MODULE Total_LS ! Total Least Squares ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. ! From the vanhuffel directory at netlib ! Code converted using TO_F90 by Alan Miller ! Date: 2001-04-27 Time: 17:51:50 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: dp = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(12, 60) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ptls(c,ldc,m,n,l,rank,theta,x,ldx,q,inul,tol1,tol2,ierr,iwarn) ! N.B. Arguments WRK, IWRK & LWRK have been removed. ! Subroutine PTLS solves a set of linear equations by a Total Least ! Squares Approximation, based on the Partial SVD. ! The TLS problem assumes an overdetermined set of linear equations ! AX = B, where both the data matrix A as well as the observation ! matrix B are inaccurate. If the perturbations D on the data [A;B] ! have zero mean and if their covariance matrix E(D'D) with E the expected ! value operator, equals the identity matrix up to an unknown ! scaling factor (e.g. when all the errors are independent and equally ! sized), then the routine computes a strongly consistent estimate ! of the true solution of the corresponding unperturbed set. ! The routine also solves determined and underdetermined sets of ! equations by computing the minimum norm solution. ! It is assumed that all preprocessing measures (scaling, coordinate ! transformations, whitening, ... ) of the data have been performed ! in advance. ! C - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (LDC,N+L). ! The leading M x (N + L) part of this array contains A and B ! as follows: ! The first N columns contain the data matrix A, and the last ! L columns the observation matrix B (right-hand sides). ! NOTE that this array is overwritten. ! ! LDC - INTEGER. ! The declared leading dimension of the array C. ! LDC >= max(M,(N+L)). ! ! M - INTEGER. ! The number of rows in the data matrix A and the observation ! matrix B. ! ! N - INTEGER. ! The number of columns in the data matrix A. ! ! L - INTEGER. ! The number of columns in the observation matrix B. ! ! RANK - INTEGER. ! The rank of the TLS approximation [A+DA;B+DB]. ! On entry there are two possibilities: ! i) RANK < 0: the rank is to be computed by the routine. ! ii) RANK >= 0: specifies the given rank. ! RANK <= min(M,N). ! NOTE that RANK may be overwritten, if C has multiple ! singular values or if the upper triangular matrix ! F is singular (see 6 METHOD DESCRIPTION). ! ! THETA - DOUBLE PRECISION. ! On entry, there are two possibilities (depending on RANK): ! i) RANK < 0: the rank of the TLS approximation [A+DA;B+DB] ! is computed from THETA and equals min(M,N+L) - d, where ! d equals the number of singular values of [A;B] <= THETA. ! THETA >= 0. ! ii) RANK >= 0: THETA is an initial estimate for computing a ! lower bound of the RANK largest singular values of [A;B]. ! If not available, assign a negative value (< 0) to THETA. ! NOTE that THETA is overwritten. ! ! ARGUMENTS OUT ! ! C - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (LDC,N+L). ! The first N + L components of the columns of C whose ! index i corresponds with an INUL(i) = .TRUE., are the ! N + L - RANK base vectors of the right singular subspace ! corresponding to the singular values of C which are <= THETA. ! The TLS solution is computed from these vectors. ! ! RANK - INTEGER. ! RANK specifies the rank of [A+DA;B+DB]. ! If not specified by the user, then RANK is computed by the ! routine. ! If specified by the user, then the specified RANK is changed ! by the routine if the RANK-th and the (RANK+1)-th singular ! value of [A;B] coincide up to the precision given by TOL1, ! or if the upper triangular matrix F (see 6 METHOD DESCRIP- ! TION) is singular. ! ! THETA - DOUBLE PRECISION. ! If RANK >= 0, then THETA specifies the computed bound such ! that precisely RANK singular values of [A;B] are greater ! than THETA + TOL1. ! ! X - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (LDX,L). ! The leading N x L part of this array contains the solutions ! to the TLS problems specified by A and B. ! ! LDX - INTEGER. ! The declared leading dimension of the array X . ! LDX >= N. ! ! Q - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (min(M,N+L)+min(M+1,N+L)) ! Returns the partially diagonalized bidiagonal computed from ! C, at the moment that the desired singular subspace has been ! found. ! The first p = min(M,N+L) entries of Q contain the diagonal ! elements q(1),...,q(p) and the entries Q(p+2),...,Q(p+s) ! (with s = min(M+1,N+L)) contain the superdiagonal elements ! e(2),...,e(s). Q(p+1) = 0. ! ! INUL - LOGICAL array of DIMENSION (N+L). ! The indices of the elements of INUL with value .TRUE. indicate ! the columns in C containing the base vectors of the right singular ! subspace of C from which the TLS solution has been computed. ! WORK SPACE ! ! WRK - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION (t). ! The dimension t = M + N + L + (N+L)*(N+L-1)/2 if M >= N + L; ! M + N + L + M*(N+L-(M+1)/2) if M < N + L. ! ! IWRK - INTEGER array of DIMENSION (N+L). ! ! LWRK - LOGICAL array of DIMENSION (N+L). ! TOLERANCES ! ! TOL1 - DOUBLE PRECISION. ! This parameter defines the multiplicity of singular values by ! considering all singular values within an interval of length ! TOL1 as coinciding. TOL1 is used in checking how many singu- ! lar values are <= THETA. Also in computing an appropriate ! upper bound THETA by a bisection method, TOL1 is used as stop ! criterion defining the minimal subinterval length. ! According to the numerical properties of the SVD, TOL1 must ! be >= !!C!! x EPS where !!C!! denotes the L2-norm and EPS ! is the machine precision. ! ! TOL2 - DOUBLE PRECISION. ! Working precision for the computations in PTLS. This parameter ! specifies that elements of matrices used in the computation, ! which are <= TOL2 in absolute value, are considered to be zero. ! ERROR INDICATORS ! ! IERR - INTEGER. ! On return, IERR contains 0 unless the subroutine has failed. ! ! IWARN - INTEGER. ! On return, IWARN contains 0 unless RANK has been lowered by the ! routine. ! ERROR INDICATORS and WARNINGS: ! ! Errors detected by the routine: ! ! IERR = 0: successful completion. ! 1: number M of rows of array C = [A;B] smaller than 1. ! 