MODULE Lin_Feedback_Shift_Reg ! L'Ecuyer's 1999 random number generator. ! Fortran version by Alan.Miller @ ! N.B. This version is compatible with Lahey's ELF90 ! This version requires that the default integer type is of 32-bits ! ! ! Latest revision - 12 January 2001 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(14, 60) ! These are unsigned integers in the C version INTEGER, SAVE :: s1 = 153587801, s2 = -759022222, s3 = 1288503317, & s4 = -1718083407 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_seeds(i1, i2, i3, i4) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i1, i2, i3, i4 s1 = i1 s2 = i2 s3 = i3 s4 = i4 IF (IAND(s1, -2) == 0) s1 = i1 - 1023 IF (IAND(s2, -8) == 0) s2 = i2 - 1023 IF (IAND(s3, -16) == 0) s3 = i3 - 1023 IF (IAND(s4,-128) == 0) s4 = i4 - 1023 RETURN END SUBROUTINE init_seeds FUNCTION lfsr113() RESULT(random_numb) ! Generates a random number between 0 and 1. Translated from C function in: ! Reference: ! L'Ecuyer, P. (1999) `Tables of maximally equidistributed combined LFSR ! generators', Math. of Comput., 68, 261-269. ! The cycle length is claimed to be about 2^(113) or about 10^(34). ! Actually - (2^31 - 1).(2^29 - 1).(2^28 - 1).(2^25 - 1) IMPLICIT NONE REAL (dp) :: random_numb INTEGER :: b ! N.B. ISHFT(i,j) is a bitwise (non-circular) shift operation; ! to the left if j > 0, otherwise to the right. b = ISHFT( IEOR( ISHFT(s1,6), s1), -13) s1 = IEOR( ISHFT( IAND(s1,-2), 18), b) b = ISHFT( IEOR( ISHFT(s2,2), s2), -27) s2 = IEOR( ISHFT( IAND(s2,-8), 2), b) b = ISHFT( IEOR( ISHFT(s3,13), s3), -21) s3 = IEOR( ISHFT( IAND(s3,-16), 7), b) b = ISHFT( IEOR( ISHFT(s4,3), s4), -12) s4 = IEOR( ISHFT( IAND(s4,-128), 13), b) ! The constant below is the reciprocal of (2^32 - 1) random_numb = IEOR( IEOR( IEOR(s1,s2), s3), s4) * 2.3283064365E-10_dp + 0.5_dp RETURN END FUNCTION lfsr113 END MODULE Lin_Feedback_Shift_Reg PROGRAM t_lfsr113 USE Lin_Feedback_Shift_Reg IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i1, i2, i3, i4, i, j, k, l, m, freq(0:15,0:15,0:15,0:15) INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: seed(:) REAL (dp) :: x, chi_sq, expctd, deg_freedom, stdev, lower, upper WRITE(*, *)'Enter 4 integers as seeds: ' READ(*, *) i1, i2, i3, i4 CALL init_seeds(i1, i2, i3, i4) x = lfsr113() i = 16*x x = lfsr113() j = 16*x x = lfsr113() k = 16*x freq = 0 DO m= 1, 10000000 x = lfsr113() l = 16*x freq(i,j,k,l) = freq(i,j,k,l) + 1 i = j j = k k = l END DO expctd = REAL( SUM(freq) ) / (16. * 16. * 16. * 16.) chi_sq = 0.0_dp DO i = 0, 15 DO j = 0, 15 DO k = 0, 15 chi_sq = chi_sq + SUM( (REAL(freq(i,j,k,:)) - expctd)**2 ) / expctd END DO END DO END DO deg_freedom = (16. * 16. * 16. * 16.) - 1. WRITE(*, '(a, f10.1, a, f6.0, a)') ' Chi-squared = ', chi_sq, ' with ', & deg_freedom, ' deg. of freedom' ! Now repeat the exercise with the compiler's random number generator. CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=k) ALLOCATE( seed(k) ) IF (i1 /= 0) THEN seed(1) = i1 ELSE seed(1) = 1234567 END IF IF (k >= 2) seed(2) = i2 IF (k >= 3) seed(3) = i3 DO i = 4, k seed(i) = seed(i-3) END DO CALL RANDOM_SEED(put=seed) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) i = 16*x CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) j = 16*x CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) k = 16*x freq = 0 DO m= 1, 10000000 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x) l = 16*x freq(i,j,k,l) = freq(i,j,k,l) + 1 i = j j = k k = l END DO expctd = REAL( SUM(freq) ) / (16. * 16. * 16. * 16.) chi_sq = 0.0_dp DO i = 0, 15 DO j = 0, 15 DO k = 0, 15 chi_sq = chi_sq + SUM( (REAL(freq(i,j,k,:)) - expctd)**2 ) / expctd END DO END DO END DO WRITE(*, '(a, f10.1, a, f6.0, a)') ' Chi-squared = ', chi_sq, ' with ', & deg_freedom, ' deg. of freedom' ! Calculate rough limits for chi-squared based upon a normal approximation. stdev = SQRT(2. * deg_freedom) upper = deg_freedom + 2.*stdev lower = deg_freedom - 2.*stdev WRITE(*, '(a, f8.1, a, f8.1)') ' Approx. 95% limits for chi-squared: ', & lower, ' - ', upper STOP END PROGRAM t_lfsr113