
Airline Industry Datasets

The following datasets are freely available from the US Department of Transportation.

Origin and Destination Survey (DB1B)

The Airline Origin and Destination Survey Databank 1B (DB1B) is a 10% random sample of airline passenger tickets. It consists of three tables: Coupon, Market, and Ticket.

Frequency: Quarterly

Range: 1993–Present

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:

The columns listed for each table below reflect the columns available in the prezipped CSV files avaliable at TranStats.

DB1B Coupon

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:

This table provides coupon-specific information for each domestic itinerary of the Origin and Destination Survey, such as the operating carrier, origin and destination airports, number of passengers, fare class, coupon type, trip break indicator, and distance.


ItinIDItinerary IDForeign key to DB1BTicket
MktIDMarket IDForeign key to DB1BMarket
SeqNumCoupon Sequence NumberItinerary-level
CouponsNumber of Coupons in the ItineraryAlso in DB1BTicket
YearYearAlso in DB1BTicket
QuarterQuarter (1-4)Also in DB1BTicket
OriginOrigin Airport CodeIATA Airport Code
OriginAptIndOrigin Airport, Multiple Airports Indicator-
OriginCityNumOrigin Airport, City Code-
OriginCountryOrigin Airport, Country Code-
OriginStateFipsOrigin Airport, State FIPS Code-
OriginStateOrigin Airport, State Code-
OriginStateNameOrigin State Name-
OriginWacOrigin Airport, World Area Code-
DestDestination Airport CodeIATA Airport Code
DestAptIndDestination Airport, Multiple Airports Indicator-
DestCityNumDestination Airport, City Code-
DestCountryDestination Airport, Country Code-
DestStateFipsDestination Airport, State FIPS Code-
DestStateDestination Airport, State Code-
DestStateNameDestination State Name-
DestWacDestination Airport, World Area Code-
BreakTrip Break Code-
CouponTypeCoupon Type Code-
TkCarrierTicketing Carrier Code-
OpCarrierOperating Carrier Code-
RPCarrierReporting Carrier Code-
PassengersNumber of Passengers-
FareClassFare Class Code-
DistanceCoupon Distance-
DistanceGroupDistance Group, in 500 Mile Intervals-
GatewayGateway Indicator (1=Yes)-
ItinGeoTypeItinerary Geography Type-
CouponGeoTypeCoupon Geography Type-


  1. FareClass does not follow the same coding as the class column of the T100 Domestic Segment table. The US Department of Transportation also warns not to use FareClass for analysis because different carriers treat the categories differently.

DB1B Market

This table contains directional market characteristics of each domestic itinerary of the Origin and Destination Survey, such as the reporting carrier, origin and destination airport, prorated market fare, number of market coupons, market miles flown, and carrier change indicators.

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:


1ItinIDItinerary IDForeign key to DB1BTicket
2MktIDMarket IDPrimary key
3MktCouponsNumber of Coupons in the Market-
5QuarterQuarter (1-4)-
6OriginOrigin Airport Code-
7OriginAptIndOrigin Airport, Multiple Airports Indicator-
8OriginCityNumOrigin Airport, City Code-
9OriginCountryOrigin Airport, Country Code-
10OriginStateFipsOrigin Airport, State FIPS Code-
11OriginStateOrigin Airport, State Code-
12OriginStateNameOrigin State Name-
13OriginWacOrigin Airport, World Area Code-
14DestDestination Airport Code-
15DestAptIndDestination Airport, Multiple Airports Indicator-
16DestCityNumDestination Airport, City Code-
17DestCountryDestination Airport, Country Code-
18DestStateFipsDestination Airport, State FIPS Code-
19DestStateDestination Airport, State Code-
20DestStateNameDestination State Name-
21DestWacDestination Airport, World Area Code-
22AirportGroupAirport Group-
23WacGroupWorld Area Code Group-
24TkCarrierChangeTicketing Carrier Change Indicator-
25TkCarrierGroupTicketing Carrier Group-
26OpCarrierChangeOperating Carrier Change Indicator-
27OpCarrierGroupOperating Carrier Group-
28RPCarrierReporting carrier code#1
29TkCarrierTicketing carrier code#2
30OpCarrierOperating carrier code#2
31BulkFareBulk fare indicator-
32PassengersNumber of passengers-
33MktFareMarket fare (ItinYield*MktMilesFlown)-
34MktDistanceMarket distanceIncludes ground transport
35MktDistanceGroupDistance group, in 500 mile intervals-
36MktMilesFlownMarket miles flown (track miles)-
37NonStopMilesNon-Stop Market Miles (Radian Measure)-
38ItinGeoTypeItinerary Geography Type-
39MktGeoTypeMarket geography type-


