SUBROUTINE random_Zipf(a, r, setup) ! Generate a random deviate (r) from the Zipf (or Zeta) distribution. ! If setup = .TRUE. (or local variable b < 0), two local variables (b and ! const) are set/reset for future calls, otherwise it is assumed that ! the value of a is unchanged since the last call. ! The value of a must be > 1.0 (NOT CHECKED) ! Algorithm from page 551 of: ! Devroye, Luc (1986) `Non-uniform random variate generation', ! Springer-Verlag: Berlin. ISBN 3-540-96305-7 (also 0-387-96305-7) ! Programmer: Alan Miller (amiller @ users, ! Latest revision - 3 February 1998 IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: r LOGICAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: setup ! Local variables REAL, SAVE :: b = -1.0, const REAL :: t, u, v REAL, PARAMETER :: one = 1.0 IF (b < 0.0 .OR. setup) THEN b = 2.0**(a - one) const = -one/(a - one) setup = .FALSE. END IF DO CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(u) CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(v) r = FLOOR(u**const) t = (one + one/r)**(a - one) IF (v*r*(t - one)/(b - one) <= t/b) EXIT END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE random_Zipf PROGRAM t_random_Zipf IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: r, i, nfreq, count, i1 INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: freq(:) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: expctd(:) REAL :: a, total REAL, PARAMETER :: one = 1.0 LOGICAL :: setup INTERFACE SUBROUTINE random_Zipf(a, r, setup) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: r LOGICAL, INTENT(IN OUT) :: setup END SUBROUTINE random_Zipf END INTERFACE WRITE(*, *) 'Enter a (> 1.0): ' READ(*, *) a setup = .TRUE. ! 1/20 = 5% Store individual frequencies up to last 5% nfreq = NINT( (20.0/(a - one))**(one/(a-one)) ) ALLOCATE( freq(nfreq), expctd(nfreq) ) freq = 0 ! Generate 1000 random deviates from the Zipf distribution DO i = 1, 1000 CALL random_Zipf(a, r, setup) r = MIN(r, nfreq) freq(r) = freq(r) + 1 END DO ! Calculate approximate expected frequencies total = 0.0 DO i = 1, nfreq-1 expctd(i) = REAL(i)**(-a) total = total + expctd(i) END DO expctd(nfreq) = one / ( (a-one)*(nfreq - 0.5)**(a-one) ) total = total + expctd(nfreq) expctd = expctd * (1000. / total) WRITE(*, *) ' Range Obs.freq. Expctd.freq.' i = 1 DO count = 0 total = 0 i1 = i DO count = count + freq(i) total = total + expctd(i) IF (total > 25. .OR. i >= nfreq) EXIT i = i + 1 END DO IF (i == nfreq) i = 999999 WRITE(*, '(i6, " - ", i6, i7, " ", f9.2)') i1, i, count, total IF (i == 999999) EXIT i = i + 1 END DO STOP END PROGRAM t_random_Zipf