PROGRAM test_cube_root USE quadruple_precision IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (quad) :: x, lhs, rhs, diff REAL (r10) :: half = 0.5_r10, small = EPSILON(half), r INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: seed(:) INTEGER :: k, i ! Set the random number seed. CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=k) ALLOCATE (seed(k)) CALL RANDOM_SEED(get=seed) WRITE(*, *)'Old random number seeds: ', seed WRITE(*, '(1x, a, i4, a)') 'Enter ', k, ' integers as random number seeds: ' READ(*, *) seed CALL RANDOM_SEED(put=seed) DO i = 1, 20 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(x%hi) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(r) x%hi = (x%hi - half) / r x%lo = x%hi * small lhs = cube_root(x) IF (x%hi >= 0._r10) THEN rhs = EXP( LOG(x) / 3._r10) ELSE rhs = - EXP( LOG(- x) / 3._r10) END IF diff = lhs - rhs WRITE(*, '(" lhs =", g13.5, " Diff. =", g12.4)') lhs%hi, diff%hi END DO STOP CONTAINS FUNCTION cube_root(y) RESULT(x) ! Calculates the cube root of y in quadruple-precision. ! Programmer : Alan Miller, CSIRO Mathematical Information Sciences ! e-mail: alan @ WWW: ! Fax: (+61) 3-9545-8080 ! Latest revision - 6 December 1996 IMPLICIT NONE TYPE (quad), INTENT(IN) :: y TYPE (quad) :: x ! Local variables TYPE (quad) :: f, xsq REAL (r10) :: one_third = 0.3333333333333333_r10 ! First approximation is the double-precision cube root. ! Only one iteration is necessary. x%hi = SIGN(ABS(y%hi) ** one_third, y%hi) ! Put f(x) = x**3 - y ! Then Newton's iterative method uses: ! ! new x = x - f(x) / f'(x) ! ! Halley's method uses: ! ! new x = x - f / (f' - 0.5 * f * f'' / f') ! ! In this case ! ! new x = x - x * f / (3.x**3 - f) x%lo = 0._r10 xsq = exactmul2(x%hi, x%hi) f = x * xsq - y x = x - x * f / (3._r10 * x * xsq - f) RETURN END FUNCTION cube_root END PROGRAM test_cube_root