,np) = datmat(i,nbest) datmat(i,nbest) = temp END DO DO i=1,n temp = sim(i,nbest) sim(i,nbest) = 0.0_dp sim(i,np) = sim(i,np) + temp tempa = 0.0_dp DO k=1,n sim(i,k) = sim(i,k) - temp tempa = tempa - simi(k,i) END DO simi(nbest,i) = tempa END DO END IF ! Make an error return if SIGI is a poor approximation to the inverse of ! the leading N by N submatrix of SIG. error = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n DO j=1,n temp = 0.0_dp IF (i == j) temp = temp - 1.0_dp temp = temp + DOT_PRODUCT( simi(i,1:n), sim(1:n,j) ) error = MAX(error, ABS(temp)) END DO END DO IF (error > 0.1_dp) THEN IF (iprint >= 1) WRITE(*, 210) 210 FORMAT (/' Return from subroutine COBYLA because ', & 'rounding errors are becoming damaging.') GO TO 600 END IF ! Calculate the coefficients of the linear approximations to the objective ! and constraint functions, placing minus the objective function gradient ! after the constraint gradients in the array A. The vector W is used for ! working space. DO k=1,mp con(k) = -datmat(k,np) DO j=1,n w(j) = datmat(k,j) + con(k) END DO DO i=1,n temp = DOT_PRODUCT( w(1:n), simi(1:n,i) ) IF (k == mp) temp = -temp a(i,k) = temp END DO END DO ! Calculate the values of sigma and eta, and set IFLAG = 0 if the current ! simplex is not acceptable. iflag = 1 parsig = alpha*rho pareta = beta*rho DO j=1,n wsig = SUM( simi(j,1:n)**2 ) weta = SUM( sim(1:n,j)**2 ) vsig(j) = 1.0_dp/SQRT(wsig) veta(j) = SQRT(weta) IF (vsig(j) < parsig .OR. veta(j) > pareta) iflag = 0 END DO ! If a new vertex is needed to improve acceptability, then decide which ! vertex to drop from the simplex. IF (ibrnch == 1 .OR. iflag == 1) GO TO 370 jdrop = 0 temp = pareta DO j=1,n IF (veta(j) > temp) THEN jdrop = j temp = veta(j) END IF END DO IF (jdrop == 0) THEN DO j=1,n IF (vsig(j) < temp) THEN jdrop = j temp = vsig(j) END IF END DO END IF ! Calculate the step to the new vertex and its sign. temp = gamma*rho*vsig(jdrop) dx(1:n) = temp*simi(jdrop,1:n) cvmaxp = 0.0_dp cvmaxm = 0.0_dp DO k=1,mp total = DOT_PRODUCT( a(1:n,k), dx(1:n) ) IF (k < mp) THEN temp = datmat(k,np) cvmaxp = MAX(cvmaxp, -total - temp) cvmaxm = MAX(cvmaxm, total - temp) END IF END DO dxsign = 1.0_dp IF (parmu*(cvmaxp - cvmaxm) > total + total) dxsign = -1.0_dp ! Update the elements of SIM and SIMI, and set the next X. temp = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n dx(i) = dxsign*dx(i) sim(i,jdrop) = dx(i) temp = temp + simi(jdrop,i)*dx(i) END DO simi(jdrop,1:n) = simi(jdrop,1:n) / temp DO j=1,n IF (j /= jdrop) THEN temp = DOT_PRODUCT( simi(j,1:n), dx(1:n) ) simi(j,1:n) = simi(j,1:n) - temp*simi(jdrop,1:n) END IF x(j) = sim(j,np) + dx(j) END DO GO TO 40 ! Calculate DX = x(*)-x(0). ! Branch if the length of DX is less than 0.5*RHO. 370 CALL trstlp (n, m, a, con, rho, dx, ifull) IF (ifull == 0) THEN temp = SUM( dx(1:n)**2 ) IF (temp < 0.25_dp*rho*rho) THEN ibrnch = 1 GO TO 550 END IF END IF ! Predict the change to F and the new maximum constraint violation if the ! variables are altered from x(0) to x(0) + DX. resnew = 0.0_dp con(mp) = 0.0_dp DO k=1,mp total = con(k) - DOT_PRODUCT( a(1:n,k), dx(1:n) ) IF (k < mp) resnew = MAX(resnew, total) END DO ! Increase PARMU if necessary and branch back if this change alters the ! optimal vertex. Otherwise PREREM and PREREC will be set to the predicted ! reductions in the merit function and the maximum constraint violation ! respectively. barmu = 0.0_dp prerec = datmat(mpp,np) - resnew IF (prerec > 0.0_dp) barmu = total/prerec IF (parmu < 1.5_dp*barmu) THEN parmu = 2.0_dp*barmu IF (iprint >= 2) WRITE(*, 410) parmu 410 FORMAT (/' Increase in PARMU to', G13.6) phi = datmat(mp,np) + parmu*datmat(mpp,np) DO j=1,n temp = datmat(mp,j) + parmu*datmat(mpp,j) IF (temp < phi) GO TO 140 IF (temp == phi .AND. parmu == 0.0) THEN IF (datmat(mpp,j) < datmat(mpp,np)) GO TO 140 END IF END DO END IF prerem = parmu*prerec - total ! Calculate the constraint and objective functions at x(*). ! Then find the actual reduction in the merit function. x(1:n) = sim(1:n,np) + dx(1:n) ibrnch = 1 GO TO 40 