Probability Distributions
Uniform Distribution
The uniform distribution on the interval has density
Normal Distribution
A random vector of dimension is said to have a Normal distribution with mean and covariance matrix if is positive definite and its density function is given by In this case, we write
Regression Property
Suppose that is a random vector with a multivariate Normal distribution and partition the vector as so that
The conditional distribution of given is
Conversely, whenever (2) holds and when the marginal distribution of satisfies , then the joint distribution of is given by (1).
Bivariate Normal Distribution
Suppose the random variables are jointly distributed according to the bivariate normal distribution. This distribution can be characterized by five parameters:
- : the mean of ,
- : the mean of ,
- : the standard deviation of ,
- : the standard deviation of ,
- : the correlation of and .
Their joint density is
Sampling From the Bivariate Normal Distribution
The following algorithm can be used to sample from the bivariate normal distribution:
Let and be independent draws from the standard normal distribution .
Then, and calculated as follows will have a joint bivariate normal distribution with parameters :
Truncated Normal Distribution
Let be normally distributed with mean and variance and consider the conditional distribution of in the interval . The distribution of conditional on is the truncated normal distribution. The conditional density is for , where and denote respectively the standard normal density and CDF.
Censored Regression
In econometrics, this distribution is used in the censored regression model (also commonly called the Tobit model). In this model, we observe an outcome and covariates according to the model
where . is a latent variable which is only observed when it is above a certain threshold (normalized to zero here).
The expected value of and the likelihood function can be derived using the properties of the truncated normal distribution.
Derivation of the Mean
Special Cases
- Left censoring of standard normal: , , .
This expression is called the inverse Mills ratio and is denoted It is the hazard function of the Normal distribution.
Exponential Distribution
The probability density function (pdf) of an exponential distribution with rate parameter is
The cumulative distribution function (cdf) is
The distribution has support . If a random variable has this distribution, we write
Alternative parameterization
Sometimes the exponential distribution is parameterized by where is the mean of the distribution. Thus, to avoid ambiguity it is important to specify whether the parameter denotes the rate or mean.
Weibull Distribution
The Weibull distribution (Weibull, 1951) has cdf and pdf Here, is a scale parameter and is a shape parameter.
Special Cases
For certain values of , the Weibull distribution reduces to other common distributions: The Weibull distribution with reduces to the exponential distribution with rate parameter .
- When , it is equivalent to the Exponential distribution with rate parameter .
- When , it is equivalent to the Rayleigh distribution with variance .
- When , it is approximately the univariate normal distribution.
- As , it converges to the Dirac delta function.
Cameron, A. C. and P. K. Trivedi (2005). Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Weibull, W. (1951). A statistical distribution function of wide applicability. J. Appl. Mech.-Trans. ASME 18, 293–297.