Markdown Mode 2.1 Release Notes

Markdown Mode for Emacs version 2.1 was released on January 9, 2016. This is a major new stable release and all users are encouraged to upgrade. The many new features and bug fixes included are described below. See the Git repository or the commit-specific links below for a detailed history of changes.


Markdown Mode is developed and tested primarily for compatibility with GNU Emacs versions 24.3 and later. It requires cl-lib version 0.5 or later. This library has been bundled with GNU Emacs since version 24.3. Users of GNU Emacs 24.1 and 24.2 can install cl-lib using M-x package-install RET cl-lib.

New Features


Element Insertion and Editing

Customizable Features

Font Lock


Other Extensions

Bug Fixes


This release of Markdown Mode contains patches written by many individuals including Masayuki Ataka, Jonas Bernoulli, Roger Bolsius, Daniel Brotsky, Julien Danjou, Samuel Freilich, David Glasser, Marijn Haverbeke, Antonis Kanouras, Keshav Kini, Vasily Korytov, Danny McClanahan, Matt McClure, Howard Melman, Makoto Motohashi, Jon Mountjoy, Pierre Neidhardt, Spanti Nicola, Paul W. Rankin, Christophe Rhodes, Tim Visher, and Syohei Yoshida. Many others also submitted bug reports. Thanks to everyone for your contributions.