440 vmold = datmat(mp,np) + parmu*datmat(mpp,np) vmnew = f + parmu*resmax trured = vmold - vmnew IF (parmu == 0.0_dp .AND. f == datmat(mp,np)) THEN prerem = prerec trured = datmat(mpp,np) - resmax END IF ! Begin the operations that decide whether x(*) should replace one of the ! vertices of the current simplex, the change being mandatory if TRURED is ! positive. Firstly, JDROP is set to the index of the vertex that is to be ! replaced. ratio = 0.0_dp IF (trured <= 0.0) ratio = 1.0 jdrop = 0 DO j=1,n temp = DOT_PRODUCT( simi(j,1:n), dx(1:n) ) temp = ABS(temp) IF (temp > ratio) THEN jdrop = j ratio = temp END IF sigbar(j) = temp*vsig(j) END DO ! Calculate the value of ell. edgmax = delta*rho l = 0 DO j=1,n IF (sigbar(j) >= parsig .OR. sigbar(j) >= vsig(j)) THEN temp = veta(j) IF (trured > 0.0_dp) THEN temp = SUM( (dx(1:n) - sim(1:n,j))**2 ) temp = SQRT(temp) END IF IF (temp > edgmax) THEN l = j edgmax = temp END IF END IF END DO IF (l > 0) jdrop = l IF (jdrop == 0) GO TO 550 ! Revise the simplex by updating the elements of SIM, SIMI and DATMAT. temp = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n sim(i,jdrop) = dx(i) temp = temp + simi(jdrop,i)*dx(i) END DO simi(jdrop,1:n) = simi(jdrop,1:n) / temp DO j=1,n IF (j /= jdrop) THEN temp = DOT_PRODUCT( simi(j,1:n), dx(1:n) ) simi(j,1:n) = simi(j,1:n) - temp*simi(jdrop,1:n) END IF END DO datmat(1:mpp,jdrop) = con(1:mpp) ! Branch back for further iterations with the current RHO. IF (trured > 0.0_dp .AND. trured >= 0.1_dp*prerem) GO TO 140 550 IF (iflag == 0) THEN ibrnch = 0 GO TO 140 END IF ! Otherwise reduce RHO if it is not at its least value and reset PARMU. IF (rho > rhoend) THEN rho = 0.5_dp*rho IF (rho <= 1.5_dp*rhoend) rho = rhoend IF (parmu > 0.0_dp) THEN denom = 0.0_dp DO k=1,mp cmin = datmat(k,np) cmax = cmin DO i=1,n cmin = MIN(cmin, datmat(k,i)) cmax = MAX(cmax, datmat(k,i)) END DO IF (k <= m .AND. cmin < 0.5_dp*cmax) THEN temp = MAX(cmax,0.0_dp) - cmin IF (denom <= 0.0_dp) THEN denom = temp ELSE denom = MIN(denom,temp) END IF END IF END DO IF (denom == 0.0_dp) THEN parmu = 0.0_dp ELSE IF (cmax - cmin < parmu*denom) THEN parmu = (cmax - cmin)/denom END IF END IF IF (iprint >= 2) WRITE(*, 580) rho,parmu 580 FORMAT (/' Reduction in RHO to ', G13.6, ' and PARMU = ', G13.6) IF (iprint == 2) THEN WRITE(*, 70) nfvals, datmat(mp,np), datmat(mpp,np), sim(1:iptem,np) IF (iptem < n) WRITE(*, 80) x(iptemp:n) END IF GO TO 140 END IF ! Return the best calculated values of the variables. IF (iprint >= 1) WRITE(*, 590) 590 FORMAT (/' Normal return from subroutine COBYLA') IF (ifull == 1) GO TO 620 600 x(1:n) = sim(1:n,np) f = datmat(mp,np) resmax = datmat(mpp,np) 620 IF (iprint >= 1) THEN WRITE(*, 70) nfvals, f, resmax, x(1:iptem) IF (iptem < n) WRITE(*, 80) x(iptemp:n) END IF maxfun = nfvals RETURN END SUBROUTINE cobylb !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE trstlp (n, m, a, b, rho, dx, ifull) ! N.B. Arguments Z, ZDOTA, VMULTC, SDIRN, DXNEW, VMULTD & IACT have been removed. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: a(:,:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: b(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: rho REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: dx(:) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ifull ! This subroutine calculates an N-component vector DX by applying the ! following two stages. In the first stage, DX is set to the shortest ! vector that minimizes the greatest violation of the constraints ! A(1,K)*DX(1)+A(2,K)*DX(2)+...