Running Marked 2 from the Command Line
August 14, 2014
Marked 2 has been out for a while now and it was even recently
added to the Mac App store. After upgrading, I immediately
noticed that the old command line tool, mark
, can no longer
installed because the app is now sandboxed. The previous
version of Marked would allow one to enable the command line interface
via a menu item called “Install Command Line Utility”. As such, I had
an old symbolic link in /usr/local/bin/
pointing to the old script
that lived within the bundle. Since that script no longer
exists, the following can act as simple drop-in replacement:
if [ $1 ]; then
open -a "Marked 2" $1;
open -a "Marked 2";
Removing the old symbolic link (if you have it) and installing this
script in it’s place will allow any pre-configured applications to
continue using Marked to open Markdown files. For example, I have the
following in my .emacs
file as part of my Emacs Markdown mode
(setq markdown-open-command "/usr/local/bin/mark")
With the above script, I can continue to open Markdown files in Marked from within Emacs using C-c C-c o.