2: number N of columns of matrix A smaller than 1. ! 3: number L of columns of matrix B smaller than 1. ! 4: leading dimension LDC of array C is smaller than ! max(M,N+L). ! 5: leading dimension LDX of array X is smaller than N. ! 6: rank of the TLS approximation [A+DA;B+DB] is larger ! than min(M,N). ! 7: the parameters RANK and THETA are both negative (< 0). ! 8: tolerance TOL1 is negative. ! 9: tolerance TOL2 is negative. ! 10: maximum number of QR/QL iteration steps (50) exceeded. ! Warnings given by the routine: ! ! IWARN = 0: no warnings. ! 1: the rank of matrix C has been lowered because a ! singular value of multiplicity > 1 has been found. ! 2: the rank of matrix C has been lowered because a ! singular upper triangular matrix F has been found. REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: c(:,:) ! c(ldc,*) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ldc INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: l INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: rank REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: theta REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: x(:,:) ! x(ldx,*) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ldx REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: q(:) LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: inul(n+l) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol1 REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol2 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ierr INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iwarn ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! REAL (dp) :: ddot ! EXTERNAL daxpy, ddot, dcopy, dqrdc, bidiag, cancel, housh, init, qrql ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS, MAX, MIN ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i, j, p, nl, pp1, j1, mc, nj, k, ii, i1, n1, mnl1 REAL (dp) :: temp, hh, inprod LOGICAL :: zero ! .. Local Arrays .. INTEGER :: dumar1(1) REAL (dp) :: dumar2(1,1) ! .. Workspaces .. REAL (dp), ALLOCATABLE :: wrk(:) INTEGER :: iwrk(n+l) LOGICAL :: lwrk(n+l) ! .. Executable Statements .. ierr = 0 iwarn = 0 IF (m < 1) ierr = 1 IF (n < 1) ierr = 2 IF (l < 1) ierr = 3 IF (ldc < MAX(m,n+l)) ierr = 4 IF (ldx < n) ierr = 5 IF (rank > MIN(m,n)) ierr = 6 IF (rank < 0 .AND. theta < 0.0D0) ierr = 7 IF (tol1 < 0.0D0) ierr = 8 IF (tol2 < 0.0D0) ierr = 9 IF (ierr /= 0) RETURN ! Initializations. nl = n + l IF (m >= nl) THEN ALLOCATE( wrk(m + nl + nl*(nl-1)/2) ) ELSE ALLOCATE( wrk(m + nl + m*(nl-(m+1)/2)) ) END IF mnl1 = m + nl + 1 p = MIN(m,nl) DO i = 1, p inul(i) = .false. lwrk(i) = .false. END DO pp1 = p + 1 DO i = pp1, nl inul(i) = .true. lwrk(i) = .false. END DO x(1:n,1:l) = 0.0D0 ! Step 1: Bidiagonalization phase ! ----------------------- ! 1.a): If M >= 5*(N+L)/3, transform C into upper triangular form R ! by Householder transformations. mc = m IF (3*m >= 5*nl) THEN CALL dqrdc(c,m,nl,q,dumar1,0) DO j = 1, nl j1 = j + 1 c(j1:nl,j) = 0.0D0 END DO mc = nl END IF ! 1.b): Transform C (or R) into bidiagonal form Q using Householder ! transformations. CALL bidiag(c,mc,nl,q,q(p+1:)) ! Store the Householder transformations performed onto the rows of C ! in the last storage locations of the work array WRK. mc = MIN(nl-2,m) IF (mc > 0) THEN k = mnl1 DO ii = 1, mc j = mc - ii + 1 nj = nl - j wrk(k:k+nj-1) = c(j,j+1:j+nj) k = k + nj END DO END IF ! 1.c): Initialize the right singular base matrix V with the identity ! matrix (V overwrites C). CALL init(c,nl,nl) ! 1.d): If M < N+L, bring the bidiagonal Q to M by M by cancelling ! its last superdiagonal element using Givens rotations. pp1 = p IF (m < nl) THEN pp1 = p + 1 CALL cancel(dumar2,c,q,q(pp1:),p,pp1,pp1,pp1,tol2,.false.,.true.) END IF ! REPEAT ! Compute the Householder matrix Q and matrices F and Y such that ! F is nonsingular. ! Step 2: Partial diagonalization phase. ! ----------------------------- ! Diagonalize the bidiagonal Q partially until convergence to ! the desired right singular subspace. 80 CALL qrql(dumar2,c,p,pp1,rank,theta,q,q(p+1:),inul,tol1,tol2, & .false.,.true.,ierr,iwarn) IF (ierr /= 0) RETURN ! Step 3: Back transformation phase. ! ------------------------- ! Apply the Householder transformations (stored in WRK) performed ! onto the rows of C during the bidiagonalization phase, to the ! selected base vectors in the right singular base matrix of C. DO i = 1, nl IF (inul(i) .AND. (.NOT.lwrk(i))) THEN k = mnl1 DO ii = 1, mc j = mc - ii + 1 nj = nl - j j1 = j + 1 IF (ABS(wrk(k)) > tol2) THEN temp = -DOT_PRODUCT( wrk(k:k+nj-1), c(j1:j1+nj-1,i) ) / wrk(k) c(j1:j1+nj-1,i) = c(j1:j1+nj-1,i) + temp * wrk(k:k+nj-1) k = k + nj END IF END DO lwrk(i) = .true. END IF END DO IF (rank <= 0) RETURN ! Step 4: Compute matrices F and Y using Householder transf. Q. ! ------------------------ k = 0 DO i = 1, nl IF (inul(i)) THEN k = k + 1 iwrk(k) = i END IF END DO IF (k < l) THEN ! Rank TLS approximation is larger than min(M,N). ierr = 3 RETURN END IF n1 = n + 1 zero = .false. i = nl ! WHILE ((K > 1) .AND. (I > N) .AND. (.NOT.ZERO)) DO 120 IF (k > 1 .AND. i > n .AND. ( THEN DO j = 1, k wrk(j) = c(i,iwrk(j)) END DO ! Compute Householder transformation. CALL housh(wrk,k,k,tol2,zero,temp) IF ( THEN ! Apply Householder transformation onto the selected base vectors. DO i1 = 1, i inprod = 0.0_dp DO j = 1, k inprod = inprod + wrk(j) * c(i1,iwrk(j)) END DO hh = inprod * temp DO j = 1, k j1 = iwrk(j) c(i1,j1) = c(i1,j1) - wrk(j) * hh END DO END DO k = k - 1 END IF i = i - 1 GO TO 120 END IF ! END WHILE 10 IF ( k = n1 - rank ! If F singular, lower the rank of the TLS approximation . IF (ABS(c(n1,iwrk(k))) <= tol2) THEN rank = rank - 1 iwarn = 2 theta = -1.0D0 GO TO 80 END IF ! UNTIL ((.NOT.ZERO) .AND. (F nonsingular)) ! Step 5: Compute TLS solution ! -------------------- ! Solve X F = -Y by forward elimination (F is upper triangular). nj = iwrk(k) x(1:n,1) = x(1:n,1) - c(1:n,nj) / c(n1,nj) DO j = 2, l j1 = j - 1 nj = iwrk(k+j1) temp = c(n+j,nj) DO i = 1, n x(i,j) = -(c(i,nj) + DOT_PRODUCT( c(n1:n1+j1-1,nj), x(i,1:j1) )) / temp END DO END DO RETURN ! *** Last line of PTLS *********************************************** END SUBROUTINE ptls SUBROUTINE qlstep(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,shift,wantu,wantv) ! N.B. Arguments LDU & LDV have been removed. ! PURPOSE: ! The subroutine QLSTEP performs one QL iteration step onto the ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk: ! !Q(i) E(i+1) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(i+1) E(i+2) . ! ! Jk = ! . . ! ! ! . ! ! ! . E(k)! ! ! 