+A(N,K)*DX(N) .GE. B(K), K = 2,3,...,M, ! subject to the Euclidean length of DX being at most RHO. If its length is ! strictly less than RHO, then we use the resultant freedom in DX to ! minimize the objective function ! -A(1,M+1)*DX(1) - A(2,M+1)*DX(2) - ... - A(N,M+1)*DX(N) ! subject to no increase in any greatest constraint violation. This ! notation allows the gradient of the objective function to be regarded as ! the gradient of a constraint. Therefore the two stages are distinguished ! by MCON .EQ. M and MCON .GT. M respectively. It is possible that a ! degeneracy may prevent DX from attaining the target length RHO. Then the ! value IFULL = 0 would be set, but usually IFULL = 1 on return. ! In general NACT is the number of constraints in the active set and ! IACT(1),...,IACT(NACT) are their indices, while the remainder of IACT ! contains a permutation of the remaining constraint indices. Further, Z ! is an orthogonal matrix whose first NACT columns can be regarded as the ! result of Gram-Schmidt applied to the active constraint gradients. For ! J = 1,2,...,NACT, the number ZDOTA(J) is the scalar product of the J-th ! column of Z with the gradient of the J-th active constraint. DX is the ! current vector of variables and here the residuals of the active ! constraints should be zero. Further, the active constraints have ! nonnegative Lagrange multipliers that are held at the beginning of ! VMULTC. The remainder of this vector holds the residuals of the inactive ! constraints at DX, the ordering of the components of VMULTC being in ! agreement with the permutation of the indices of the constraints that is ! in IACT. All these residuals are nonnegative, which is achieved by the ! shift RESMAX that makes the least residual zero. ! Initialize Z and some other variables. The value of RESMAX will be ! appropriate to DX = 0, while ICON will be the index of a most violated ! constraint if RESMAX is positive. Usually during the first stage the ! vector SDIRN gives a search direction that reduces all the active ! constraint violations by one simultaneously. ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: z(n,n), zdota(m+1), vmultc(m+1), sdirn(n), dxnew(n), vmultd(m+1) REAL (dp) :: acca, accb, alpha, beta, dd, optnew, optold, ratio, resmax, & resold, sd, sp, spabs, ss, step, stpful, sumabs, temp, tempa, & tot, total, vsave, zdotv, zdotw, zdvabs, zdwabs INTEGER :: i, iact(m+1), icon, icount, isave, k, kk, kl, kp, kw, mcon, & nact, nactx ifull = 1 mcon = m nact = 0 resmax = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n z(i,1:n) = 0.0_dp z(i,i) = 1.0_dp dx(i) = 0.0_dp END DO IF (m >= 1) THEN DO k=1,m IF (b(k) > resmax) THEN resmax = b(k) icon = k END IF END DO DO k=1,m iact(k) = k vmultc(k) = resmax - b(k) END DO END IF IF (resmax == 0.0_dp) GO TO 480 sdirn(1:n) = 0.0_dp ! End the current stage of the calculation if 3 consecutive iterations ! have either failed to reduce the best calculated value of the objective ! function or to increase the number of active constraints since the best ! value was calculated. This strategy prevents cycling, but there is a ! remote possibility that it will cause premature termination. 60 optold = 0.0_dp icount = 0 70 IF (mcon == m) THEN optnew = resmax ELSE optnew = - DOT_PRODUCT( dx(1:n), a(1:n,mcon) ) END IF IF (icount == 0 .OR. optnew < optold) THEN optold = optnew nactx = nact icount = 3 ELSE IF (nact > nactx) THEN nactx = nact icount = 3 ELSE icount = icount - 1 IF (icount == 0) GO TO 490 END IF ! If ICON exceeds NACT, then we add the constraint with index IACT(ICON) to ! the active set. Apply Givens rotations so that the last N-NACT-1 columns ! of Z are orthogonal to the gradient of the new constraint, a scalar ! product being set to zero if its nonzero value could be due to computer ! rounding errors. The array DXNEW is used for working space. IF (icon <= nact) GO TO 260 kk = iact(icon) dxnew(1:n) = a(1:n,kk) tot = 0.0_dp k = n 100 IF (k > nact) THEN sp = 0.0_dp spabs = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n temp = z(i,k)*dxnew(i) sp = sp + temp spabs = spabs + ABS(temp) END DO acca = spabs + 0.1_dp*ABS(sp) accb = spabs + 0.2_dp*ABS(sp) IF (spabs >= acca .OR. acca >= accb) sp = 0.0_dp IF (tot == 0.0_dp) THEN tot = sp ELSE kp = k + 1 temp = SQRT(sp*sp + tot*tot) alpha = sp/temp beta = tot/temp tot = temp DO i=1,n temp = alpha*z(i,k) + beta*z(i,kp) z(i,kp) = alpha*z(i,kp) - beta*z(i,k) z(i,k) = temp END DO END IF k = k - 1 GO TO 100 END IF ! Add the new constraint if this can be done without a deletion from the ! active set. IF (tot /= 0.0_dp) THEN nact = nact + 1 zdota(nact) = tot vmultc(icon) = vmultc(nact) vmultc(nact) = 0.0_dp GO TO 210 END IF ! The next instruction is reached if a deletion has to be made from the ! active set in order to make room for the new active constraint, because ! the new constraint gradient is a linear combination of the gradients of ! the old active constraints. Set the elements of VMULTD to the multipliers ! of the linear combination. Further, set IOUT to the index of the ! constraint to be deleted, but branch if no suitable index can be found. ratio = -1.0_dp k = nact 130 zdotv = 0.0_dp zdvabs = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n temp = z(i,k)*dxnew(i) zdotv = zdotv + temp zdvabs = zdvabs + ABS(temp) END DO acca = zdvabs + 0.1_dp*ABS(zdotv) accb = zdvabs + 0.2_dp*ABS(zdotv) IF (zdvabs < acca .AND. acca < accb) THEN temp = zdotv/zdota(k) IF (temp > 0.0_dp .AND. iact(k) <= m) THEN tempa = vmultc(k)/temp IF (ratio < 0.0_dp .OR. tempa < ratio) THEN ratio = tempa END IF END IF IF (k >= 2) THEN kw = iact(k) dxnew(1:n) = dxnew(1:n) - temp*a(1:n,kw) END IF vmultd(k) = temp ELSE vmultd(k) = 0.0_dp END IF k = k - 1 IF (k > 0) GO TO 130 IF (ratio < 0.0_dp) GO TO 490 ! Revise the Lagrange multipliers and reorder the active constraints so ! that the one to be replaced is at the end of the list. Also calculate the ! new value of ZDOTA(NACT) and branch if it is not acceptable. DO k=1,nact vmultc(k) = MAX(0.0_dp,vmultc(k) - ratio*vmultd(k)) END DO IF (icon < nact) THEN isave = iact(icon) vsave = vmultc(icon) k = icon 170 kp = k + 1 kw = iact(kp) sp = DOT_PRODUCT( z(1:n,k), a(1:n,kw) ) temp = SQRT(sp*sp + zdota(kp)**2) alpha = zdota(kp)/temp beta = sp/temp zdota(kp) = alpha*zdota(k) zdota(k) = temp DO i=1,n temp = alpha*z(i,kp) + beta*z(i,k) z(i,kp) = alpha*z(i,k) - beta*z(i,kp) z(i,k) = temp END DO iact(k) = kw vmultc(k) = vmultc(kp) k = kp IF (k < nact) GO TO 170 iact(k) = isave vmultc(k) = vsave END IF temp = DOT_PRODUCT( z(1:n,nact), a(1:n,kk) ) IF (temp == 0.0_dp) GO TO 490 zdota(nact) = temp vmultc(icon) = 0.0_dp vmultc(nact) = ratio ! Update IACT and ensure that the objective function continues to be ! treated as the last active constraint when MCON>M. 210 iact(icon) = iact(nact) iact(nact) = kk IF (mcon > m .AND. kk /= mcon) THEN k = nact - 1 sp = DOT_PRODUCT( z(1:n,k), a(1:n,kk) ) temp = SQRT(sp*sp + zdota(nact)**2) alpha = zdota(nact)/temp beta = sp/temp zdota(nact) = alpha*zdota(k) zdota(k) = temp DO i=1,n temp = alpha*z(i,nact) + beta*z(i,k) z(i,nact) = alpha*z(i,k) - beta*z(i,nact) z(i,k) = temp END DO iact(nact) = iact(k) iact(k) = kk temp = vmultc(k) vmultc(k) = vmultc(nact) vmultc(nact) = temp END IF ! If stage one is in progress, then set SDIRN to the direction of the next ! change to the current vector of variables. IF (mcon > m) GO TO 320 kk = iact(nact) temp = DOT_PRODUCT( sdirn(1:n), a(1:n,kk) ) temp = temp - 1.0_dp temp = temp/zdota(nact) sdirn(1:n) = sdirn(1:n) - temp*z(1:n,nact) GO TO 340 ! Delete the constraint that has the index IACT(ICON) from the active set. 260 IF (icon < nact) THEN isave = iact(icon) vsave = vmultc(icon) k = icon DO kp = k + 1 kk = iact(kp) sp = DOT_PRODUCT( z(1:n,k), a(1:n,kk) ) temp = SQRT(sp*sp + zdota(kp)**2) alpha = zdota(kp)/temp beta = sp/temp zdota(kp) = alpha*zdota(k) zdota(k) = temp DO i=1,n temp = alpha*z(i,kp) + beta*z(i,k) z(i,kp) = alpha*z(i,k) - beta*z(i,kp) z(i,k) = temp END DO iact(k) = kk vmultc(k) = vmultc(kp) k = kp IF (k >= nact) EXIT END DO iact(k) = isave vmultc(k) = vsave END IF nact = nact - 1 ! If stage one is in progress, then set SDIRN to the direction of the next ! change to the current vector of variables. IF (mcon > m) GO TO 320 temp = DOT_PRODUCT( sdirn(1:n), z(1:n,nact+1) ) sdirn(1:n) = sdirn(1:n) - temp*z(1:n,nact+1) GO TO 340 ! Pick the next search direction of stage two. 320 temp = 1.0_dp/zdota(nact) sdirn(1:n) = temp*z(1:n,nact) ! Calculate the step to the boundary of the trust region or take the step ! that reduces RESMAX to zero. The two statements below that include the ! factor 1.0E-6 prevent some harmless underflows that occurred in a test ! calculation. Further, we skip the step if it could be zero within a ! reasonable tolerance for computer rounding errors. 