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Working Papers
- Identification and Estimation of Continuous-Time Dynamic Discrete Choice Games. Revise and resubmit at Quantitative Economics (second round).
- Leveraging Uniformization and Sparsity for Computation of Continuous Time Dynamic Discrete Choice Games.
- Nested Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Games: A Replication and Retrospective, with Minhae Kim.
- Partial Identification and Inference in Binary Choice and Duration Panel Data Models.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Dearing, A. and J.R. Blevins (2024). Efficient and Convergent Sequential Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games. Forthcoming at Review of Economic Studies.
- Blevins, J. R. and Minhae Kim (2024). Nested Pseudo Likelihood Estimation of Continuous-Time Dynamic Discrete Games. Journal of Econometrics 238, 105576.
- Blevins, J. R., W. Shi., D. R. Haurin, and S. Moulton (2020). A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Reverse Mortgage Borrower Behavior. International Economic Review 61, 1437–1477.
- Blevins, J. R. and G. T. Senney (2019). Dynamic Selection and Distributional Bounds on Search Costs in Dynamic Unit-Demand Models. Quantitative Economics 10, 891–929.
- Blevins, J. R., A. Khwaja, and N. Yang (2018). Firm Expansion, Size Spillovers and Market Dominance in Retail Chain Dynamics. Management Science 64, 3971–4470.
- Blevins, J. R. (2017). Identifying Restrictions for Finite Parameter Continuous Time Models with Discrete Time Data. Econometric Theory 33, 739–754.
- Blevins, J. R. (2016). Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Estimating Dynamic Microeconomic Models. Journal of Applied Econometrics 31, 773–804.
- Arcidiacono, P., P. Bayer, J. R. Blevins, and P. B. Ellickson (2016). Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Models in Continuous Time with an Application to Retail Competition. Review of Economic Studies 83, 889–931.
- Blevins, J. R. (2015). Non-Standard Rates of Convergence of Criterion-Function-Based Set Estimators for Binary Response Models. Econometrics Journal 18, 172–199.
- Blevins, J. R. (2015). Structural Estimation of Sequential Games of Complete Information. Economic Inquiry 53, 791–811.
- Blevins, J. R. (2014). Nonparametric Identification of Dynamic Decision Processes with Discrete and Continuous Choices. Quantitative Economics 5, 531–554.
- Blevins, J. R. and S. Khan (2013). Distribution-Free Estimation of Heteroskedastic Binary Response Models in Stata. Stata Journal 13, 588–602.
- Blevins, J. R. and S. Khan (2013). Local NLLS Estimation of Semiparametric Binary Choice Models. Econometrics Journal 16, 135–160.
Other Publications
- Blevins, J. R. (2009). A Generic Linked List Implementation in Fortran 95. ACM Fortran Forum 28(3), 2–7.
Scientific Software
- Annotated MATLAB Translation of the Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007) Replication Code, with Minhae Kim (2019).
- DFBR, a Stata program for distribution-free estimation of heteroskedastic binary response models, with Shakeeb Khan (2012).
- PDESolutionTester, a Mathematica program for the symbolic verification of exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations, with Jeff Heath and Willy Hereman (2002).
Unpublished Manuscripts
- Updating the Centroid Decomposition with Applications in LSI, with Moody Chu, 2004.
- The Effects of Ties on Convergence in K-Modes Variants for Clustering Categorical Data, with Nick Orlowski, David Schlorff, Daniel Cañas, Moody Chu, and Robert Funderlic, 2004.