  1. Carriers report complete itineraries so this should be equal for all markets and coupons in an itinerary.
  2. For on-line itineraries (otherwise equal to 99).

DB1B Ticket

This table contains summary characteristics of each domestic itinerary on the Origin and Destination Survey, including the reporting carrier, itinerary fare, number of passengers, originating airport, roundtrip indicator, and miles flown.

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:


1ItinIDItinerary IDPrimary key
2CouponsNumber of coupons in the itinerary-
4QuarterQuarter (1-4)-
5OriginOrigin airport code-
6OriginAptIndOrigin airport, multiple airports indicator-
7OriginCityNumOrigin airport, city code-
8OriginCountryOrigin airport, country-
9OriginStateFipsOrigin airport, state FIPS-
10OriginStateOrigin airport, state-
11OriginStateNameOrigin state name-
12OriginWacOrigin airport, world area code-
13RoundTripRound trip indicator-
14OnLineOnLine carrier indicator-
15DollarCredDollar credibility indicator-
16ItinYieldTotal itinerary yield (ItinFare/MilesFlown)-
17RPCarrierReporting carrier-
18PassengersNumber of passengers-
19ItinFareTotal itinerary fare-
20BulkFareBulk fare indicator-
21DistanceItinerary distanceIncluding Ground Transport
22DistanceGroupDistance group, in 500 mile intervals-
23MilesFlownItinerary miles flown (track miles)-
24ItinGeoTypeItinerary geography type-

Air Carrier Statistics (Form 41 Traffic)


T100 Domestic Market

This table contains domestic market data reported by both U.S. and foreign air carriers, including carrier, origin, destination, and service class for enplaned passengers, freight and mail when both origin and destination airports are located within the boundaries of the United States and its territories. Foreign carrier data is not available until 3 months after U.S. carrier data is released.

Frequency: Monthly

Range: 1990–Present

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:


4OriginOrigin Airport-
5OriginCityNameOrigin City-
6OriginCityNumOrigin City Code-
7OriginStateOrigin State Code-
8OriginStateFipsOrigin State FIPS-
9OriginStateNameOrigin Airport, State Name-
10OriginWacOrigin Airport, World Area Code-
11DestDestination Airport-
12DestCityNameDestination City-
13DestCityNumDestination City Code-
14DestStateDestination State Code-
15DestStateFipsDestination State FIPS-
16DestStateNameDestination Airport, State Name-
17DestWacDestination Airport, World Area Code-
18AirlineIDUS DOT carrier ID number-
19UniqueCarrierUnique carrier codee.g., PA, PA(1), PA(2)
20UniqueCarrierNameUnique carrier namee.g., Air Caribbean, Air Caribbean (1)
21UniqCarrierEntityUnique entity for a carrier’s operation region-
22CarrierRegionCarrier’s operation region-
23CarrierIATA carrier codeNot unique over time
24CarrierNameCarrier Name-
25CarrierGroupCarrier Group CodeDeprecated
26CarrierGroupNewCarrier Group New-
28DistanceGroupDistance IntervalsEvery 500 miles
29ClassService Class-
30PassengersOn-Flight Market Passengers Enplaned-
31FreightOn-Flight Market Freight Enplanedpounds
32MailOn-Flight Market Mail Enplanedpounds

T100 Domestic Segment

The T100 Domestic Segment is a table in the Form 41 Traffic database provided by the US Department of Transportation. The table description from the Form 41 Traffic database profile follows:

This table contains domestic non-stop segment data reported by U.S. air carriers, including carrier, origin, destination, aircraft type and service class for transported passengers, freight and mail, available capacity, scheduled departures, departures performed, and aircraft hours when both origin and destination airports are located within the boundaries of the United States and its territories.

