MODULE luxury ! Subtract-and-borrow random number generator proposed by ! Marsaglia and Zaman, implemented by F. James with the name ! RCARRY in 1991, and later improved by Martin Luescher ! in 1993 to produce "Luxury Pseudorandom Numbers". ! Fortran 77 coded by F. James, 1993 ! References: ! M. Luscher, Computer Physics Communications 79 (1994) 100 ! F. James, Computer Physics Communications 79 (1994) 111 ! This Fortran 90 version is by Alan Miller (alan @ ! Latest revision - 11 September 1995 ! LUXURY LEVELS. ! ------ ------ The available luxury levels are: ! level 0 (p=24): equivalent to the original RCARRY of Marsaglia ! and Zaman, very long period, but fails many tests. ! level 1 (p=48): considerable improvement in quality over level 0, ! now passes the gap test, but still fails spectral test. ! level 2 (p=97): passes all known tests, but theoretically still ! defective. ! level 3 (p=223): DEFAULT VALUE. Any theoretically possible ! correlations have very small chance of being observed. ! level 4 (p=389): highest possible luxury, all 24 bits chaotic. !!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !!!! Calling sequences for RANLUX: ++ !!!! CALL RANLUX (RVEC, LEN) returns a vector RVEC of LEN ++ !!!! 32-bit random floating point numbers between ++ !!!! zero (not included) and one (also not incl.). ++ !!!! CALL RLUXGO(LUX,INT,K1,K2) initializes the generator from ++ !!!! one 32-bit integer INT and sets Luxury Level LUX ++ !!!! which is integer between zero and MAXLEV, or if ++ !!!! LUX .GT. 24, it sets p=LUX directly. K1 and K2 ++ !!!! should be set to zero unless restarting at a break++ !!!! point given by output of RLUXAT (see RLUXAT). ++ !!!! CALL RLUXAT(LUX,INT,K1,K2) gets the values of four integers++ !!!! which can be used to restart the RANLUX generator ++ !!!! at the current point by calling RLUXGO. K1 and K2++ !!!! specify how many numbers were generated since the ++ !!!! initialization with LUX and INT. The restarting ++ !!!! skips over K1+K2*E9 numbers, so it can be long.++ !!!! A more efficient but less convenient way of restarting is by: ++ !!!! CALL RLUXIN(ISVEC) restarts the generator from vector ++ !!!! ISVEC of 25 32-bit integers (see RLUXUT) ++ !!!! CALL RLUXUT(ISVEC) outputs the current values of the 25 ++ !!!! 32-bit integer seeds, to be used for restarting ++ !!!! ISVEC must be dimensioned 25 in the calling program ++ !!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: isdext(25) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: maxlev = 4, lxdflt = 3, jsdflt = 314159265 INTEGER :: ndskip(0:maxlev) = (/ 0, 24, 73, 199, 365 /) INTEGER :: igiga = 1000000000, i24 = 24, j24 = 10 REAL, PARAMETER :: twop12 = 4096. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: itwo24 = 2**24, icons = 2147483563 INTEGER, SAVE :: next(24), luxlev = lxdflt, nskip, inseed, jseed LOGICAL, SAVE :: notyet = .true. INTEGER :: in24 = 0, kount = 0, mkount = 0 REAL, SAVE :: seeds(24), carry = 0., twom24, twom12 ! default ! Luxury Level 0 1 2 *3* 4 ! ndskip /0, 24, 73, 199, 365/ ! Corresponds to p=24 48 97 223 389 ! time factor 1 2 3 6 10 on slow workstation ! 1 1.5 2 3 5 on fast mainframe ! 