340 dd = rho*rho sd = 0.0_dp ss = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n IF (ABS(dx(i)) >= 1.0E-6*rho) dd = dd - dx(i)**2 sd = sd + dx(i)*sdirn(i) ss = ss + sdirn(i)**2 END DO IF (dd <= 0.0_dp) GO TO 490 temp = SQRT(ss*dd) IF (ABS(sd) >= 1.0E-6*temp) temp = SQRT(ss*dd + sd*sd) stpful = dd/(temp + sd) step = stpful IF (mcon == m) THEN acca = step + 0.1_dp*resmax accb = step + 0.2_dp*resmax IF (step >= acca .OR. acca >= accb) GO TO 480 step = MIN(step,resmax) END IF ! Set DXNEW to the new variables if STEP is the steplength, and reduce ! RESMAX to the corresponding maximum residual if stage one is being done. ! Because DXNEW will be changed during the calculation of some Lagrange ! multipliers, it will be restored to the following value later. dxnew(1:n) = dx(1:n) + step*sdirn(1:n) IF (mcon == m) THEN resold = resmax resmax = 0.0_dp DO k=1,nact kk = iact(k) temp = b(kk) - DOT_PRODUCT( a(1:n,kk), dxnew(1:n) ) resmax = MAX(resmax,temp) END DO END IF ! Set VMULTD to the VMULTC vector that would occur if DX became DXNEW. A ! device is included to force VMULTD(K) = 0.0 if deviations from this value ! can be attributed to computer rounding errors. First calculate the new ! Lagrange multipliers. k = nact 390 zdotw = 0.0_dp zdwabs = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n temp = z(i,k)*dxnew(i) zdotw = zdotw + temp zdwabs = zdwabs + ABS(temp) END DO acca = zdwabs + 0.1_dp*ABS(zdotw) accb = zdwabs + 0.2_dp*ABS(zdotw) IF (zdwabs >= acca .OR. acca >= accb) zdotw = 0.0_dp vmultd(k) = zdotw / zdota(k) IF (k >= 2) THEN kk = iact(k) dxnew(1:n) = dxnew(1:n) - vmultd(k)*a(1:n,kk) k = k - 1 GO TO 390 END IF IF (mcon > m) vmultd(nact) = MAX(0.0_dp,vmultd(nact)) ! Complete VMULTC by finding the new constraint residuals. dxnew(1:n) = dx(1:n) + step*sdirn(1:n) IF (mcon > nact) THEN kl = nact + 1 DO k=kl,mcon kk = iact(k) total = resmax - b(kk) sumabs = resmax + ABS(b(kk)) DO i=1,n temp = a(i,kk)*dxnew(i) total = total + temp sumabs = sumabs + ABS(temp) END DO acca = sumabs + 0.1*ABS(total) accb = sumabs + 0.2*ABS(total) IF (sumabs >= acca .OR. acca >= accb) total = 0.0 vmultd(k) = total END DO END IF ! Calculate the fraction of the step from DX to DXNEW that will be taken. ratio = 1.0_dp icon = 0 DO k=1,mcon IF (vmultd(k) < 0.0_dp) THEN temp = vmultc(k)/(vmultc(k) - vmultd(k)) IF (temp < ratio) THEN ratio = temp icon = k END IF END IF END DO ! Update DX, VMULTC and RESMAX. temp = 1.0_dp - ratio dx(1:n) = temp*dx(1:n) + ratio*dxnew(1:n) DO k=1,mcon vmultc(k) = MAX(0.0_dp,temp*vmultc(k) + ratio*vmultd(k)) END DO IF (mcon == m) resmax = resold + ratio*(resmax - resold) ! If the full step is not acceptable then begin another iteration. ! Otherwise switch to stage two or end the calculation. IF (icon > 0) GO TO 70 IF (step == stpful) GO TO 500 480 mcon = m + 1 icon = mcon iact(mcon) = mcon vmultc(mcon) = 0.0_dp GO TO 60 ! We employ any freedom that may be available to reduce the objective ! function before returning a DX whose length is less than RHO. 490 IF (mcon == m) GO TO 480 ifull = 0 500 RETURN END SUBROUTINE trstlp END MODULE cobyla2 MODULE common_nprob IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, SAVE, PUBLIC :: nprob END MODULE common_nprob !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Main program of test problems in Report DAMTP 1992/NA5. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM test_cobyla USE common_nprob USE cobyla2 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nn = 10 REAL (dp) :: rhobeg, rhoend, temp, tempa, tempb, tempc, tempd, x(nn), & xopt(nn) INTEGER :: i, icase, iprint, m, maxfun, n INTERFACE SUBROUTINE calcfc (n, m, x, f, con) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, m REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: f REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: con(:) END SUBROUTINE calcfc END INTERFACE DO nprob=1,10 IF (nprob == 1) THEN ! Minimization of a simple quadratic function of two variables. WRITE(*, 10) 10 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic)') n = 2 m = 0 xopt(1) = -1.0_dp xopt(2) = 0.