SUBROUTINE gaussj(a, n, b, m) ! Gauss-Jordan solution of linear equations in quadruple precision. ! Adapted from the routine GAUSSJ in the Numerical Recipes package. ! A is an NxN quadruple-precision matrix, declared as quadruple-precision ! A(:,:). ! B contains M right-hand side vectors, where M = 1 in many cases, ! and is declared as quadruple-precision B(:,:). ! On output, A has been overwritten by its inverse, and B has been ! replaced with the solutions. ! Programmer : Alan Miller, CSIRO Mathematical Information Sciences ! e-mail: alan @ WWW: ! Fax: (+61) 3-9545-8080 ! Latest revision - 6 December 1996 USE quadruple_precision IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, m TYPE (quad), INTENT(IN OUT), DIMENSION(:,:) :: a, b ! Local variables INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nmax = 50 INTEGER :: ipiv(nmax), indxr(nmax), indxc(nmax), j, i, irow, & icol, k, l, ll TYPE (quad) :: pivinv, dum, one, zero REAL (dp) :: big one%hi = 1._dp one%lo = 0._dp zero%hi = 0._dp zero%lo = 0._dp ipiv(1:n) = 0 ! Start of the main loop DO i = 1, n big = 0. DO j = 1, n IF(ipiv(j) /= 1) THEN DO k = 1, n IF (ipiv(k) == 0) THEN IF (ABS(a(j,k)%hi) >= big) THEN big = ABS(a(j,k)%hi) irow = j icol = k END IF ELSE IF (ipiv(k) > 1) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'Singular matrix' RETURN END IF END DO END IF END DO ipiv(icol) = ipiv(icol)+1 ! Pivot has been selected. Interchange rows, if necessary, to ! put the element on the diagonal. IF (irow /= icol) THEN DO l = 1, n dum = a(irow,l) a(irow,l) = a(icol,l) a(icol,l) = dum END DO DO l = 1, m dum = b(irow,l) b(irow,l) = b(icol,l) b(icol,l) = dum END DO END IF indxr(i) = irow indxc(i) = icol ! Now do the pivoting IF (a(icol,icol)%hi == 0.) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'Singular matrix.' RETURN END IF pivinv = one / a(icol,icol) a(icol,icol) = one DO l = 1, n a(icol, l) = a(icol, l) * pivinv END DO DO l = 1, m b(icol, l) = b(icol, l) * pivinv END DO DO ll = 1, n IF(ll /= icol)THEN dum = a(ll,icol) a(ll,icol) = zero DO l = 1, n a(ll, l) = a(ll, l) - a(icol, l) * dum END DO DO l = 1, m b(ll, l) = b(ll, l) - b(icol, l) * dum END DO END IF END DO END DO ! Finally unscramble A by re-arranging the columns DO l = n, 1, -1 IF(indxr(l) /= indxc(l))THEN DO k = 1, n dum = a(k,indxr(l)) a(k,indxr(l)) = a(k,indxc(l)) a(k,indxc(l)) = dum END DO END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE gaussj