1 1.5 2.5 5 8.5 on PC using LF90 PUBLIC notyet, i24, j24, carry, seeds, twom24, twom12, luxlev PUBLIC nskip, ndskip, in24, next, kount, mkount, inseed CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ranlux(rvec, lenv) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lenv REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: rvec(lenv) ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, k, lp, ivec, iseeds(24), isk REAL :: uni ! NOTYET is .TRUE. if no initialization has been performed yet. ! Default Initialization by Multiplicative Congruential IF (notyet) THEN notyet = .false. jseed = jsdflt inseed = jseed WRITE (6,'(A,I12)') ' RANLUX DEFAULT INITIALIZATION: ', jseed luxlev = lxdflt nskip = ndskip(luxlev) lp = nskip + 24 in24 = 0 kount = 0 mkount = 0 WRITE (6,'(A,I2,A,I4)') ' RANLUX DEFAULT LUXURY LEVEL = ', luxlev, & ' p =', lp twom24 = 1. DO i = 1, 24 twom24 = twom24 * 0.5 k = jseed / 53668 jseed = 40014 * (jseed-k*53668) - k * 12211 IF (jseed.LT.0) jseed = jseed + icons iseeds(i) = MOD(jseed,itwo24) END DO twom12 = twom24 * 4096. DO i = 1, 24 seeds(i) = REAL(iseeds(i)) * twom24 next(i) = i - 1 END DO next(1) = 24 i24 = 24 j24 = 10 carry = 0. IF (seeds(24).EQ.0.) carry = twom24 END IF ! The Generator proper: "Subtract-with-borrow", ! as proposed by Marsaglia and Zaman, ! Florida State University, March, 1989 DO ivec = 1, lenv uni = seeds(j24) - seeds(i24) - carry IF (uni.LT.0.) THEN uni = uni + 1.0 carry = twom24 ELSE carry = 0. END IF seeds(i24) = uni i24 = next(i24) j24 = next(j24) rvec(ivec) = uni ! small numbers (with less than 12 "significant" bits) are "padded". IF (uni.LT.twom12) THEN rvec(ivec) = rvec(ivec) + twom24 * seeds(j24) ! and zero is forbidden in case someone takes a logarithm IF (rvec(ivec).EQ.0.) rvec(ivec) = twom24 * twom24 END IF ! Skipping to luxury. As proposed by Martin Luscher. in24 = in24 + 1 IF (in24.EQ.24) THEN in24 = 0 kount = kount + nskip DO isk = 1, nskip uni = seeds(j24) - seeds(i24) - carry IF (uni.LT.0.) THEN uni = uni + 1.0 carry = twom24 ELSE carry = 0. END IF seeds(i24) = uni i24 = next(i24) j24 = next(j24) END DO END IF END DO kount = kount + lenv IF (kount.GE.igiga) THEN mkount = mkount + 1 kount = kount - igiga END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE ranlux ! Subroutine to input and float integer seeds from previous run SUBROUTINE rluxin ! the following IF BLOCK added by Phillip Helbig, based on conversation ! with Fred James; an equivalent correction has been published by James. IMPLICIT NONE ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, isd IF (notyet) THEN WRITE (6,'(A)') ' Proper results ONLY with initialisation from 25 ', & 'integers obtained with RLUXUT' notyet = .false. END IF twom24 = 1. DO i = 1, 24 next(i) = i - 1 twom24 = twom24 * 0.5 END DO next(1) = 24 twom12 = twom24 * 4096. WRITE (6,'(A)') ' FULL INITIALIZATION OF RANLUX WITH 25 INTEGERS:' WRITE (6,'(5X,5I12)') isdext DO i = 1, 24 seeds(i) = REAL(isdext(i)) * twom24 END DO carry = 0. IF (isdext(25).LT.0) carry = twom24 isd = ABS(isdext(25)) i24 = MOD(isd,100) isd = isd / 100 j24 = MOD(isd,100) isd = isd / 100 in24 = MOD(isd,100) isd = isd / 100 luxlev = isd IF (luxlev.LE.maxlev) THEN nskip = ndskip(luxlev) WRITE (6,'(A,I2)') ' RANLUX LUXURY LEVEL SET BY RLUXIN TO: ', luxlev ELSE IF (luxlev.GE.24) THEN nskip = luxlev - 24 WRITE (6,'(A,I5)') ' RANLUX P-VALUE SET BY RLUXIN TO:', luxlev ELSE nskip = ndskip(maxlev) WRITE (6,'(A,I5)') ' RANLUX ILLEGAL LUXURY RLUXIN: ', luxlev luxlev = maxlev END IF inseed = -1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE rluxin ! Subroutine to ouput seeds as integers SUBROUTINE rluxut IMPLICIT NONE ! Local variables INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, 24 isdext(i) = INT(seeds(i)*twop12*twop12) END DO isdext(25) = i24 + 100 * j24 + 10000 * in24 + 1000000 * luxlev IF (carry.GT.0.) isdext(25) = -isdext(25) RETURN END SUBROUTINE rluxut ! Subroutine to output the "convenient" restart point SUBROUTINE rluxat(lout, inout, k1, k2) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: lout, inout, k1, k2 lout = luxlev inout = inseed k1 = kount k2 = mkount RETURN END SUBROUTINE rluxat ! Subroutine to initialize from one or three integers SUBROUTINE rluxgo(lux, ins, k1, k2) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lux, ins, k1, k2 ! Local variables INTEGER :: ilx, i, iouter, iseeds(24), isk, k, inner, izip, izip2 REAL :: uni IF (lux.LT.0) THEN luxlev = lxdflt ELSE IF (lux.LE.maxlev) THEN luxlev = lux ELSE IF (lux.LT.24.OR.lux.GT.2000) THEN luxlev = maxlev WRITE (6,'(A,I7)') ' RANLUX ILLEGAL LUXURY RLUXGO: ', lux ELSE luxlev = lux DO ilx = 0, maxlev IF (lux.EQ.ndskip(ilx)+24) luxlev = ilx END DO END IF IF (luxlev.LE.maxlev) THEN nskip = ndskip(luxlev) WRITE (6,'(A,I2,A,I4)') ' RANLUX LUXURY LEVEL SET BY RLUXGO :', luxlev, & ' P=', nskip + 24 ELSE nskip = luxlev - 24 WRITE (6,'(A,I5)') ' RANLUX P-VALUE SET BY RLUXGO TO:', luxlev END IF in24 = 0 IF (ins.LT.0) WRITE (6,'(A)') & ' Illegal initialization by RLUXGO, negative input seed' IF (ins.GT.0) THEN jseed = ins WRITE (6,'(A,3I12)') ' RANLUX INITIALIZED BY RLUXGO FROM SEEDS', jseed, k1, k2 ELSE jseed = jsdflt WRITE (6,'(A)') ' RANLUX INITIALIZED BY RLUXGO FROM DEFAULT SEED' END IF inseed = jseed notyet = .false. twom24 = 1. DO i = 1, 24 twom24 = twom24 * 0.5 k = jseed / 53668 jseed = 40014 * (jseed-k*53668) - k * 12211 IF (jseed.LT.0) jseed = jseed + icons iseeds(i) = MOD(jseed,itwo24) END DO twom12 = twom24 * 4096. DO i = 1, 24 seeds(i) = REAL(iseeds(i)) * twom24 next(i) = i - 1 END DO next(1) = 24 i24 = 24 j24 = 10 carry = 0. IF (seeds(24).EQ.0.) carry = twom24 ! If restarting at a break point, skip K1 + IGIGA*K2 ! Note that this is the number of numbers delivered to ! the user PLUS the number skipped (if luxury .GT. 0). kount = k1 mkount = k2 IF (k1+k2.NE.0) THEN DO iouter = 1, k2 + 1 inner = igiga IF (iouter.EQ.k2+1) inner = k1 DO isk = 1, inner uni = seeds(j24) - seeds(i24) - carry IF (uni.LT.0.) THEN uni = uni + 1.0 carry = twom24 ELSE carry = 0. END IF seeds(i24) = uni i24 = next(i24) j24 = next(j24) END DO END DO ! Get the right value of IN24 by direct calculation in24 = MOD(kount,nskip+24) IF (mkount.GT.0) THEN izip = MOD(igiga, nskip+24) izip2 = mkount * izip + in24 in24 = MOD(izip2, nskip+24) END IF ! Now IN24 had better be between zero and 23 inclusive IF (in24.GT.23) THEN WRITE (6,'(A/A,3I11,A,I5)') & ' Error in RESTARTING with RLUXGO:', ' The values', ins, & k1, k2, ' cannot occur at luxury level', luxlev in24 = 0 END IF END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE rluxgo END MODULE luxury