Frequency: Monthly

Range: 1990–Present

Source: TranStats, US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics:


1yearYear the flight was provided-
2quarterQuarter the flight was provided-
3monthMonth the flight was provided-
4originOrigin IATA airport code-
5origin_city_nameOrigin city name-
6origin_city_numOrigin city number-
7origin_state_abrOrigin state abbreviation-
8origin_state_fipsOrigin state FIPS code-
9origin_state_nmOrigin state name-
10origin_wacOrigin world area code-
11destDestination IATA airport code-
12dest_city_nameDestination city name-
13dest_city_numDestination city number-
14dest_state_abrDestination state abbreviation-
15dest_state_fipsDestination state FIPS code-
16dest_state_nmDestination state name-
17dest_wacDestination world area code-
18airline_idDOT airline ID number-
19unique_carrierDOT unique carrier code-
20unique_carrier_nameDOT unique carrier name-
21unique_carrier_entityDOT unique carrier entity ID-
22regionCarrier regionSee values below
23carrierIATA carrier code-
24carrier_nameCarrier name-
25carrier_groupCarrier group-
26carrier_group_newNew carrier group-
27distanceDistance in miles-
28distance_groupDistance groupIn 500 mile intervals
29classService class-
30aircraft_groupAircraft class-
31aircraft_typeAircraft type-
32aircraft_configAircraft configuration-
33departures_scheduledScheduled departures-
34departures_performedDepartures performed-
35payloadAvailable payloadpounds
36seatsNumber of seats-
37passengersPassengers transported-
38freightFreight transportedpounds
39mailMail transportedpounds
40ramp_to_rampRamp to ramp timeminutes
41air_timeTotal airborne timeminutes


Carrier Region may take the following values:

Note that this does not correspond to the coding in the Aviation Support Tables, which simply lists carrier regions by name (e.g. “Atlantic”). One could match on the first character of these fields if needed.

Airline On-Time Performance Data

This table contains on-time arrival data for non-stop domestic flights by major air carriers, and provides such additional items as departure and arrival delays, origin and destination airports, flight numbers, scheduled and actual departure and arrival times, cancelled or diverted flights, taxi-out and taxi-in times, air time, and non-stop distance.


Range: 1987–Present

Frequency: Monthly


2QuarterQuarter (1-4)
4AirlineIDUS DOT ID number
5UniqueCarrierUnique carrier code
6Carrier (#1)IATA carrier code
7FlightDateFlight date (yyyymmdd)
8DayofMonthDay of month
9DayOfWeekDay of week
10FlightsNumber of flights
11FlightNumFlight number
12TailNumTail number
13AirTimeFlight time (minutes)
14ArrDel15Arrival delay indicator, 15+ min.
15ArrDel30Arrival delay indicator, 30+ min.
16ArrDelSys15 (#2)Arrival delay indicator, 15+ min.
17ArrDelSys30 (#2)Arrival delay indicator, 30+ min.
18ArrDelayArrival delay (minutes)
19ArrTimeActual arrival time (hhmm)
20ArrTimeBlkCRS arrival time block, hourly intervals
21CRSArrTimeCRS arrival time (hhmm)
22DepDel15Departure delay indicator, 15+ min.
23DepDel30Departure delay indicator, 30+ min.
24DepDelSys15 (#2)Departure delay indicator, 15+ min.
25DepDelSys30 (#2)Departure delay indicator, 30+ min.
26DepDelayDeparture Delay (minutes)
27DepTimeActual departure time (hhmm)
28DepTimeBlkCRS departure time block, hourly intervals
29CRSDepTimeCRS departure time (hhmm)
30OriginOrigin airport
31OriginCityNameOrigin airport, city name
32OriginStateOrigin airport, state code
33OriginStateFipsOrigin airport, state fips
34OriginStateNameOrigin airport, state name
35OriginWacOrigin airport, world area code
36DestDestination airport
37DestCityNameDestination airport, city name
38DestStateDestination airport, state code
39DestStateFipsDestination airport, state fips
40DestStateNameDestination airport, state name
41DestWacDestination airport, world area code
42DistanceNon-stop distance (using radian measure)
43DistanceGroupDistance intervals (250 miles)
44TaxiInTaxi in time (minutes)
45TaxiOutTaxi out time (minutes)
46OffOff time (hhmm)
47OnOn time (hhmm)
48CancelledCancelled flight indicator
49CancellationCodeReason for cancellation
50DivertedDiverted flight indicator
51CarrierDelayCarrier delay (minutes)
52WeatherDelayWeather delay (minutes)
53NASDelayNAS delay (minutes)
54SecurityDelaySecurity delay (minutes)
55LateAircraftDelayLate aircraft delay (minutes)