0 ... Q(k)! ! with k <= p and i >= 1, p = min(M,N), of the bidiagonal J: ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(2) E(3) . ! ! J = ! . . ! ! ! . E(p)! ! ! 0 ... Q(p)! ! Hereby, Jk is transformed to S'Jk T with S and T products of ! Givens rotations. These Givens rotations S (resp.,T) will be post- ! multiplied into U (resp.,V), if WANTU (resp.,WANTV) = .TRUE. ! ARGUMENT LIST: ! U - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDU,min(M,N)). ! On entry, U may contain the M by p (p=min(M,N)) left transformation ! matrix. ! On return, if WANTU = .TRUE., the Givens rotations S on the ! left have been postmultiplied into U. ! NOTE: U is not referenced if WANTU = .FALSE. ! LDU - INTEGER. ! LDU is the leading dimension of the array U (LDU >= M). ! V - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDV,min(M,N)). ! On entry, V may contain the N by p (p=min(M,N)) right transformation ! matrix. ! On return, if WANTV = .TRUE., the Givens rotations T on the ! right have been postmultiplied into V. ! NOTE: V is not referenced if WANTV is .false. ! LDV - INTEGER. ! LDV is the leading dimension of the array V (LDV >= N). ! Q - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (min(M,N)). ! On entry, Q contains the diagonal entries of the bidiagonal J. ! On return, Q contains the diagonal entries of the transformed ! matrix S' J T. ! E - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (min(M,N)). ! On entry, E contains the superdiagonal entries of J. ! On return, E contains the superdiagonal entries of the transformed ! matrix S' J T. E(k+1) = 0 if k < min(M,N). ! M - INTEGER. ! M is the number of rows of the matrix U. ! N - INTEGER. ! N is the number of rows of the matrix V. ! I - INTEGER. ! I is the index of the first diagonal entry of the considered ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk of J. ! K - INTEGER. ! K is the index of the last diagonal entry of the considered ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk of J. ! SHIFT - REAL (dp). ! Value of the shift used in the QL iteration step. ! WANTU - LOGICAL. ! WANTU = .TRUE. if the Givens rotations S must be postmultiplied ! on the left into U, else .FALSE. ! WANTV - LOGICAL. ! WANTV = .TRUE. if the Givens rotations T must be postmultiplied ! on the left into V, else .FALSE. ! EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS: ! DROT from BLAS. ! METHOD DESCRIPTION: ! QL iterations diagonalize the bidiagonal by zeroing the super- ! diagonal elements of Jk from top to bottom. ! The routine QLSTEP overwrites Jk with the bidiagonal matrix ! S' Jk T where S and T are Givens rotations. ! T is essentially the orthogonal matrix that would be obtained by ! applying one implicit symmetric shift QL step onto the matrix ! Jk'Jk. This step factors the matrix (Jk'Jk - shift*I) into a ! product of an orthogonal matrix T and a lower triangular matrix. ! See [1,Sec.8.2-8.3] and [2] for more details. ! REFERENCES: ! [1] G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations. The Johns ! Hopkins University Press, Baltimore,Maryland (1983). ! [2] H. Bowdler, R.S. Martin and J.H. Wilkinson, The QR and QL algorithms ! for symmetric matrices. Numer. Math., 11 (1968), 293-306. ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: u(:,:) ! u(ldu,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: v(:,:) ! v(ldv,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: e(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: shift LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantu LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantv ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! EXTERNAL drot ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC MIN, SQRT ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: ik, j, ll, jj REAL (dp) :: f, g, h, c, s, x, y, z ! .. Executable Statements .. x = q(k) g = shift f = (x-g) * (x+g) / x c = 1.0D0 s = 1.0D0 ik = k - i DO jj = 1, ik j = k - jj ll = j + 1 g = e(ll) y = q(j) h = s * g g = c * g z = SQRT(f**2 + h**2) IF (jj > 1) e(ll+1) = z c = f / z s = h / z f = x * c + g * s g = -x * s + g * c h = y * s y = y * c IF (wantu) CALL drot(m,u(1:,ll),1,u(1:,j),1,c,s) z = SQRT(f**2 + h**2) q(ll) = z c = f / z s = h / z f = c * g + s * y x = -s * g + c * y IF (wantv) CALL drot(n,v(1:,ll),1,v(1:,j),1,c,s) END DO e(i+1) = f q(i) = x IF (k < MIN(m,n)) e(k+1) = 0.0D0 RETURN ! Last line of QLSTEP ************************************************* END SUBROUTINE qlstep SUBROUTINE qrql(u,v,m,n,rank,theta,q,e,inul,tol1,tol2,wantu,wantv,ierr,iwarn) ! N.B. Arguments LDU & LDV have been removed. ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: u(:,:) ! u(ldu,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: v(:,:) ! v(ldv,*) INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: rank REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: theta REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: e(:) LOGICAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: inul(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol1 REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol2 LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantu LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantv INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: ierr INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: iwarn ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! INTEGER :: nsingv ! EXTERNAL cancel, estim, qrstep, qlstep, nsingv ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS, MIN ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i1, k, j, i, numeig, iter, maxit, p, r REAL (dp) :: x, shift LOGICAL :: noc12 ! .. Executable Statements .. ierr = 0 p = MIN(m,n) ! Estimate THETA (if not fixed by the user), and set R. IF (rank >= 0) THEN j = p - rank CALL estim(q,e,p,j,theta,tol1,tol2,iwarn) IF (j <= 0) RETURN r = p - j ELSE r = 0 END IF maxit = 50 rank = p DO i = 1, p IF (inul(i)) rank = rank - 1 END DO e(1) = 0.0D0 ! From now K is the smallest known index such that the subbidia- ! gonals with indices > K belong to C1 or C2. ! RANK = P - SUM(dimensions of known elements of C2). k = p ! WHILE (C3 NOT EMPTY) DO 20 IF (rank > r .AND. k > 0) THEN ! WHILE (K > 0 .AND INUL(K)) DO ! Search for the rightmost index of a subbidiagonal of C1 or C3. 