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 2) THEN ! Easy two dimensional minimization in unit circle. WRITE(*, 20) 20 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation)') n = 2 m = 1 xopt(1) = SQRT(0.5_dp) xopt(2) = -xopt(1) ELSE IF (nprob == 3) THEN ! Easy three dimensional minimization in ellipsoid. WRITE(*, 30) 30 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation)') n = 3 m = 1 xopt(1) = 1.0_dp/SQRT(3.0_dp) xopt(2) = 1.0_dp/SQRT(6.0_dp) xopt(3) = -1.0_dp/3.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 4) THEN ! Weak version of Rosenbrock's problem. WRITE(*, 40) 40 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock)') n = 2 m = 0 xopt(1) = -1.0_dp xopt(2) = 1.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 5) THEN ! Intermediate version of Rosenbrock's problem. WRITE(*, 50) 50 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock)') n = 2 m = 0 xopt(1) = -1.0_dp xopt(2) = 1.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 6) THEN ! This problem is taken from Fletcher's book Practical Methods of ! Optimization and has the equation number (9.1.15). WRITE(*, 60) 60 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 6 (Equation ', & '(9.1.15) in Fletcher)') n = 2 m = 2 xopt(1) = SQRT(0.5_dp) xopt(2) = xopt(1) ELSE IF (nprob == 7) THEN ! This problem is taken from Fletcher's book Practical Methods of ! Optimization and has the equation number (14.4.2). WRITE(*, 70) 70 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 7 (Equation ', & '(14.4.2) in Fletcher)') n = 3 m = 3 xopt(1) = 0.0_dp xopt(2) = -3.0_dp xopt(3) = -3.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 8) THEN ! This problem is taken from page 66 of Hock and Schittkowski's book Test ! Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes. It is their test problem Number ! 43, and has the name Rosen-Suzuki. WRITE(*, 80) 80 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki)') n=4 m=3 xopt(1) = 0.0_dp xopt(2) = 1.0_dp xopt(3) = 2.0_dp xopt(4) = -1.0_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 9) THEN ! This problem is taken from page 111 of Hock and Schittkowski's ! book Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes. It is their ! test problem Number 100. WRITE(*, 90) 90 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100)') n = 7 m = 4 xopt(1) = 2.330499_dp xopt(2) = 1.951372_dp xopt(3) = -0.4775414_dp xopt(4) = 4.365726_dp xopt(5) = -0.624487_dp xopt(6) = 1.038131_dp xopt(7) = 1.594227_dp ELSE IF (nprob == 10) THEN ! This problem is taken from page 415 of Luenberger's book Applied ! Nonlinear Programming. It is to maximize the area of a hexagon of ! unit diameter. WRITE(*, 100) 100 FORMAT (/' Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area)') n = 9 m = 14 END IF DO icase = 1,2 x(1:n) = 1.0_dp rhobeg = 0.5_dp rhoend = 1.d-6 IF (icase == 2) rhoend = 1.d-8 iprint = 1 maxfun = 3500 CALL cobyla (n, m, x, rhobeg, rhoend, iprint, maxfun) IF (nprob == 10) THEN tempa = x(1) + x(3) + x(5) + x(7) tempb = x(2) + x(4) + x(6) + x(8) tempc = 0.5_dp/SQRT(tempa*tempa + tempb*tempb) tempd = tempc*SQRT(3.0_dp) xopt(1) = tempd*tempa + tempc*tempb xopt(2) = tempd*tempb - tempc*tempa xopt(3) = tempd*tempa - tempc*tempb xopt(4) = tempd*tempb + tempc*tempa DO i=1,4 xopt(i+4) = xopt(i) END DO END IF temp = 0.0_dp DO i=1,n temp = temp + (x(i) - xopt(i))**2 END DO WRITE(*, 150) SQRT(temp) 150 FORMAT (/' Least squares error in variables = ', G16.6) END DO WRITE(*, 170) 170 FORMAT (' ----------------------------------------------', & '--------------------') END DO STOP END PROGRAM test_cobyla !