  1. Not unique over time.
  2. Includes cancelled or diverted flights.

Aviation Support Tables

The Aviation Support Tables provide comprehensive information about U.S. and foreign air carriers, carrier entities, worldwide airport locations, and other geographic data. These data also include information on various aircraft types, their manufacturer and model names. This information is developed and maintained by the Office of Airline Information, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and is updated on an on-going basis.


Aircraft Types Table

This table identifies the different types of aircraft being reported to the DOT, by DOT assigned aircraft type codes. The information includes the DOT assigned aircraft code, the aircraft manufacturer, and the aircraft model names.



  1. ac_typeid - Aircraft type identification number. This number is related to the aircraft group number and falls within the range of a group number.

  2. ac_group - Aircraft type group. This number gives the group or classification of aircraft engine and type of aircraft.

  3. ssd_name - Aircraft name.

  4. manufacturer - Manufacturing company name.

  5. long_name - Complete name of the aircraft.

  6. short_name - Abbreviated name of the aircraft.

  7. begin_date - The date when the aircraft was added to the database.

  8. end_date - The date through which aircraft type remains in effect.

Sample Record:

"691",6,"A300-600/R/CF/RCF","AIRBUS INDUSTRIE","AIRBUS INDUSTRIE A300-600/R/CF/RCF","A300-6",1990-01-01,

Carrier Decode Table

This table provides a list of domestic and foreign air carrier codes, by T–100 and OAG designations, charter carrier codes, carrier descriptions, entity codes, service region, and beginning and ending dates of service.



  1. airline_id - An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airline (carrier). A unique airline (carrier) is defined as one holding and reporting under the same DOT certificate regardless of its Code, Name, or holding company/corporation.

  2. carrier - Code assigned by IATA and commonly used to identify a carrier. As the same code may have been assigned to different carriers over time, the code is not always unique.

  3. carrier_entity

  4. carrier_name

  5. unique_carrier - Unique carrier code. When the same code has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is used for earlier users, for example, PA, PA(1), PA(2). Use this field for analysis across a range of years.

  6. unique_carrier_entity - Unique entity for a carrier’s operation region.

  7. unique_carrier_name - Unique carrier name. When the same name has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is used for earlier users, for example, Air Caribbean, Air Caribbean (1).

  8. wac - World Area Code.

  9. carrier_group - Carrier group code. Used in legacy analysis.

  10. carrier_group_new - Carrier group new.

  11. region - Carrier’s operation region. Carriers report data by operation region.

  12. start_date_source - Starting date of carrier code.

  13. thru_date_source - Ending date of carrier code (active = NULL).


Master Coordinate Table

This table contains a list of domestic and foreign airport codes and their associated city codes, world area codes, city or airport names, state or country names, and latitude and longitude information.



  1. airport - Airport code.

  2. tr_airport_name - Airport name with country/state information.

  3. tr_city_name - City name with country/state information.

  4. tr_state_name - State name.

  5. tr_country_name - Country name.

  6. tr_wac - World Area Code.

  7. begin_date_source - Starting date of airport code.

  8. end_date - Ending date of airport code (active = NULL).

  9. airport_region - Airport region.

  10. lat_degrees - Latitude, degrees.

  11. lat_minutes - Latitude, minutes.

  12. lat_seconds - Latitude, seconds.

  13. lat_hemisphere - Latitude, hemisphere.

  14. latitude - Latitude (decimal).

  15. lon_degrees - Longitude, degrees.

  16. lon_minutes - Longitude, minutes.

  17. lon_seconds - Longitude, seconds.

  18. lon_hemisphere - Longitude, hemisphere.

  19. longitude - Longitude.

  20. airport_id - Unique airport numeric value.