30 IF (k > 0) THEN IF (inul(k)) THEN k = k - 1 GO TO 30 END IF END IF ! END WHILE 3 IF (k == 0) RETURN iter = 0 noc12 = .true. ! WHILE ((ITER < MAXIT) .AND. (No element of C1 or C2 found)) DO 40 IF (iter < maxit .AND. noc12) THEN ! Search for negligible Q(I) or E(I). i = k x = ABS(q(i)) shift = x ! WHILE (ABS(Q(I)) > TOL2 .AND. ABS(E(I)) > TOL2) DO 50 IF (x > tol2 .AND. ABS(e(i)) > tol2) THEN i = i - 1 x = ABS(q(i)) IF (x < shift) shift = x GO TO 50 END IF ! END WHILE 5 ! Classify the subbidiagonal found. j = k - i + 1 IF (x <= tol2 .OR. k == i) THEN noc12 = .false. ELSE numeig = nsingv(q(i:),e(i:),j,theta,tol1,tol2) IF (numeig >= j .OR. numeig <= 0) noc12 = .false. END IF IF (noc12) THEN IF (shift >= theta) shift = 0.0D0 IF (ABS(q(k)) <= ABS(q(i))) THEN CALL qrstep(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,shift,wantu,wantv) ELSE CALL qlstep(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,shift,wantu,wantv) END IF iter = iter + 1 END IF GO TO 40 END IF ! END WHILE 4 IF (iter == maxit) THEN ierr = 10 RETURN END IF IF (x <= tol2) THEN ! Split at negligible diagonal element abs(Q(I)) <= TOL2. CALL cancel(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,tol2,wantu,wantv) inul(i) = .true. rank = rank - 1 ELSE ! A negligible superdiagonal element abs(E(I)) <= TOL2 has ! been found, the corresponding subbidiagonal belongs to ! C1 or C2. Treat this subbidiagonal. IF (j >= 2) THEN IF (numeig == j) THEN DO i1 = i, k inul(i1) = .true. END DO rank = rank - j k = k - j ELSE k = i - 1 END IF ELSE IF (x <= theta + tol1) THEN inul(i) = .true. rank = rank - 1 END IF k = k - 1 END IF END IF GO TO 20 END IF ! END WHILE 2 RETURN ! *** Last line of QRQL *********************************************** END SUBROUTINE qrql SUBROUTINE qrstep(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,shift,wantu,wantv) ! N.B. Arguments LDU & LDV have been removed. ! PURPOSE: ! The subroutine QRSTEP performs one QR iteration step onto the ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk: ! !Q(i) E(i+1) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(i+1) E(i+2) . ! ! Jk = ! . . ! ! ! . ! ! ! . E(k)! ! ! 0 ... Q(k)! ! with k <= p and i >= 1, p = min(M,N), of the bidiagonal J: ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(2) E(3) . ! ! J = ! . . ! ! ! . E(p)! ! ! 0 ... Q(p)! ! Hereby, Jk is transformed to S'Jk T with S and T products of ! Givens rotations. These Givens rotations S (resp.,T) will be post- ! multiplied into U (resp.,V), if WANTU (resp.,WANTV) = .TRUE. ! ARGUMENT LIST: ! U - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDU,min(M,N)). ! On entry, U may contain the M by p (p=min(M,N)) left transformation ! matrix. ! On return, if WANTU = .TRUE., the Givens rotations S on the ! left have been postmultiplied into U. ! NOTE: U is not referenced if WANTU = .FALSE. ! LDU - INTEGER. ! LDU is the leading dimension of the array U (LDU >= M). ! V - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDV,min(M,N)). ! On entry, V may contain the N by p (p=min(M,N)) right transformation ! matrix. ! On return, if WANTV = .TRUE., the Givens rotations T on the ! right have been postmultiplied into V. ! NOTE: V is not referenced if WANTV is .false. ! LDV - INTEGER. ! LDV is the leading dimension of the array V (LDV >= N). ! Q - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (min(M,N)). ! On entry, Q contains the diagonal entries of the bidiagonal J. ! On return, Q contains the diagonal entries of the transformed ! matrix S' J T. ! E - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (min(M,N)). ! On entry, E contains the superdiagonal entries of J. ! On return, E contains the superdiagonal entries of the transformed ! matrix S' J T. E(i) = 0. ! M - INTEGER. ! M is the number of rows of the matrix U. ! N - INTEGER. ! N is the number of rows of the matrix V. ! I - INTEGER. ! I is the index of the first diagonal entry of the considered ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk of J. ! K - INTEGER. ! K is the index of the last diagonal entry of the considered ! unreduced subbidiagonal Jk of J. ! SHIFT - REAL (dp). ! Value of the shift used in the QR iteration step. ! WANTU - LOGICAL. ! WANTU = .TRUE. if the Givens rotations S must be postmultiplied ! on the left into U, else .FALSE. ! WANTV - LOGICAL. ! WANTV = .TRUE. if the Givens rotations T must be postmultiplied ! on the left into V, else .FALSE. ! EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS: ! DROT from BLAS. ! METHOD DESCRIPTION: ! QR iterations diagonalize the bidiagonal by zeroing the superdiagonal ! elements of Jk from bottom to top. ! The routine QRSTEP overwrites Jk with the bidiagonal matrix ! S' Jk T where S and T are Givens rotations. ! T is essentially the orthogonal matrix that would be obtained by ! applying one implicit symmetric shift QR step onto the matrix ! Jk'Jk. This step factors the matrix (Jk'Jk - shift*I) into a ! product of an orthogonal matrix T and an upper triangular matrix. ! See [1,Sec.8.2-8.3] for more details. ! REFERENCES: ! [1] G.H. Golub and C.F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations. The Johns ! Hopkins University Press, Baltimore,Maryland (1983). ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: u(:,:) ! u(ldu,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: v(:,:) ! v(ldv,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: e(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: shift LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantu LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantv ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! EXTERNAL drot ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC SQRT ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i1, j, ll REAL (dp) :: f, g, h, c, s, x, y, z ! .. Executable Statements .. x = q(i) g = shift f = (x-g) * (x+g) / x c = 1.0D0 s = 1.0D0 i1 = i + 1 DO j = i1, k ll = j - 1 g = e(j) y = q(j) h = s * g g = c * g z = SQRT(f**2 + h**2) e(ll) = z c = f / z s = h / z f = x * c + g * s g = -x * s + g * c h = y * s y = y * c IF (wantv) CALL drot(n,v(1:,ll),1,v(1:,j),1,c,s) z = SQRT(f**2 + h**2) q(ll) = z c = f / z s = h / z f = c * g + s * y x = -s * g + c * y IF (wantu) CALL drot(m,u(1:,ll),1,u(1:,j),1,c,s) END DO e(k) = f q(k) = x e(i) = 0.0D0 RETURN ! *** Last line of QRSTEP ********************************************* END SUBROUTINE qrstep SUBROUTINE bidiag(x,n,p,q,e) ! N.B. Arguments LDX & WRK have been removed. ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:,:) ! x(ldx,*) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: p REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: e(:) ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! REAL (dp) :: dnrm2, ddot ! EXTERNAL dscal, dnrm2, ddot, daxpy ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC MAX, MIN, SIGN ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: nct, nrt, lu, l, lp1, j, i, npp, pp1, m REAL (dp) :: t, wrk(n+p) ! .. Executable Statements .. ! Reduce X to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements in Q ! and the superdiagonal elements in E. npp = n + p pp1 = p + 1 nct = MIN(n-1,p) nrt = MAX(0,MIN(p-2,n)) lu = MAX(nct,nrt) DO l = 1, lu lp1 = l + 1 IF (l <= nct) THEN ! Compute the transformation for the L-th column and place the ! L-th diagonal in Q(L). q(l) = dnrm2(n-l+1,x(l:,l),1) IF (q(l) /= 0.0D0) THEN IF (x(l,l) /= 0.0D0) q(l) = SIGN(q(l), x(l,l)) x(l:n,l) = x(l:n,l) / q(l) x(l,l) = 1.0D0 + x(l,l) END IF q(l) = -q(l) END IF DO j = lp1, p IF (l <= nct) THEN IF (q(l) /= 0.0D0) THEN ! Apply the transformation. t = -DOT_PRODUCT( x(l:n,l), x(l:n,j) ) / x(l,l) x(l:n,j) = x(l:n,j) + t * x(l:n,l) END IF END IF ! Place the L-th row of X into WRK for the subsequent ! calculation of the row transformation. wrk(j) = x(l,j) END DO IF (l <= nrt) THEN ! Compute the L-th row transformation and place the L-th ! superdiagonal in E(L). wrk(l) = dnrm2(p-l, wrk(lp1:), 1) IF (wrk(l) /= 0.0D0) THEN IF (wrk(lp1) /= 0.0D0) wrk(l) = SIGN(wrk(l),wrk(lp1)) wrk(lp1:lp1+p-l-1) = wrk(lp1:lp1+p-l-1) / wrk(l) wrk(lp1) = 1.0D0 + wrk(lp1) END IF wrk(l) = -wrk(l) e(lp1) = wrk(l) IF (lp1 <= n .AND. wrk(l) /= 0.0D0) THEN ! Apply the transformation. DO i = pp1, npp wrk(i) = 0.0D0 END DO DO j = lp1, p wrk(pp1:pp1+n-l-1) = wrk(pp1:pp1+n-l-1) + wrk(j) * x(lp1:lp1+n-l-1,j) END DO DO j = lp1, p x(lp1:lp1+n-l-1,j) = x(lp1:lp1+n-l-1,j) - & (wrk(j)/wrk(lp1)) * wrk(pp1:pp1+n-l-1) END DO END IF x(l,lp1:p) = wrk(lp1:p) END IF END DO ! Set up the final bidiagonal matrix elements, if necessary. e(1) = 0.0D0 m = MIN(p-1,n) IF (nct < p) q(n) = x(n,n) IF (nrt < m) e(p) = x(p-1,p) RETURN ! *** Last line of BIDIAG ********************************************* END SUBROUTINE bidiag SUBROUTINE cancel(u,v,q,e,m,n,i,k,tol,wantu,wantv) ! N.B. Arguments LDU & LDV have been removed. ! PURPOSE: ! Either, subroutine CANCEL separates a zero singular value of a ! subbidiagonal matrix of order k, k <= p, of the bidiagonal ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(2) E(3) . ! ! J = ! . . ! ! ! . E(p)! ! ! 0 ... Q(p)! ! with p = min(M,N), by annihilating one or two superdiagonal ! elements E(i) and/or E(i+1). ! Or, CANCEL annihilates the element E(M+1) of the bidiagonal matrix ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(2) E(3) . . ! ! J = ! . . . ! ! ! . E(M) . ! ! ! 0 ... Q(M) E(M+1)! ! ARGUMENT LIST: ! U - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDU,p). ! On entry, U contains the M by p (p = min(M,N)) left transformation ! matrix. ! On return, the Givens rotations S on the left, annihilating ! E(i+1), have been postmultiplied into U. ! NOTE: U is not referenced if WANTU = .FALSE. . ! LDU - INTEGER. ! LDU is the leading dimension of the array U (LDU >= M). ! V - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDV,s). ! On entry, V contains the N by s (s = min(M+1,N)) right transformation ! matrix. ! On return, the Givens rotations T on the right, annihilating ! E(i), have been postmultiplied into V. ! NOTE: V is not referenced if WANTV = .FALSE. . ! LDV - INTEGER. ! LDV is the leading dimension of the array V (LDV >= N). ! Q - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (p). ! On entry, Q contains the diagonal entries of the bidiagonal J. ! p = min(M,N). ! On return, Q contains the diagonal elements of the transformed ! bidiagonal S' J T. ! E - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (s). ! On entry, E(i), i=2,...,s, contain the superdiagonal entries ! of the bidiagonal J. s = min(M+1,N), E(1) = 0.0D0. ! On return, E contains the superdiagonal elements of the transformed ! bidiagonal S' J T. ! M - INTEGER. ! M is the number of rows of the matrix U. ! N - INTEGER. ! N is the number of rows of the matrix V. ! I - INTEGER. ! Either, I is the index of the negligible diagonal entry Q(I) ! of the bidiagonal J, i,e. abs(Q(I)) <= TOL, I <= p. ! Or, I = M + 1 if E(M+1) is to be annihilated. ! K - INTEGER. ! Either, K is the index of the last diagonal entry of the considered ! subbidiagonal of J, i.e. abs(E(K+1)) <= TOL, K <= p. ! Or, K = M + 1 if E(M+1) is to be annihilated. ! TOL - REAL (dp). ! Specifies that matrix elements Q(i), which are <= TOL in ! absolute value, are considered to be zero. ! WANTU - LOGICAL. ! Logical indicating the need for postmultiplying the Givens ! rotations S on the left into U. ! WANTV - LOGICAL. ! Logical indicating the need for postmultiplying the Givens ! rotations T on the right into V. ! EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES and FUNCTIONS: ! DROT from BLAS. ! METHOD DESCRIPTION: ! Let the considered subbidiagonal be ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 Q(2) E(3) ... ! ! ! . ... ! ! ! Q(i-1) E(i) . ! ! Jk = ! Q(i) E(i+1) . ! ! ! Q(i+1) . ! ! ! . .. ! ! ! . E(k)! ! ! 0 ... ... Q(k)! ! A zero singular value of Jk manifests itself by a zero diagonal ! entry Q(i) or in practice, a negligible value of Q(i). ! We call Q(i) negligible if abs(Q(i)) <= TOL. ! When such a negligible diagonal element Q(i) in Jk is present, ! the subbidiagonal Jk is splitted by the routine CANCEL into 2 or ! 