SUBROUTINE nonnegls(nin, b) ! Non-negative least squares fitting after INCLUD has been used to form ! an orthogonal reduction of the data. ! Author: Alan.Miller @ ! Latest version - 19 October 1998 USE lsq IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: nin REAL (lsq_kind), INTENT(OUT) :: b(:) ! Local variables REAL (lsq_kind) :: alpha, sxy(ncol), sxx(ncol), temp, wmax, z(ncol) INTEGER :: i, ier, t REAL (lsq_kind), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_lsq_kind ! The step numbers below are those for Lawson & Hanson's NNLS algorithm ! from page 161 of their book: ! Lawson, C.L. & Hanson, R.J. `Solving least squares problems', Prentice-Hall, ! 1974, republished in SIAM Classics in Applied Mathematics 1995. ! Step 1 nin = 0 b(:ncol) = zero ! Step 2 2 CALL sums_of_sq_and_prod(nin+1, ncol, sxy, sxx) ! Step 4 ! We find the max of (sxy)^2 / sxx conditional upon sxy > 0. ! This is better than L & H's (sxy - b'.sxx) which is dependent upon the size ! of the X-variables and so tends to pick X-variables which have large values ! ahead of X-variables with small values. t = 0 wmax = zero DO i = nin+1, ncol IF (sxy(i) > zero) THEN temp = sxy(i)**2 / sxx(i) IF (temp > wmax) THEN wmax = temp t = i END IF END IF END DO ! Step 3 IF (t == 0) RETURN ! Step 5, add the variable from position t to the model. nin = nin + 1 IF (t > nin) CALL vmove(t, nin, ier) ! Step 6, calculate the regression coefficients. 6 CALL regcf(z, nin, ier) ! Step 7, if all coefficients > 0, set b = z, then go back to step 2, unless ! all the variables have been included. IF (ALL(z(:nin) > zero)) THEN b(:nin) = z(:nin) IF (nin == ncol) RETURN GO TO 2 END IF ! Steps 8-11, one or more negative regression coefficients. ! Steps 8-9, calculate shrinkage factor alpha. t = 0 alpha = 1.0 nin = nin - 1 DO i = 1, nin IF (z(i) <= zero) THEN temp = b(i) / (b(i) - z(i)) IF (temp < alpha) THEN alpha = temp t = i END IF END IF END DO ! Step 10, shrink regression coefficients IF (t > 0) THEN b(1:nin) = b(1:nin) + alpha * (z(1:nin) - b(1:nin)) ELSE GO TO 2 ! This should never happen END IF ! Step 11, remove variables with coefficients <= 0. CALL vmove(t, nin, ier) nin = nin - 1 GO TO 6 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sums_of_sq_and_prod(first, last, sxy, sxx) ! Calculate the sums of squares, and cross-products, of those parts of the ! X and Y variables which are orthogonal to the X-variables already in the ! model (if any) in positions 1 .. first-1. Ignore any variables after last. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: first, last REAL (lsq_kind), INTENT(OUT) :: sxy(:), sxx(:) ! Local variables INTEGER :: inc, pos, row, col REAL (lsq_kind) :: zero = 0.0, diag, dy ! Accumulate sums of squares & products from row FIRST. ! The orthogonal reduction gave: ! X = Q.sqrt(D).R where Q is orthonormal and D is diagonal and such ! that the diagonal elements of R are 1's. ! The sums of squares and products are given by R'DR ! where only rows & columns FIRST .. LAST of R & D are used. sxx(first:last) = zero sxy(first:last) = zero inc = ncol - last pos = row_ptr(first) DO row = first, last diag = d(row) dy = diag * rhs(row) sxx(row) = sxx(row) + diag sxy(row) = sxy(row) + dy DO col = row+1, last sxx(col) = sxx(col) + diag * r(pos)**2 sxy(col) = sxy(col) + dy * r(pos) pos = pos + 1 END DO pos = pos + inc END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE sums_of_sq_and_prod END SUBROUTINE nonnegls