Study Abroad (2002)
I studied abroad in the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program in 2002. These are some photos from my travels throughout Europe.

Akácfa utca I lived on this street, Akácfa utca, in Budapest, at the far end of the block on the left. Budapest, Hungary, 2002.

College International This is where my classes were held (Bethlen Gábor tér) Budapest, Hungary, 2002.

October 23 Hero Square in Budapest, Hungary on October 23, 2002. This is a holiday in Hungary, commemorating the revolt of 1956 against the Soviet communist government. There is a hole in the flag because during the revolt, the communist coat of arms was cut from the center of the flag.

College International Bethlen Gábor tér. Budapest, Hungary, 2002.

Fisherman's Bastion (Halaszbastya) Budapest, Hungary, 2002.

Budapest Parliament Budapest, Hungary, 2002.

Oktoberfest Prost! Munich, Germany, October, 5, 2002.

Venice Venice, Italy, 2002.

Venice Venice, Italy, 2002.

Colosseum Rome, Italy, 2002.

Colosseum Rome, Italy, 2002.

Colosseum Rome, Italy, 2002.

Roman Forum Rome, Italy, 2002.

St. Peter's Square Rome, Italy, 2002.

Arch of Constantine As viewed from the colosseum. Rome, Italy, 2002.

Fraumünster and Peterskirche Zürich, Switzerland. November 8–10, 2002

Grossmünster Zürich, Switzerland. November 8–10, 2002

Hohenschwangau Hohenschwangau Castle, Germany. November 16, 2002

Neuschwanstein Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany, November 16, 2002

Dachau Guard Tower A guard tower at the Dachau concentration camp. November 17, 2002.

Dachau Memorial A memorial sculpture at the Dachau concentration camp. November 17, 2002.

Dachau Barracks Prisoners' barracks at the Dachau concentration camp. November 17, 2002.

Brugge Windmill Brugge, Belgium. November 21–26, 2002

St. James's Gate Brewery St. James's Gate Brewery, Dublin, Ireland. November 21–26, 2002