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE calcfc (n, m, x, f, con) USE common_nprob IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: f REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: con(:) IF (nprob == 1) THEN ! Test problem 1 (Simple quadratic) f = 10.0_dp*(x(1) + 1.0_dp)**2 + x(n)**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 2) THEN ! Test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation) f = x(1)*x(2) con(m) = 1.0_dp - x(1)**2 - x(n)**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 3) THEN ! Test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation) f = x(1)*x(2)*x(3) con(1) = 1.0_dp - x(1)**2 - 2.0_dp*x(2)**2 - 3.0_dp*x(n)**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 4) THEN ! Test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock) f = (x(1)**2 - x(2))**2 + (1.0_dp + x(1))**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 5) THEN ! Test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock) f = 10.0_dp*(x(1)**2 - x(n))**2 + (1.0_dp + x(1))**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 6) THEN ! Test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher's book) f = - x(1) - x(2) con(1) = x(2) - x(1)**2 con(2) = 1.0_dp - x(1)**2 - x(2)**2 ELSE IF (nprob == 7) THEN ! Test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher's book) f = x(3) con(1) = 5.0_dp*x(1) - x(2) + x(3) con(2) = x(3) - x(1)**2 - x(2)**2 - 4.0_dp*x(2) con(m) = x(3) - 5.0_dp*x(1) - x(2) ELSE IF (nprob == 8) THEN ! Test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki) f = x(1)**2 + x(2)**2 + 2.0*x(3)**2 + x(4)**2 - 5.0_dp*x(1) - 5.0_dp*x(2) & - 21.0_dp*x(3) + 7.0_dp*x(4) con(1) = 8.0_dp - x(1)**2 - x(2)**2 - x(3)**2 - x(4)**2 - x(1) + x(2) & - x(3) + x(4) con(2) = 10._dp - x(1)**2 - 2._dp*x(2)**2 - x(3)**2 - 2._dp*x(4)**2 + x(1) + x(4) con(m) = 5.0_dp - 2.0*x(1)**2 - x(2)**2 - x(3)**2 - 2.0_dp*x(1) + x(2) + x(4) ELSE IF (nprob == 9) THEN ! Test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100) f = (x(1) - 10._dp)**2 + 5._dp*(x(2) - 12._dp)**2 + x(3)**4 + 3._dp*(x(4) & - 11._dp)**2 + 10._dp*x(5)**6 + 7._dp*x(6)**2 + x(7)**4 - 4._dp*x(6)*x(7) & - 10._dp*x(6) - 8._dp*x(7) con(1) = 127._dp - 2._dp*x(1)**2 - 3._dp*x(2)**4 - x(3) - 4._dp*x(4)**2 & - 5._dp*x(5) con(2) = 282._dp - 7._dp*x(1) - 3._dp*x(2) - 10._dp*x(3)**2 - x(4) + x(5) con(3) = 196._dp - 23._dp*x(1) - x(2)**2 - 6._dp*x(6)**2 + 8._dp*x(7) con(4) = - 4._dp*x(1)**2 - x(2)**2 + 3._dp*x(1)*x(2) - 2._dp*x(3)**2 - 5._dp*x(6) & + 11._dp*x(7) ELSE IF (nprob == 10) THEN ! Test problem 10 (Hexagon area) f = - 0.5_dp*(x(1)*x(4) - x(2)*x(3) + x(3)*x(n) - x(5)*x(n) + x(5)*x(8) & - x(6)*x(7)) con(1) = 1.0_dp - x(3)**2 - x(4)**2 con(2) = 1.0_dp - x(n)**2 con(3) = 1.0_dp - x(5)**2 - x(6)**2 con(4) = 1.0_dp - x(1)**2 - (x(2) - x(n))**2 con(5) = 1.0_dp - (x(1) - x(5))**2 - (x(2) - x(6))**2 con(6) = 1.0_dp - (x(1) - x(7))**2 - (x(2) - x(8))**2 con(7) = 1.0_dp - (x(3) - x(5))**2 - (x(4) - x(6))**2 con(8) = 1.0_dp - (x(3) - x(7))**2 - (x(4) - x(8))**2 con(9) = 1.0_dp - x(7)**2 - (x(8) - x(n))**2 con(10) = x(1)*x(4) - x(2)*x(3) con(11) = x(3)*x(n) con(12) = - x(5)*x(n) con(13) = x(5)*x(8) - x(6)*x(7) con(m) = x(n) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE calcfc ! The following output was obtained using Lahey's ELF90 compiler ! ! ! Output from test problem 1 (Simple quadratic) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 87 F = 0.118975E-10 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -1.00000 0.262770E-05 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.272104E-05 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 116 F = 0.258086E-14 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -1.00000 0.403932E-07 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.415516E-07 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 2 (2D unit circle calculation) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 66 F = -0.500000 MAXCV = 0.199977E-11 ! X = 0.707106 -0.707108 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.131782E-05 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 82 F = -0.500000 MAXCV = 0.305826E-15 ! X = 0.707107 -0.707107 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.348402E-08 