3 unreduced subbidiagonals by annihilating E(i+1) (if i1) ! using Givens rotations T on the right until Jk is reduced to the form : ! !Q(1) E(2) 0 ... 0 ! ! ! 0 . ... ! ! ! . ... ! ! ! Q(i-1) 0 . ! ! S' Jk T = ! 0 0 . ! ! ! Q(i+1) . ! ! ! . .. ! ! ! . E(k)! ! ! 0 ... ... Q(k)! ! For more details, see [1, pp.11.12-11.14]. ! The case of the annihilation of E(M+1) can be treated by the same ! process. This may be seen by augmenting the matrix J with an extra ! row of zeros, i.e. by introducing Q(M+1) = 0. ! REFERENCES: ! [1] J.J. Dongarra, J.R. Bunch, C.B. Moler and G.W. Stewart, ! LINPACK User's Guide. SIAM, Philadelphia (1979). ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: u(:,:) ! u(ldu,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: v(:,:) ! v(ldv,*) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: e(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantu LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: wantv ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! EXTERNAL drot ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS, SQRT ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i1, l, l1 REAL (dp) :: c, s, f, g, h ! .. Executable Statements .. IF (i <= m) q(i) = 0.0D0 ! Annihilate E(I+1) (if I < K). IF (i < k) THEN c = 0.0D0 s = 1.0D0 i1 = i + 1 DO l = i1, k g = e(l) f = s * g e(l) = c * g IF (ABS(f) <= tol) GO TO 20 g = q(l) h = SQRT(f**2 + g**2) q(l) = h c = g / h s = -f / h IF (wantu) CALL drot(m,u(1:,i),1,u(1:,l),1,c,s) END DO END IF ! Annihilate E(I) (if I > 1). 20 IF (i > 1) THEN i1 = i - 1 f = e(i) e(i) = 0.0D0 DO l1 = 1, i1 IF (ABS(f) <= tol) RETURN l = i - l1 g = q(l) IF (ABS(g) <= tol) THEN g = 0.0D0 h = ABS(f) ELSE h = SQRT(f**2 + g**2) END IF q(l) = h c = g / h s = -f / h g = e(l) f = s * g e(l) = c * g IF (wantv) CALL drot(n,v(1:,i),1,v(1:,l),1,c,s) END DO e(1) = 0.0D0 END IF RETURN ! *** Last line of CANCEL ********************************************* END SUBROUTINE cancel FUNCTION damin(x,nx,incx) RESULT(fn_val) ! PURPOSE: ! The function DAMIN computes the absolute minimal value of NX ! elements in an array. ! The function returns the value zero if NX < 1. ! ARGUMENT LIST: ! X - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (NX x INCX). ! X is the one-dimensional array of which the absolute minimal ! value of the elements is to be computed. ! NX - INTEGER. ! NX is the number of elements in X to be examined. ! INCX - INTEGER. ! INCX is the increment to be taken in the array X, defining ! the distance between two consecutive elements. ! INCX = 1, if all elements are contiguous in memory. ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) ! x(nx*incx) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nx INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: incx REAL (dp) :: fn_val ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i, ix, nincx REAL (dp) :: dx ! .. Executable Statements .. fn_val = 0.0D0 IF (nx < 1) RETURN fn_val = ABS(x(1)) IF (nx == 1) RETURN ix = 1 + incx nincx = nx * incx DO i = ix, nincx, incx dx = ABS(x(i)) IF (dx < fn_val) fn_val = dx END DO RETURN ! *** Last line of DAMIN ********************************************** END FUNCTION damin SUBROUTINE estim(q,e,n,l,theta,tol1,tol2,iwarn) ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: e(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: l REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: theta REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol1 REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol2 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: iwarn ! .. External Subroutines/Functions .. ! INTEGER :: nsingv ! REAL (dp) :: damin ! EXTERNAL damin, nsingv ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS, MAX ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: num, i, numz REAL (dp) :: th, h1, h2, y, z, sumz ! .. Executable Statements .. iwarn = 0 IF (l < 0 .OR. l > n) RETURN ! Step 1: Initialization of THETA. ! ----------------------- IF (l == 0) theta = 0.0D0 IF (theta < 0.0D0) THEN IF (l == 1) THEN ! An upper bound which is close if S(N-1) >> S(N): theta = damin(q,n,1) ELSE ! An experimentally established estimate which is good if ! S(N-L) >> S(N-L+1): theta = ABS(q(n-l+1)) END IF END IF ! Step 2: Check quality initial estimate THETA. ! ------------------------------------ num = nsingv(q,e,n,theta,tol1,tol2) IF (num == l) RETURN ! Step 3: Initialization starting values for bisection method. ! --------------------------------------------------- ! Let S(i), i=1,...,N, be the singular values of J in decreasing order. ! Then, the computed Y and Z will be such that ! (number of S(i) <= Y) < L < (number of S(i) <= Z). IF (num < l) THEN y = theta th = ABS(q(1)) z = th numz = n DO i = 2, n h1 = ABS(e(i)) h2 = ABS(q(i)) sumz = MAX(th+h1, h2+h1) IF (sumz > z) z = sumz th = h2 END DO ELSE z = theta y = 0.0D0 numz = num END IF ! Step 4: Bisection method for finding the upper bound on the L ! smallest singular values of the bidiagonal. ! ------------------------------------------ ! A sequence of subintervals [Y,Z] is produced such that ! (number of S(i) <= Y) < L < (number of S(i) <= Z). ! NUM : number of S(i) <= TH, ! NUMZ: number of S(i) <= Z. ! WHILE ((NUM .NE. L) .AND. (Z-Y) > TOL1) DO 20 IF (num /= l .AND. (z-y) > tol1) THEN th = (y+z) / 2.0D0 num = nsingv(q,e,n,th,tol1,tol2) IF (num < l) THEN y = th ELSE z = th numz = num END IF GO TO 20 END IF ! END WHILE 2 ! If (Z - Y) <= TOL1, then at least two singular values of J lie in ! the interval [Y,Z] within a distance < TOL1 from each other. ! S(N-L) ans S(N-L+1) are then assumed to coincide. ! L is increased, and a warning is given. IF (num /= l) THEN theta = z l = numz iwarn = 1 ELSE theta = th END IF RETURN ! *** Last line of ESTIM ********************************************** END SUBROUTINE estim SUBROUTINE housh(dummy,k,j,tol,zero,s) ! PURPOSE: ! The subroutine HOUSH computes a Householder transformation H, ! H = I - S x UU', that 'mirrors' a vector DUMMY(1,...,K) to the ! J-th unit vector. ! ARGUMENT LIST : ! DUMMY - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (K). ! A row or column vector of a matrix that has to be mirrored ! to the corresponding unit vector EJ = (0,...,1,0,...,0). ! On return, DUMMY contains the U-vector of the transformation ! matrix H = I - S x UU'. ! K - INTEGER. ! The dimension of DUMMY. ! J - INTEGER. ! The transformation preserves the J-th element of DUMMY to ! become zero. All the other elements are transformed to zero. ! TOL - REAL (dp). ! If on entry, norm(DUMMY) < TOL, ZERO is put equal to .TRUE. ! ZERO - LOGICAL. ! See the description of TOL. ! S - REAL (dp). ! On return, S contains the scalar S of the transformation matrix H. ! REFERENCES: ! [1] A. Emami-Naeine and P. Van Dooren, Computation of Zeros of ! Linear Multivariable Systems. ! Automatica, 18,No.4 (1982), 415-430. ! CONTRIBUTOR: P. Van Dooren (Philips Res. Laboratory, Brussels). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: dummy(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: j REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: zero REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: s ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC SQRT ! .. Local Scalars .. REAL (dp) :: alfa, dum1 ! .. Executable Statements .. zero = .true. s = SUM( dummy(1:k)**2 ) alfa = SQRT(s) IF (alfa <= tol) RETURN zero = .false. dum1 = dummy(j) IF (dum1 > 0.0D0) alfa = -alfa dummy(j) = dum1 - alfa s = 1.0D0 / (s - alfa*dum1) RETURN ! *** Last line of HOUSH ********************************************** END SUBROUTINE housh SUBROUTINE init(x,m,n) ! N.B. Argument LDX has been removed. ! PURPOSE: ! The subroutine INIT initializes an M by N matrix X with the M by N ! identity matrix, characterized by unit diagonal entries and zero ! off-diagonal elements. ! ARGUMENT LIST: ! X - REAL (dp) array of DIMENSION (LDX,N) ! On return, X contains the M by N identity matrix. ! LDX - INTEGER ! LDX is the leading dimension of the array X (LDX >= M). ! M - INTEGER ! M is the number of rows of the matrix X. ! N - INTEGER ! N is the number of columns of the matrix X. ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel, (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: x(:,:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: j ! .. Executable Statements .. x(1:m,1:n) = 0.0D0 DO j = 1, n x(j,j) = 1.0D0 END DO RETURN ! *** Last line of INIT *********************************************** END SUBROUTINE init FUNCTION nsingv(q,e,k,theta,tol1,tol2) RESULT(fn_val) ! CONTRIBUTOR: S. Van Huffel (ESAT Laboratory, KU Leuven). ! REVISIONS: 1988, February 15. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: q(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: e(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: theta REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol1 REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: tol2 INTEGER :: fn_val ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. ! INTRINSIC ABS ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: j, numeig REAL (dp) :: r, t ! .. Executable Statements .. IF (theta < 0.0D0) THEN fn_val = 0 RETURN END IF t = -theta - tol1 numeig = k IF (ABS(q(1)) <= tol2) THEN r = t ELSE r = t - q(1) * (q(1)/t) IF (r > 0.0D0) numeig = numeig - 1 END IF DO j = 2, k IF (ABS(e(j)) <= tol2) THEN r = t ELSE r = t - e(j) * (e(j)/r) IF (r > 0.0D0) numeig = numeig - 1 END IF IF (ABS(q(j)) <= tol2) THEN r = t ELSE r = t - q(j) * (q(j)/r) IF (r > 0.0D0) numeig = numeig - 1 END IF END DO fn_val = numeig RETURN ! *** Last line of NSINGV ********************************************* END FUNCTION nsingv SUBROUTINE dqrdc(x,n,p,qraux,jpvt,job) ! Arguments LDX & WORK have been removed. REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:,:) ! x(ldx,1) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: p REAL (dp), INTENT(OUT) :: qraux(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN OUT) :: jpvt(:) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: job ! dqrdc uses householder transformations to compute the qr factorization ! of an n by p matrix x. Column pivoting based on the 2-norms of the ! reduced columns may be performed at the users option. ! on entry ! x REAL (dp)(ldx,p), where ldx >= n. ! x contains the matrix whose decomposition is to be computed. ! ldx integer. ! ldx is the leading dimension of the array x. ! n integer. ! n is the number of rows of the matrix x. ! p integer. ! p is the number of columns of the matrix x. ! jpvt integer(p). ! jpvt contains integers that control the selection of the ! pivot columns. The k-th column x(k) of x is placed in one ! of three classes according to the value of jpvt(k). ! if jpvt(k) > 0, then x(k) is an initial column. ! if jpvt(k) = 0, then x(k) is a free column. ! if jpvt(k) < 0, then x(k) is a final column. ! Before the decomposition is computed, initial columns are moved ! to the beginning of the array x and final columns to the end. ! Both initial and final columns are frozen in place during the ! computation and only free columns are moved. At the k-th stage ! of the reduction, if x(k) is occupied by a free column it is ! interchanged with the free column of largest reduced norm. ! jpvt is not referenced if job = 0. ! work REAL (dp)(p). ! work is a work array. work is not referenced if job = 0. ! job integer. ! job is an integer that initiates column pivoting. ! if job = 0, no pivoting is done. ! if job /= 0, pivoting is done. ! on return ! x x contains in its upper triangle the upper triangular matrix R ! of the QR factorization. Below its diagonal x contains ! information from which the orthogonal part of the decomposition ! can be recovered. Note that if pivoting has been requested, ! the decomposition is not that of the original matrix X but that ! of X with its columns permuted as described by jpvt. ! qraux REAL (dp)(p). ! qraux contains further information required to recover ! the orthogonal part of the decomposition. ! jpvt jpvt(k) contains the index of the column of the original matrix ! that has been interchanged into the k-th column, ! if pivoting was requested. ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! g.w. stewart, university of maryland, argonne national lab. ! dqrdc uses the following functions and subprograms. ! blas daxpy,ddot,dscal,dswap,dnrm2 ! fortran abs,max,min,sqrt ! internal variables INTEGER :: j, jj, jp, l, lp1, lup, maxj, pl, pu REAL (dp) :: maxnrm, tt, nrmxl, t, work(p) LOGICAL :: negj, swapj pl = 1 pu = 0 IF (job == 0) GO TO 60 ! Pivoting has been requested. Rearrange the columns ! according to jpvt. DO j = 1, p swapj = jpvt(j) > 0 negj = jpvt(j) < 0 jpvt(j) = j IF (negj) jpvt(j) = -j IF (swapj) THEN IF (j /= pl) CALL dswap(n,x(1:,pl),1,x(1:,j),1) jpvt(j) = jpvt(pl) jpvt(pl) = j pl = pl + 1 END IF END DO pu = p DO jj = 1, p j = p - jj + 1 IF (jpvt(j) < 0) THEN jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) IF (j /= pu) THEN CALL dswap(n,x(1:,pu),1,x(1:,j),1) jp = jpvt(pu) jpvt(pu) = jpvt(j) jpvt(j) = jp END IF pu = pu - 1 END IF END DO ! compute the norms of the free columns. 60 IF (pu < pl) GO TO 80 DO j = pl, pu qraux(j) = dnrm2(n,x(1:,j),1) work(j) = qraux(j) END DO ! perform the householder reduction of x. 80 lup = MIN(n,p) DO l = 1, lup IF (l < pl .OR. l >= pu) GO TO 120 ! locate the column of largest norm and bring it ! into the pivot position. maxnrm = 0.0D0 maxj = l DO j = l, pu IF (qraux(j) > maxnrm) THEN maxnrm = qraux(j) maxj = j END IF END DO IF (maxj /= l) THEN CALL dswap(n,x(1:,l),1,x(1:,maxj),1) qraux(maxj) = qraux(l) work(maxj) = work(l) jp = jpvt(maxj) jpvt(maxj) = jpvt(l) jpvt(l) = jp END IF 120 qraux(l) = 0.0D0 IF (l == n) CYCLE ! compute the householder transformation for column l. nrmxl = dnrm2(n-l+1,x(l:,l),1) IF (nrmxl == 0.0D0) CYCLE IF (x(l,l) /= 0.0D0) nrmxl = SIGN(nrmxl,x(l,l)) x(l:n,l) = x(l:n,l) / nrmxl x(l,l) = 1.0D0 + x(l,l) ! apply the transformation to the remaining columns, ! updating the norms. lp1 = l + 1 DO j = lp1, p t = -DOT_PRODUCT( x(l:n,l), x(l:n,j) ) / x(l,l) x(l:n,j) = x(l:n,j) + t * x(l:n,l) IF (j < pl .OR. j > pu) CYCLE IF (qraux(j) == 0.0D0) CYCLE tt = 1.0D0 - (ABS(x(l,j))/qraux(j))**2 tt = MAX(tt,0.0D0) t = tt tt = 1.0D0 + 0.05D0*tt*(qraux(j)/work(j))**2 IF (tt /= 1.0D0) THEN qraux(j) = qraux(j)*SQRT(t) ELSE qraux(j) = dnrm2(n-l, x(l+1:,j), 1) work(j) = qraux(j) END IF END DO ! save the transformation. qraux(l) = x(l,l) x(l,l) = -nrmxl END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE dqrdc FUNCTION dnrm2 ( n, x, incx) RESULT(fn_val) ! Euclidean norm of the n-vector stored in x() with storage increment incx . ! if n <= 0 return with result = 0. ! if n >= 1 then incx must be >= 1 ! c.l.lawson, 1978 jan 08 ! modified to correct failure to update ix, 1/25/92. ! modified 3/93 to return if incx <= 0. ! This version by Alan.Miller @ ! Latest revision - 22 January 1999 ! four phase method using two built-in constants that are ! hopefully applicable to all machines. ! cutlo = maximum of SQRT(u/eps) over all known machines. ! cuthi = minimum of SQRT(v) over all known machines. ! where ! eps = smallest no. such that eps + 1. > 1. ! u = smallest positive no. (underflow limit) ! v = largest no. (overflow limit) ! brief outline of algorithm.. ! phase 1 scans zero components. ! move to phase 2 when a component is nonzero and <= cutlo ! move to phase 3 when a component is > cutlo ! move to phase 4 when a component is >= cuthi/m ! where m = n for x() real and m = 2*n for complex. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, incx REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: x(:) REAL (dp) :: fn_val ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, ix, j, next REAL (dp) :: cuthi, cutlo, hitest, sum, xmax REAL (dp), PARAMETER :: zero = 0.0_dp, one = 1.0_dp IF(n <= 0 .OR. incx <= 0) THEN fn_val = zero RETURN END IF ! Set machine-dependent constants cutlo = SQRT( TINY(one) / EPSILON(one) ) cuthi = SQRT( HUGE(one) ) next = 1 sum = zero i = 1 ix = 1 ! begin main loop 20 SELECT CASE (next) CASE (1) IF( ABS(x(i)) > cutlo) GO TO 85 next = 2 xmax = zero GO TO 20 CASE (2) ! phase 1. sum is zero IF( x(i) == zero) GO TO 200 IF( ABS(x(i)) > cutlo) GO TO 85 ! prepare for phase 2. x(i) is very small. next = 3 GO TO 105 CASE (3) ! phase 2. sum is small. ! scale to avoid destructive underflow. IF( ABS(x(i)) > cutlo ) THEN ! prepare for phase 3. sum = (sum * xmax) * xmax GO TO 85 END IF CASE (4) GO TO 110 END SELECT ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! common code for phases 2 and 4. ! in phase 4 sum is large. scale to avoid overflow. 110 IF( ABS(x(i)) <= xmax ) GO TO 115 sum = one + sum * (xmax / x(i))**2 xmax = ABS(x(i)) GO TO 200 ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! phase 3. sum is mid-range. no scaling. ! for real or d.p. set hitest = cuthi/n ! for complex set hitest = cuthi/(2*n) 85 hitest = cuthi / REAL( n, dp ) DO j = ix, n IF(ABS(x(i)) >= hitest) GO TO 100 sum = sum + x(i)**2 i = i + incx END DO fn_val = SQRT( sum ) RETURN ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! prepare for phase 4. ! ABS(x(i)) is very large 100 ix = j next = 4 sum = (sum / x(i)) / x(i) ! Set xmax; large if next = 4, small if next = 3 105 xmax = ABS(x(i)) 115 sum = sum + (x(i)/xmax)**2 200 ix = ix + 1 i = i + incx IF( i <= n ) GO TO 20 ! end of main loop. ! compute square root and adjust for scaling. fn_val = xmax * SQRT(sum) RETURN END FUNCTION dnrm2 SUBROUTINE drot (n, x, incx, y, incy, c, s) ! applies a plane rotation. ! jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, incx, incy REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:), y(:) REAL (dp), INTENT(IN) :: c, s ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: dtemp INTEGER :: i, ix, iy IF(n <= 0) RETURN IF(incx == 1 .AND. incy == 1) GO TO 20 ! code for unequal increments or equal increments not equal ! to 1 ix = 1 iy = 1 IF(incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 IF(incy < 0) iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 DO i = 1,n dtemp = c*x(ix) + s*y(iy) y(iy) = c*y(iy) - s*x(ix) x(ix) = dtemp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy END DO RETURN ! code for both increments equal to 1 20 DO i = 1, n dtemp = c*x(i) + s*y(i) y(i) = c*y(i) - s*x(i) x(i) = dtemp END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE drot SUBROUTINE dswap (n, x, incx, y, incy) ! interchanges two vectors. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n, incx, incy REAL (dp), INTENT(IN OUT) :: x(:), y(:) ! Local variables REAL (dp) :: temp(n) IF(n <= 0) RETURN IF(incx == 1 .AND. incy == 1) THEN temp = x(:n) x(:n) = y(:n) y(:n) = temp RETURN END IF temp = x(:n*incx:incx) x(:n*incx:incx) = y(:n*incy:incy) y(:n*incy:incy) = temp RETURN END SUBROUTINE dswap END MODULE Total_LS