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 3 (3D ellipsoid calculation) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 94 F = -0.785674E-01 MAXCV = 0.593595E-11 ! X = 0.577351 0.408247 -0.333334 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.111077E-05 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 115 F = -0.785674E-01 MAXCV = 0.333853E-15 ! X = 0.577350 0.408248 -0.333333 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.693448E-08 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 4 (Weak Rosenbrock) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 269 F = 0.703758E-10 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -0.999992 0.999983 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.188469E-04 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 387 F = 0.799591E-14 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -1.00000 1.00000 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.203843E-06 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 5 (Intermediate Rosenbrock) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 2174 F = 0.839835E-08 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -0.999908 0.999816 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.205844E-03 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 3377 F = 0.948763E-12 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -0.999999 0.999998 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.218951E-05 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 6 (Equation (9.1.15) in Fletcher) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 63 F = -1.41421 MAXCV = 0.199977E-11 ! X = 0.707106 0.707107 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.588093E-06 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 79 F = -1.41421 MAXCV = 0.138669E-15 ! X = 0.707107 0.707107 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.139562E-08 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 7 (Equation (14.4.2) in Fletcher) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 40 F = -3.00000 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = -0.644464E-20 -3.00000 -3.00000 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.299666E-08 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 47 F = -3.00000 MAXCV = 0.424972E-08 ! X = -0.651433E-20 -3.00000 -3.00000 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.200334E-08 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 8 (Rosen-Suzuki) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 120 F = -44.0000 MAXCV = 0.444367E-11 ! X = 0.607440E-06 0.999999 2.00000 -1.00000 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.152955E-05 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 150 F = -44.0000 MAXCV = 0.000000 ! X = 0.193525E-07 1.00000 2.00000 -1.00000 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.501895E-07 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 9 (Hock and Schittkowski 100) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 422 F = 680.630 MAXCV = 0.595093E-11 ! X = 2.33050 1.95137 -0.477538 4.36573 -0.624488 ! 1.03813 1.59423 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.416981E-05 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 476 F = 680.630 MAXCV = 0.813238E-14 ! X = 2.33050 1.95137 -0.477541 4.36573 -0.624487 ! 1.03813 1.59423 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 0.809366E-06 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Output from test problem 10 (Hexagon area) ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 243 F = -0.866025 MAXCV = 0.971976E-23 ! X = 0.687780 0.725919 -0.284774 0.958595 0.687780 ! 0.725919 -0.284774 ! 0.958595 0.141321E-22 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 1.44346 ! ! Normal return from subroutine COBYLA ! ! NFVALS = 285 F = -0.866025 MAXCV = 0.220618E-15 ! X = 0.687780 0.725919 -0.284774 0.958595 0.687780 ! 0.725919 -0.284774 ! 0.958595 -0.814519E-24 ! ! Least squares error in variables = 1.44346 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------